How to piss me off and lose me forever
This is how you truly piss me off beyond words. One of the main reasons I'm posting this is for the men who left me such wonderful comments about my writing. This is how a couple betrayed me. This is how dave betrayed me. This is how I handle conflict especially when someone attacks my behavior.
Dave:I have some funny stories to tell you about "curiouscouple2" I've been chatting with them and I know that was the dude that wanted you to watch him take a shower and he also likes things in his ass. They invited me to friends and I accepted. We've chatted a lot of small talk, but this dude is nuts!! The wife is really cool though, just shy. He's a fuckin freak. I'll tell you some shit if I hear from you,
My reply:i know. im surprised he hasn't contacted me. I think i was put off limits. thank god
Dave: I've been giving him my opinion about his sexual desires. He likes dick. I made it clear I will listen and give my opinion, but I'm not into dudes at all, in fact I never talk to dudes on this site. I feel sorry for him in a sense. He just PM 'd me with his phone # and wants to know if I'll call him just for advice. He said he's moving out and separating from his wife. I'm curious to find out what happened. Early he told me he was wearing his wife's bra and panties and he has a fixation for trannys. He wants to get fucked by a dude. I think he dropped all that shit on his wife and things went south?? They are a very unmatched couple. She's very pretty, he's goofy looking. They do both have boobs!! LOL. I gotta tell you the story tomorrow. :)
My reply: oh my god i cant wait to hear it. i almost feel rejected like he picked you over me that is hilarious. i love it. he likes dick i told you any dude that could take a shower when im topless without getting hard is fucking gay period
Dave: He emailed me graphic pics of his wife and then some normal pics of him and his wife. We both have wives that are redheads. He asked for pics from me showing my wife. I sent him 3 pics with me and my wife. His response was "OMG, WOW, your guys are such a hot couple, I'd love to fuck both if you", Thats when I knew this was strange and going to get interesting!!!!
My reply: i feel strange and slightly used and betrayed. baby it makes me feel weird when you talk about two women especially your wife being really hot. im just a simple girl who is bald under a wig i cant compete. this couple was so nice to me and offered such support and they ditched me like garbage. i feel used and it hurts
Dave: No please don't think that way! I am chatting with them because it was keeping me amused when you were not online. They have been adding friends like mad since they got on this site. They're just trying to build a huge fan base as quick as possible. You're my purpose for being on this site, not them or anyone else. I love you, rest assured. Please don't feel betrayed. Their life is a soap opera that's actually a comedy. Trust me I just sent him some old pics showing what we look like. Didn't expect his response at all, kinda freaked me out. I love that you can be a redhead or whatever I want you to be. There's no comparison. I choose you wholeheartedly from the day I met you. Okay??
My reply: im never going to lie to you dave. i just had to vent to a boy who leaves me wondeful comments what it felt like to trust a couple who promised to read my blog and support me and they bailed. how can you think it wouldnt hurt for you to tell me his wife was a sexy redhead and then describe how sexy your wife is. you forget i went bald and i dont have a husband.
also you didn't read or comment on my last two blogs like the nice boy i vented to did. i even mentioned it to men who did comment that it hurt that dave wouldn't read a post that started as a letter to him. if you read it you would've found out what happened to the people who hurt me. i turned it into a beutiful account of getting revenge on the mud wrestling bitches who nearly killed me by showing up to a reuinion dinner dressed to kill with style and dignity. men who read it were truly touched that i faced the people who tormented me and i had grace,style and poise.
you didnt read about that conflict with my grandmother and see how i bragged on my mother's ability as a nurse. maybe you were to caught up seeng graphic pictures of your new friends who down right betrayed me. im having serious second thoughts that we should continue this adulturous affair with the notion of how sexy your hot redheaded wife is who can easily come in five minutes. but ill tell you one thing she cant write like me and maybe she puts up with way more bullshit than i do
Dave: Lynn, forgive me if I said something to make you doubt me. I was being opened an honest with you. The comments about the women were said by the husband, not me. I would never send you pics of my wife and brag about her looks! I didn't do that at all. The only thing I said was his wife was pretty and he was goofy looking. I was comparing them as an odd couple. That's not fair to say that about me. I'm up at 4 in the morning to talk to you...nobody else. Also, I have read EVERYTHING you have blogged, including the stories about your mom and possums story.
I haven't commented on everything because we talk about everything in PM! show me someone that's left better comments about your blogs than I have. Show me someone that actually thinks about something to say that has some actual thought behind it. I don't believe anyone compares. I'd anything, I should be jealous and envious of all the people that are seeking you out. You get to tell me about boys who love you, men who want to marry you and men who want to fuck you and cam with you.
That doesn't affect me? What I revealed to you does not compare to what your doing on your end. I don't know how you can say or think that about me. I've been with you since we met and given you more of myself, my mind and my soul, even more than my own wife!! I've always been partial to redheads, it's no secret, it consumes my profile. I'm saddened by your comment. Good night.
My reply: im not fucking stupid dave. I told you that woman viewed me as a threat because we look alike, I have the same mental condition as her husband, and he loved my writing. Then he saw my art and loved it so much he asked 'are you trying to replace my wife' she had to deal with him spending hours talking to me and face the fact he took a shower while talking to me. Of course she was jealous.
she went right to my page and found the most dominant man who chatted with me. She wanted revenge and her husband helped because he is gay. You fell for it. Didn't it seem suspicious that suddenly the couple that supported me wanted access to you. I guarantee she wrote the messages and acted sweet and innocent. That is how she approached me. It was all about getting revenge on me because her husband was fascinated by me and she was scared to lose him. women do it to me all the time. I can't believe you went for it.
You must have been interested in her to allow yourself to chat with a man you previously bashed for being gay. I guarantee it was a thrill for her to show you graphic pictures especially since she is younger than me and seeking a real man. I can't believe you would do that to me. I thought I was enough for you. I obviously wasn't. then you had to let me know you bonded as two couples swapping photos. I'm sure your wife would be devastated you used pictures of her to impress a 'curiouscouple' for your own egotistical needs to impress them both with your attractiveness. You obviously didn't share them to impress the dude. You wanted the wife who felt threatened by you to know that your hot.
I quote you directly '"OMG, WOW, your guys are such a hot couple, I'd love to fuck both if you" that was what you wanted my former friends to think with no concern for me or putting that mental image in my head. Maybe you felt like a porn star tonight but you just reminded me I'm a simple poor girl that is all alone. that hurts. I can't believe you would brag about seeing graphic nude photos of a shy, redhead who is even quite younger than me. I'm sure she will chase you hard.
Apparently she is quite a deviant sex freak. Maybe she should be your new soulmate. You fell for the oldest trick in the book. A woman who is jealous of me chasing a man I care for deeply. To have that attention must have been important because it allowed you to bond with a dude who wants to fuck a tranny who you were quick to bash a few days ago. I can't promise to trust you again.
It kind of disturbed me how you bragged about the local girl dying to piss on you. It kind of disturbed me that before you met me you collected cam girls only as friends and bragged how they chased you for tips. I put it at the back of my mind. Knowing you enjoyed seeing graphic nude photos of a woman who chased you because she considered me a threat shows me quite clearly how little you value me.
I know you will enough to know you would never have accepted a new friendship with a gay dude unless you had interest in his wife. You can't fault my logic. you certainly rejected friendship with my good friend destiny because he was a cross dresser. you said I would never hurt you and you did. You knew this woman viewed me as a threat and you are not a stupid man. You had to know this was her little revenge because her husband showed interest in me. You went for it anyway just to learn about her.
I don't know if I can forgive you. You let a manipulative woman use you to hurt me. They no longer have a need for me. I guarantee he will never be allowed to buy my artwork. You cost me a potential client and a friendship with two people who supported me. Then you taunted me with what an attractive couple you make with your wife. You and the tranny were able to bond about both having sexy redheaded wives when I AM NEARLY BALD.
I feel sick to my stomach. All I can say is I love raymond for a reason. He doesn't use d**gs, getting cocky, have a wife and expect me to be a mistress. He would always consult me if my friends tried to enter his life. I would easily be able to ask him not to do it because the woman is trying to get revenge on me for bonding with her husband. He would never indulge the fantasies of a gay man to see graphic pictures of his wife. If he did date another woman he would never brag about her sex appeal. He would go out of his way to spare me the pain of feeling inferior to another woman. He is humble. If he was married he would never share pictures of his wife to get off a bi-sexual couple. He would never tell me he saw graphic pictures of another woman.
everything you did is unconceivable to him. he would never risk loosing me to see what another woman has to offer. That is why I love him and it will be a long time until you hear me say those words to you. You fucked up big time and bragged about it. I will go to sleep nearly devastated you got so cocky and flaunted it. enjoy your new friends. They are no longer my friends. you should have valued me more.
you knew from the beginnign i was very sexual on this site because I may need the income of a cam girl. The men I have discussed wanting to fuck me or marry me are all in my past. It was a way you could get to know what I've been through and find out what kind of woman I am. yes you left good comments. but some men left comments that used fewer words yet expressed the same since of awe at my ability to write. We did not discuss the ending of my last real blog and you could not publically comment to saying anything at all. I have let you know I don't cam for anyone and there are no graphic photos of me accept what is on my page in three short tasteful videos.
When you are a married man who will never leave your wife you have no right to judge my sexuality or be jealous. I do not flaunt what few sexual encounters i have. I have made you my priority and it was fucked up for you to see pictures of another woman using you to get to me. You admit she was pretty. You are also very cocky about your superor ability to compliment my work. The boy who lavished me with praise for writing more than just a fuck-story and creating characters who grew up together and creating a love story did bring me more praise than you did with a simple notion asking to be my publisher and calling me a literary genius.
He is no skilled writer yet he focused on the fact i wrote a love story which lost your attention. You've missed some of the great comments we exchanged about my mother and her shoe issues. Yes you wrote great comments but when that boy told me he would pray to have my mother as his nurse if he was in the hospital it touched my heart. I have received many valuable comments that went deep into my personal life. I had men who consoled me to forgive my brother and not hold hatred in my heart.
I had men reach out and admire my strength and dimjandy told me that my story reads like a play he could watch unfold behind his eyes. so you are just being cocky to say that you are the only man who left me a comment with actual thought behind it. You are very wrong. Some of the best comments I received to date were on the two blogs you didn't post a word regarding. yes men love me, they want to marry me, they want to cam with me. I am a single woman. I am not in a relationship and I have the right to look for a man that wants to put a ring on my finger and sleep beside me.
What I'm doing on my end is establishing deep friendships that are not sexual. No man has seen me naked for a long time. I certainly dont send graphic photos to people. I would never scroll your page and observe the relationships you pursue despite your marriage. you monitor every comment I make to a man and feel jealous of normal non-sexual relationships even though you are married and it is really none of your business how I conduct my correspondence.
I didn't confront you over the issue but it was uncalled for to reply to comments before I did. the man asking about icecream was probably trying to be nice. Before I could reply you hit him with a crude remark that is totally not the way I treat people. I discussed with another close friend my concern that you took an authoritative tone with me berating me for disclosing personal information. I do not like to be told how to conduct my business. You were wrong to assume that i am so naive a comment with no merit would make me reward a man with camsex.
It was truly uncalled for when you tried to define me as manic when I was deeply depressed. I am not some naive c***d who needs guidance. I do not need to be monitored like my behavior is flawed. I confided in you about serious concerns. You began to focus on my sexuality like most men. then you bragged about seeing graphic pictures of a couple that were a part of my life not yours. You didn't consult me. You just bragged. It was as if you were happy to replace me. You had to tell me she was pretty. You had to tell me you were rewarded with graphic pictures. You had to brag that a tranny thought you were an attractive fuckable couple.
I would never do that to you. If one of your friends requested my attention I would consult you before engaging them. You went for it and flaunted it. That is not the way I deserve to be treated. You have the nerve to say what i discuss about men affects you. Do you realize you bragged about fucking your wife to me and how easily you make her cum? I don't fuck anyone. I certainly wouldn't tell you the details if I did. We have bonded on a daily level. But it was a taunt to keep in second place to stay with a wife and a family and keep me a secret. Men have been keeping me a secret a long time while another woman gets the glory.
I loved you deeply and was willing to deal with that remorse. It was to far to interact with the couple in my life and brag about a woman's beauty and the graphic images you saw. then to deepen the pain you described how sexy your wife is. It was a double burn. You mentioned it as a sidenote like it was not a big deal. You knew I hoped that man would buy my art. I told you she viewed me as a threat. She went right after you. This was her revenge because she was furious I talked so long with her husband. you were disgusted by his sexual urges. You let him share them with you in order to see his wife a 'sexy young redhead.' I feel totally betrayed and humiliated.
Then you attack my sexuality when you discuss flirting with a local woman who wants to piss on you. I shared the quote of the man in africa to make you laugh. I discussed the poetry to make you laugh. I did not engage with conversations with a man for entertainment purposes. My behavior is innocent. I appreciate the compliments you gave me. i asked you not to put me before your wife so dont brag to me like you did me some huge favor. I do like confident men. You are so damn cocky to infer that no comment I received could compare to yours. You were so damn cocky about starting a relationship with a couple who knew me first. You were so damn cocky he showed you graphic pictures of his wife and you showed him sexy pictures of yours.
You started telling me how i should conduct my business. im sure you tell your family the words i love you all the time. I was critisized for saying them to friends who have been damn good to me. You tried to tell me my mental status. You started answering my comments. You insinuated no other man gave me feedback better than you. You acted as though I have frequent sexual experiences when I certainly don't. It was not enough for you to betray me for the chance to see graphic photos of a pretty redhead and talk about your sexy wife.
You had to act like i hurt you in my attempt to make good solid relationships based on friendship. You are an adulturous man with an ego. Our relationship is over. I do not tolerate a man who attacks my innocent behavior while he brags about his own exploits using people that befriended me first as well as a conversation with a local woman who wants to piss on you. I wish I never met you.
To make the comment that know one said anything with substance about my writing is such an insulted. You are too big for your damn britches and I will not tolerate a man who betrays my trust and attacks my innocent desire to make good friends.
Afterthoughts: The main reason I shared this was to honor the men who left me beautiful comments with merit. Just tonight I sent a pm to a boy who admitted he was shy to post in public but he did it anyway. Damn straight that woman sought out the most dominate man on my page to engage. She can confront me all she wants. So can the Tranny. So can Dave. Go for it. To suggest that I am the one engaging in inappropriate sexual relationships is a total falsehood. I haven't cammed in months. I may have forgiven him but I do hate an inflated ego. You have to agree if he loved me so much he would have turned down a chance to see graphic photos of a pretty redhead that befriended me first. When a woman goes on a mission to engage a relationship with the most dominate man on your page and he goes for it he is a cocksucker. I'm going to miss him but I'll move on. He made two unforgivable mistakes.
1) "what I revealed to you does not compare to what you do on your end" I can't cam right now. I haven't been able to cam for a long time. Every man who reads my blog knows my focus is writing. Every single man I talk to besides raymond is just a friend. My flirtations are innocent. No man who sees graphic pictures from a couple that met me first can possibly say my behavior is inappropriate.
2)"Show me someone that actually thinks about something to say that has some actual thought behind it. I don't believe anyone compares." No body fucks with my friends. No body says they are the only person who gives me proper feedback. I hope the men who read this are infuriated at that bullshit nonsense. I don't have time to name all the wonderful people who truly praised me so very deeply offering me so much comfort. You know who you are. To say that no one compares is the most outlandish remark a man could make. I have had some very deep comments he must have not read. I appreciate each one of them.
I will use dimjandy as an example because I love the way he gives me compliments. He has been with me since the beginning. He has offered advice. He tends to quote me back on the phrase or sentence he enjoys the most. I laughed my ass off when He quoted my dialogue when scott said 'I haven't had a dick this hard in a decade and I have to piss like a race horse' Dimjandy asked are you sure your not a guy. I had to assure him I have a pussy. He told me that story made him want to cum over and over. He told me it read like a script to a great play. He told me it was perfect. When I can get feedback like that some dude who claims no one puts any thought behind their comment needs a reality check. I will not associate with a man who betrays me, tries to control me, berates my friends and accuses me of crossing the damn line.
You cross the fucking line when my former friend sends you graphic photos and you try to brag about it then tell me about your sexy wife. The proof is in the pudding. I hope destiny reads this. She sent him a friend's request. He wouldn't accept it because she cross dresses. I let him know she is an amazing articulate human being. Later that night suddenly he can council a cross dresser after he sees graphic pictures of his pretty redheaded wife. Suddenly he can share photos of his own hot redheaded wife. I'm not a stupid girl. He simply used the tranny to gain access to his pretty wife. He fucked up. she may be pretty. She is also a manipulative slut. I'm genuinely beautiful inside and out. I also don't tolerate bullshit. No one controls me or attacks my behavior when I am innocent. Most importantly no one claims to be the only person capable of giving me wonderful feedback concerning my writing.
Dave:I have some funny stories to tell you about "curiouscouple2" I've been chatting with them and I know that was the dude that wanted you to watch him take a shower and he also likes things in his ass. They invited me to friends and I accepted. We've chatted a lot of small talk, but this dude is nuts!! The wife is really cool though, just shy. He's a fuckin freak. I'll tell you some shit if I hear from you,
My reply:i know. im surprised he hasn't contacted me. I think i was put off limits. thank god
Dave: I've been giving him my opinion about his sexual desires. He likes dick. I made it clear I will listen and give my opinion, but I'm not into dudes at all, in fact I never talk to dudes on this site. I feel sorry for him in a sense. He just PM 'd me with his phone # and wants to know if I'll call him just for advice. He said he's moving out and separating from his wife. I'm curious to find out what happened. Early he told me he was wearing his wife's bra and panties and he has a fixation for trannys. He wants to get fucked by a dude. I think he dropped all that shit on his wife and things went south?? They are a very unmatched couple. She's very pretty, he's goofy looking. They do both have boobs!! LOL. I gotta tell you the story tomorrow. :)
My reply: oh my god i cant wait to hear it. i almost feel rejected like he picked you over me that is hilarious. i love it. he likes dick i told you any dude that could take a shower when im topless without getting hard is fucking gay period
Dave: He emailed me graphic pics of his wife and then some normal pics of him and his wife. We both have wives that are redheads. He asked for pics from me showing my wife. I sent him 3 pics with me and my wife. His response was "OMG, WOW, your guys are such a hot couple, I'd love to fuck both if you", Thats when I knew this was strange and going to get interesting!!!!
My reply: i feel strange and slightly used and betrayed. baby it makes me feel weird when you talk about two women especially your wife being really hot. im just a simple girl who is bald under a wig i cant compete. this couple was so nice to me and offered such support and they ditched me like garbage. i feel used and it hurts
Dave: No please don't think that way! I am chatting with them because it was keeping me amused when you were not online. They have been adding friends like mad since they got on this site. They're just trying to build a huge fan base as quick as possible. You're my purpose for being on this site, not them or anyone else. I love you, rest assured. Please don't feel betrayed. Their life is a soap opera that's actually a comedy. Trust me I just sent him some old pics showing what we look like. Didn't expect his response at all, kinda freaked me out. I love that you can be a redhead or whatever I want you to be. There's no comparison. I choose you wholeheartedly from the day I met you. Okay??
My reply: im never going to lie to you dave. i just had to vent to a boy who leaves me wondeful comments what it felt like to trust a couple who promised to read my blog and support me and they bailed. how can you think it wouldnt hurt for you to tell me his wife was a sexy redhead and then describe how sexy your wife is. you forget i went bald and i dont have a husband.
also you didn't read or comment on my last two blogs like the nice boy i vented to did. i even mentioned it to men who did comment that it hurt that dave wouldn't read a post that started as a letter to him. if you read it you would've found out what happened to the people who hurt me. i turned it into a beutiful account of getting revenge on the mud wrestling bitches who nearly killed me by showing up to a reuinion dinner dressed to kill with style and dignity. men who read it were truly touched that i faced the people who tormented me and i had grace,style and poise.
you didnt read about that conflict with my grandmother and see how i bragged on my mother's ability as a nurse. maybe you were to caught up seeng graphic pictures of your new friends who down right betrayed me. im having serious second thoughts that we should continue this adulturous affair with the notion of how sexy your hot redheaded wife is who can easily come in five minutes. but ill tell you one thing she cant write like me and maybe she puts up with way more bullshit than i do
Dave: Lynn, forgive me if I said something to make you doubt me. I was being opened an honest with you. The comments about the women were said by the husband, not me. I would never send you pics of my wife and brag about her looks! I didn't do that at all. The only thing I said was his wife was pretty and he was goofy looking. I was comparing them as an odd couple. That's not fair to say that about me. I'm up at 4 in the morning to talk to you...nobody else. Also, I have read EVERYTHING you have blogged, including the stories about your mom and possums story.
I haven't commented on everything because we talk about everything in PM! show me someone that's left better comments about your blogs than I have. Show me someone that actually thinks about something to say that has some actual thought behind it. I don't believe anyone compares. I'd anything, I should be jealous and envious of all the people that are seeking you out. You get to tell me about boys who love you, men who want to marry you and men who want to fuck you and cam with you.
That doesn't affect me? What I revealed to you does not compare to what your doing on your end. I don't know how you can say or think that about me. I've been with you since we met and given you more of myself, my mind and my soul, even more than my own wife!! I've always been partial to redheads, it's no secret, it consumes my profile. I'm saddened by your comment. Good night.
My reply: im not fucking stupid dave. I told you that woman viewed me as a threat because we look alike, I have the same mental condition as her husband, and he loved my writing. Then he saw my art and loved it so much he asked 'are you trying to replace my wife' she had to deal with him spending hours talking to me and face the fact he took a shower while talking to me. Of course she was jealous.
she went right to my page and found the most dominant man who chatted with me. She wanted revenge and her husband helped because he is gay. You fell for it. Didn't it seem suspicious that suddenly the couple that supported me wanted access to you. I guarantee she wrote the messages and acted sweet and innocent. That is how she approached me. It was all about getting revenge on me because her husband was fascinated by me and she was scared to lose him. women do it to me all the time. I can't believe you went for it.
You must have been interested in her to allow yourself to chat with a man you previously bashed for being gay. I guarantee it was a thrill for her to show you graphic pictures especially since she is younger than me and seeking a real man. I can't believe you would do that to me. I thought I was enough for you. I obviously wasn't. then you had to let me know you bonded as two couples swapping photos. I'm sure your wife would be devastated you used pictures of her to impress a 'curiouscouple' for your own egotistical needs to impress them both with your attractiveness. You obviously didn't share them to impress the dude. You wanted the wife who felt threatened by you to know that your hot.
I quote you directly '"OMG, WOW, your guys are such a hot couple, I'd love to fuck both if you" that was what you wanted my former friends to think with no concern for me or putting that mental image in my head. Maybe you felt like a porn star tonight but you just reminded me I'm a simple poor girl that is all alone. that hurts. I can't believe you would brag about seeing graphic nude photos of a shy, redhead who is even quite younger than me. I'm sure she will chase you hard.
Apparently she is quite a deviant sex freak. Maybe she should be your new soulmate. You fell for the oldest trick in the book. A woman who is jealous of me chasing a man I care for deeply. To have that attention must have been important because it allowed you to bond with a dude who wants to fuck a tranny who you were quick to bash a few days ago. I can't promise to trust you again.
It kind of disturbed me how you bragged about the local girl dying to piss on you. It kind of disturbed me that before you met me you collected cam girls only as friends and bragged how they chased you for tips. I put it at the back of my mind. Knowing you enjoyed seeing graphic nude photos of a woman who chased you because she considered me a threat shows me quite clearly how little you value me.
I know you will enough to know you would never have accepted a new friendship with a gay dude unless you had interest in his wife. You can't fault my logic. you certainly rejected friendship with my good friend destiny because he was a cross dresser. you said I would never hurt you and you did. You knew this woman viewed me as a threat and you are not a stupid man. You had to know this was her little revenge because her husband showed interest in me. You went for it anyway just to learn about her.
I don't know if I can forgive you. You let a manipulative woman use you to hurt me. They no longer have a need for me. I guarantee he will never be allowed to buy my artwork. You cost me a potential client and a friendship with two people who supported me. Then you taunted me with what an attractive couple you make with your wife. You and the tranny were able to bond about both having sexy redheaded wives when I AM NEARLY BALD.
I feel sick to my stomach. All I can say is I love raymond for a reason. He doesn't use d**gs, getting cocky, have a wife and expect me to be a mistress. He would always consult me if my friends tried to enter his life. I would easily be able to ask him not to do it because the woman is trying to get revenge on me for bonding with her husband. He would never indulge the fantasies of a gay man to see graphic pictures of his wife. If he did date another woman he would never brag about her sex appeal. He would go out of his way to spare me the pain of feeling inferior to another woman. He is humble. If he was married he would never share pictures of his wife to get off a bi-sexual couple. He would never tell me he saw graphic pictures of another woman.
everything you did is unconceivable to him. he would never risk loosing me to see what another woman has to offer. That is why I love him and it will be a long time until you hear me say those words to you. You fucked up big time and bragged about it. I will go to sleep nearly devastated you got so cocky and flaunted it. enjoy your new friends. They are no longer my friends. you should have valued me more.
you knew from the beginnign i was very sexual on this site because I may need the income of a cam girl. The men I have discussed wanting to fuck me or marry me are all in my past. It was a way you could get to know what I've been through and find out what kind of woman I am. yes you left good comments. but some men left comments that used fewer words yet expressed the same since of awe at my ability to write. We did not discuss the ending of my last real blog and you could not publically comment to saying anything at all. I have let you know I don't cam for anyone and there are no graphic photos of me accept what is on my page in three short tasteful videos.
When you are a married man who will never leave your wife you have no right to judge my sexuality or be jealous. I do not flaunt what few sexual encounters i have. I have made you my priority and it was fucked up for you to see pictures of another woman using you to get to me. You admit she was pretty. You are also very cocky about your superor ability to compliment my work. The boy who lavished me with praise for writing more than just a fuck-story and creating characters who grew up together and creating a love story did bring me more praise than you did with a simple notion asking to be my publisher and calling me a literary genius.
He is no skilled writer yet he focused on the fact i wrote a love story which lost your attention. You've missed some of the great comments we exchanged about my mother and her shoe issues. Yes you wrote great comments but when that boy told me he would pray to have my mother as his nurse if he was in the hospital it touched my heart. I have received many valuable comments that went deep into my personal life. I had men who consoled me to forgive my brother and not hold hatred in my heart.
I had men reach out and admire my strength and dimjandy told me that my story reads like a play he could watch unfold behind his eyes. so you are just being cocky to say that you are the only man who left me a comment with actual thought behind it. You are very wrong. Some of the best comments I received to date were on the two blogs you didn't post a word regarding. yes men love me, they want to marry me, they want to cam with me. I am a single woman. I am not in a relationship and I have the right to look for a man that wants to put a ring on my finger and sleep beside me.
What I'm doing on my end is establishing deep friendships that are not sexual. No man has seen me naked for a long time. I certainly dont send graphic photos to people. I would never scroll your page and observe the relationships you pursue despite your marriage. you monitor every comment I make to a man and feel jealous of normal non-sexual relationships even though you are married and it is really none of your business how I conduct my correspondence.
I didn't confront you over the issue but it was uncalled for to reply to comments before I did. the man asking about icecream was probably trying to be nice. Before I could reply you hit him with a crude remark that is totally not the way I treat people. I discussed with another close friend my concern that you took an authoritative tone with me berating me for disclosing personal information. I do not like to be told how to conduct my business. You were wrong to assume that i am so naive a comment with no merit would make me reward a man with camsex.
It was truly uncalled for when you tried to define me as manic when I was deeply depressed. I am not some naive c***d who needs guidance. I do not need to be monitored like my behavior is flawed. I confided in you about serious concerns. You began to focus on my sexuality like most men. then you bragged about seeing graphic pictures of a couple that were a part of my life not yours. You didn't consult me. You just bragged. It was as if you were happy to replace me. You had to tell me she was pretty. You had to tell me you were rewarded with graphic pictures. You had to brag that a tranny thought you were an attractive fuckable couple.
I would never do that to you. If one of your friends requested my attention I would consult you before engaging them. You went for it and flaunted it. That is not the way I deserve to be treated. You have the nerve to say what i discuss about men affects you. Do you realize you bragged about fucking your wife to me and how easily you make her cum? I don't fuck anyone. I certainly wouldn't tell you the details if I did. We have bonded on a daily level. But it was a taunt to keep in second place to stay with a wife and a family and keep me a secret. Men have been keeping me a secret a long time while another woman gets the glory.
I loved you deeply and was willing to deal with that remorse. It was to far to interact with the couple in my life and brag about a woman's beauty and the graphic images you saw. then to deepen the pain you described how sexy your wife is. It was a double burn. You mentioned it as a sidenote like it was not a big deal. You knew I hoped that man would buy my art. I told you she viewed me as a threat. She went right after you. This was her revenge because she was furious I talked so long with her husband. you were disgusted by his sexual urges. You let him share them with you in order to see his wife a 'sexy young redhead.' I feel totally betrayed and humiliated.
Then you attack my sexuality when you discuss flirting with a local woman who wants to piss on you. I shared the quote of the man in africa to make you laugh. I discussed the poetry to make you laugh. I did not engage with conversations with a man for entertainment purposes. My behavior is innocent. I appreciate the compliments you gave me. i asked you not to put me before your wife so dont brag to me like you did me some huge favor. I do like confident men. You are so damn cocky to infer that no comment I received could compare to yours. You were so damn cocky about starting a relationship with a couple who knew me first. You were so damn cocky he showed you graphic pictures of his wife and you showed him sexy pictures of yours.
You started telling me how i should conduct my business. im sure you tell your family the words i love you all the time. I was critisized for saying them to friends who have been damn good to me. You tried to tell me my mental status. You started answering my comments. You insinuated no other man gave me feedback better than you. You acted as though I have frequent sexual experiences when I certainly don't. It was not enough for you to betray me for the chance to see graphic photos of a pretty redhead and talk about your sexy wife.
You had to act like i hurt you in my attempt to make good solid relationships based on friendship. You are an adulturous man with an ego. Our relationship is over. I do not tolerate a man who attacks my innocent behavior while he brags about his own exploits using people that befriended me first as well as a conversation with a local woman who wants to piss on you. I wish I never met you.
To make the comment that know one said anything with substance about my writing is such an insulted. You are too big for your damn britches and I will not tolerate a man who betrays my trust and attacks my innocent desire to make good friends.
Afterthoughts: The main reason I shared this was to honor the men who left me beautiful comments with merit. Just tonight I sent a pm to a boy who admitted he was shy to post in public but he did it anyway. Damn straight that woman sought out the most dominate man on my page to engage. She can confront me all she wants. So can the Tranny. So can Dave. Go for it. To suggest that I am the one engaging in inappropriate sexual relationships is a total falsehood. I haven't cammed in months. I may have forgiven him but I do hate an inflated ego. You have to agree if he loved me so much he would have turned down a chance to see graphic photos of a pretty redhead that befriended me first. When a woman goes on a mission to engage a relationship with the most dominate man on your page and he goes for it he is a cocksucker. I'm going to miss him but I'll move on. He made two unforgivable mistakes.
1) "what I revealed to you does not compare to what you do on your end" I can't cam right now. I haven't been able to cam for a long time. Every man who reads my blog knows my focus is writing. Every single man I talk to besides raymond is just a friend. My flirtations are innocent. No man who sees graphic pictures from a couple that met me first can possibly say my behavior is inappropriate.
2)"Show me someone that actually thinks about something to say that has some actual thought behind it. I don't believe anyone compares." No body fucks with my friends. No body says they are the only person who gives me proper feedback. I hope the men who read this are infuriated at that bullshit nonsense. I don't have time to name all the wonderful people who truly praised me so very deeply offering me so much comfort. You know who you are. To say that no one compares is the most outlandish remark a man could make. I have had some very deep comments he must have not read. I appreciate each one of them.
I will use dimjandy as an example because I love the way he gives me compliments. He has been with me since the beginning. He has offered advice. He tends to quote me back on the phrase or sentence he enjoys the most. I laughed my ass off when He quoted my dialogue when scott said 'I haven't had a dick this hard in a decade and I have to piss like a race horse' Dimjandy asked are you sure your not a guy. I had to assure him I have a pussy. He told me that story made him want to cum over and over. He told me it read like a script to a great play. He told me it was perfect. When I can get feedback like that some dude who claims no one puts any thought behind their comment needs a reality check. I will not associate with a man who betrays me, tries to control me, berates my friends and accuses me of crossing the damn line.
You cross the fucking line when my former friend sends you graphic photos and you try to brag about it then tell me about your sexy wife. The proof is in the pudding. I hope destiny reads this. She sent him a friend's request. He wouldn't accept it because she cross dresses. I let him know she is an amazing articulate human being. Later that night suddenly he can council a cross dresser after he sees graphic pictures of his pretty redheaded wife. Suddenly he can share photos of his own hot redheaded wife. I'm not a stupid girl. He simply used the tranny to gain access to his pretty wife. He fucked up. she may be pretty. She is also a manipulative slut. I'm genuinely beautiful inside and out. I also don't tolerate bullshit. No one controls me or attacks my behavior when I am innocent. Most importantly no one claims to be the only person capable of giving me wonderful feedback concerning my writing.
10 years ago
As for wordpress where or how can I get it rember im on a tablet dear? Thank you for helping me get started dear it was your encouraging remarks that let me type it, Thank you from the bottom of my heart.