No one fucks with my momma
I snapped. It was better than sex with a movie star, ice cream, oxycontin, meth and pot combined. I went into a psychotic rage. I have talked about my family feud with my mongoloid cousins. I have yet to describe my grandmother. She is truly a monster. I avoid her at all costs. She can shock by saying the meanest things a woman could possibly say. I have despised her a long time. I tried to reconnect with her when I went back to church. She verbally assaulted me every way possible. She truly is the most shallow, vain, egotistical, materialistic person I have ever encountered. Those meals after church were lectures. In her mind a woman can never be thin enough. All she cares about is the way someone looks.
I stopped going to church to avoid her torture. In was the darkest point of my life. I was truly so bald in patches I looked like I had mange. I was at my highest wait. She forced me to stand in front of my high school photograph where I do look like i belong in movies. She lectured me that no one would treat me right until look more like that picture. It was her idea I needed to get my stomach banded because my weight was unacceptable. I was bawling like a baby. I said don't you realize I have alopecia and i can't recreate that picture. She is delusional about my hair problem. She told me I would be fine if I washed it, conditioned it, blow dried it and curled it. I never felt so hopeless in my life being forced in front of that picture.
i vowed never to visit her again. My mom calls her daily and deals with non-stop abuse. Today was the final straw. My mom convinced her to make my freeloading cousin pay her fifty dollars a week in rent. This morning he slammed the money on the table and said you better not spend one penny of my money on elaine (my mother). Then he crossed the line. He announced that my mom couldn't get a job because all I ever did was bash her over the internet and ruin her reputation. My mom was most hurt because of the smirky way she described casey's insistence for her never to use his money to help us. My grandma got off telling my mom that.
This is the cousin who vows to blow my mom's head off the moment my grandma dies. She let's an alcoholic drunk addict who vows to kill my mother live with her. My mom knew the story about me bashing her in blogs was not true. Last night I told her I watched her at work and she was so good at her job she was always a supervisor. If a new nurse couldn't do something my mom taught her how and many women learned so much from her. She loves old people and enjoys being a nurse at a nursing home. I'm so damn proud of her it brings tears to my eyes. She is so sweet to the elderly. I reminded her 'momma I saw you call so many people sugarfooter I knew you were special. Her grandpa called her 'sugarfooter' it stuck with her. When she is happy and does something special she screams up to my addict 'it's ready sugarfooter.' That's the kind of nurse my mom is she caters to the elderly like they are all her precious babies.
In private chats I bitch about her ability to be a true cunt who abuses me. But she is all I have in this world and nobody hurts my momma without answering to me. No one accuses me of saying she is a bad nurse. She has worked long and hard and treated her coworkers like royalty. She was notorious for buying CNA's starbucks and shocking them with expensive presents to make them feel special. The accusation that all I did was ruin her chances of getting a job made me lose my mind. My grandma tried to convince her it was true. My mom knows me very well and didn't believe that nonsense for a second. She knew it was just a mongoloid's way of trying to hurt her.
For the millionth time she came to my stairs and told me my grandma hurt her so bad she felt like giving up. It was the way she described her mother's pleasure that casey paid her and demanded her to stop helping us. I went ballistic. She wouldn't pick up the phone when I called to confront her. Nothing was going to stop me from barging her house and telling her what I thought of her in vivid detail.
My twin cousins were lounging in her living room eating the food she cooks for them daily. I asked where mother doris was and they said she's in the bathroom. I swung open the door and told her that she was going to quit fucking with my mother. I told her I bet you think your real cute announcing how casey paid you and demanded you to stop helping us. My momma told me what a cocky, snide thrill you got telling her that. She told my I could get off her house. I swung the door back open and told her your going to listen to what I have to say you cruel old bitch.
She spent a fortune on you taking you on vacations. She paid for everything. How dare you use her money and get cocky about a psychotic, alcoholic, d**g addicts threat not to help us anymore. How dare you try to convince that casey's lies about my writing harmed her career. He can't read my blog and all he does is make up twisted lies to fuck with my mom for no reason. You fuel the flames like this is a fucking game. That motherfucker is going to stop spreading lies about me or I'll fucking kill him.
Then I launched into a speech about how vain and shallow she was. I told her all you care about is the way people look. You never stop telling my mom she is fat. You have done that to her since she was a c***d. You did it to me when my body was basically perfect. Your twisted and sick in the head. I let her know my mom took her to a funeral and she had the nerve to tell her that her hair was ugly three different times. I screamed at her you have ruined her self-confidence, she can't comprehend self-esteem. You taunt her non-stop when she is a beautiful woman. You are never doing that to my goddamn mother again. You are never welcome in our house. We are tired of your abuse.
You let all the boys in this family get away with murder but your cruelty towards your daughters and granddaughters is irrational. She didn't even justify her behavior. She just said get out of my house. I told her fuck you bitch you are going to listen to me. Every man in your life is using you for money. You let it happen because you love attention and want people to feel sorry for you. You let a monster live in your life and I hope he beats you to death because you deserve it. You deserve to be used for money. I told her me and my goddamn momma didn't need her money. I hit my peak when I screamed i would suck dick at a truckstop rather than let you help us you stingy old bitch. My mother spoiled you rotten with her money and you treat us like trash.
I told her I was ashamed to be related to her. I told her I will never see your face again. I will not go to your funeral and I don't love you in anyway. You have been nothing but cruelty and abuse. you get off hurting people. You won't do it to my mother ever again. You stay the fuck away from us. Your cruelty makes her treat me like shit and it's going to stop. Casey is going to stop trashing my reputation with lies or I'll just kill the motherfucker. I'll kill all your goddamn family.
Then I launched into my mongoloid cousins. I said how dare you attack my mother when she risked her profession to steal him insulin he couldn't afford so you could have junk food, A/C and cable. My mother saved your father's motherfucking life and risked her own welfare to do it. My cousins tried to act like I was crazy that they conspired against my mother. I busted them all. You believe every lie casey tells and you have no appreciation for what my mother did to give you a better life. I busted out with your all just a bunch of lazy ass mongoloids. He seemed perplexed. I made it clear you have drooping eyes, your jaw is hanging open, you have a thick neck, you slur your speech it's the goddamn truth you look like mongoloids.
He responded 'hows the hair lynn?' I told him it was fucking fantastic. Trying to be sarcastic he said 'you look nice, and laughed.' I dressed for the confrontation and I did look hot. I told him 'I know I do. I lost my weight and steroids gave you man titties.' That pushed him over the edge. The only clever response he had was 'how's all that xanax, Lynn' I laughed at him and said I don't take xanax anymore you fucking mongoloid gas station trash. I stood up and then his brother tried to stand beside him. I told him if you, casey or anyone else fucks with me and my mom I'll fucking kill you all. He asked me how I planned to do that. I said with a gun motherfucker and I'm a damn good shot. They tried to demand me to leave the house. I told him I'm not scared of you I'll beat your ass right now.
He said yeah you think you could take us both on. I said easily. Try me cocksucker. Make my day and I'll destroy you. My pussy cousin said he was calling the cops. I called him a faggot afraid of fighting a chick, he needed the police to protect him. I'm not stupid. I let him dial I called him a gaping twat scared of a beat down. I slammed the door hard enough to nearly break the glass. I stood on the steps and screamed 'you don't want to fuck with me.'
I got in my car as high as kite on adrenalin. I was afraid my mother would be pissed at me. She was so fucking proud. When I told her I told her mother I would suck dick before I let her help me. She beamed. She needed someone to end the abuse. We can't take any more. No one could be around those monsters. I wonder if casey has the balls to confront me. I guarantee he doesn't. No one fucks with my momma. No one makes false allegations about my writing.
As a side note weird shit happens when I go into a rage. Light bulbs blow out. When I raged out over the possum massacre the tv broke and my best friend swore on the bible it was my fault. This time I blew out another electric socket. I had to plug it in another socket and wait ten minutes praying it would restart. I got lucky. I was convince my rage fried it beyond repair.
I stopped going to church to avoid her torture. In was the darkest point of my life. I was truly so bald in patches I looked like I had mange. I was at my highest wait. She forced me to stand in front of my high school photograph where I do look like i belong in movies. She lectured me that no one would treat me right until look more like that picture. It was her idea I needed to get my stomach banded because my weight was unacceptable. I was bawling like a baby. I said don't you realize I have alopecia and i can't recreate that picture. She is delusional about my hair problem. She told me I would be fine if I washed it, conditioned it, blow dried it and curled it. I never felt so hopeless in my life being forced in front of that picture.
i vowed never to visit her again. My mom calls her daily and deals with non-stop abuse. Today was the final straw. My mom convinced her to make my freeloading cousin pay her fifty dollars a week in rent. This morning he slammed the money on the table and said you better not spend one penny of my money on elaine (my mother). Then he crossed the line. He announced that my mom couldn't get a job because all I ever did was bash her over the internet and ruin her reputation. My mom was most hurt because of the smirky way she described casey's insistence for her never to use his money to help us. My grandma got off telling my mom that.
This is the cousin who vows to blow my mom's head off the moment my grandma dies. She let's an alcoholic drunk addict who vows to kill my mother live with her. My mom knew the story about me bashing her in blogs was not true. Last night I told her I watched her at work and she was so good at her job she was always a supervisor. If a new nurse couldn't do something my mom taught her how and many women learned so much from her. She loves old people and enjoys being a nurse at a nursing home. I'm so damn proud of her it brings tears to my eyes. She is so sweet to the elderly. I reminded her 'momma I saw you call so many people sugarfooter I knew you were special. Her grandpa called her 'sugarfooter' it stuck with her. When she is happy and does something special she screams up to my addict 'it's ready sugarfooter.' That's the kind of nurse my mom is she caters to the elderly like they are all her precious babies.
In private chats I bitch about her ability to be a true cunt who abuses me. But she is all I have in this world and nobody hurts my momma without answering to me. No one accuses me of saying she is a bad nurse. She has worked long and hard and treated her coworkers like royalty. She was notorious for buying CNA's starbucks and shocking them with expensive presents to make them feel special. The accusation that all I did was ruin her chances of getting a job made me lose my mind. My grandma tried to convince her it was true. My mom knows me very well and didn't believe that nonsense for a second. She knew it was just a mongoloid's way of trying to hurt her.
For the millionth time she came to my stairs and told me my grandma hurt her so bad she felt like giving up. It was the way she described her mother's pleasure that casey paid her and demanded her to stop helping us. I went ballistic. She wouldn't pick up the phone when I called to confront her. Nothing was going to stop me from barging her house and telling her what I thought of her in vivid detail.
My twin cousins were lounging in her living room eating the food she cooks for them daily. I asked where mother doris was and they said she's in the bathroom. I swung open the door and told her that she was going to quit fucking with my mother. I told her I bet you think your real cute announcing how casey paid you and demanded you to stop helping us. My momma told me what a cocky, snide thrill you got telling her that. She told my I could get off her house. I swung the door back open and told her your going to listen to what I have to say you cruel old bitch.
She spent a fortune on you taking you on vacations. She paid for everything. How dare you use her money and get cocky about a psychotic, alcoholic, d**g addicts threat not to help us anymore. How dare you try to convince that casey's lies about my writing harmed her career. He can't read my blog and all he does is make up twisted lies to fuck with my mom for no reason. You fuel the flames like this is a fucking game. That motherfucker is going to stop spreading lies about me or I'll fucking kill him.
Then I launched into a speech about how vain and shallow she was. I told her all you care about is the way people look. You never stop telling my mom she is fat. You have done that to her since she was a c***d. You did it to me when my body was basically perfect. Your twisted and sick in the head. I let her know my mom took her to a funeral and she had the nerve to tell her that her hair was ugly three different times. I screamed at her you have ruined her self-confidence, she can't comprehend self-esteem. You taunt her non-stop when she is a beautiful woman. You are never doing that to my goddamn mother again. You are never welcome in our house. We are tired of your abuse.
You let all the boys in this family get away with murder but your cruelty towards your daughters and granddaughters is irrational. She didn't even justify her behavior. She just said get out of my house. I told her fuck you bitch you are going to listen to me. Every man in your life is using you for money. You let it happen because you love attention and want people to feel sorry for you. You let a monster live in your life and I hope he beats you to death because you deserve it. You deserve to be used for money. I told her me and my goddamn momma didn't need her money. I hit my peak when I screamed i would suck dick at a truckstop rather than let you help us you stingy old bitch. My mother spoiled you rotten with her money and you treat us like trash.
I told her I was ashamed to be related to her. I told her I will never see your face again. I will not go to your funeral and I don't love you in anyway. You have been nothing but cruelty and abuse. you get off hurting people. You won't do it to my mother ever again. You stay the fuck away from us. Your cruelty makes her treat me like shit and it's going to stop. Casey is going to stop trashing my reputation with lies or I'll just kill the motherfucker. I'll kill all your goddamn family.
Then I launched into my mongoloid cousins. I said how dare you attack my mother when she risked her profession to steal him insulin he couldn't afford so you could have junk food, A/C and cable. My mother saved your father's motherfucking life and risked her own welfare to do it. My cousins tried to act like I was crazy that they conspired against my mother. I busted them all. You believe every lie casey tells and you have no appreciation for what my mother did to give you a better life. I busted out with your all just a bunch of lazy ass mongoloids. He seemed perplexed. I made it clear you have drooping eyes, your jaw is hanging open, you have a thick neck, you slur your speech it's the goddamn truth you look like mongoloids.
He responded 'hows the hair lynn?' I told him it was fucking fantastic. Trying to be sarcastic he said 'you look nice, and laughed.' I dressed for the confrontation and I did look hot. I told him 'I know I do. I lost my weight and steroids gave you man titties.' That pushed him over the edge. The only clever response he had was 'how's all that xanax, Lynn' I laughed at him and said I don't take xanax anymore you fucking mongoloid gas station trash. I stood up and then his brother tried to stand beside him. I told him if you, casey or anyone else fucks with me and my mom I'll fucking kill you all. He asked me how I planned to do that. I said with a gun motherfucker and I'm a damn good shot. They tried to demand me to leave the house. I told him I'm not scared of you I'll beat your ass right now.
He said yeah you think you could take us both on. I said easily. Try me cocksucker. Make my day and I'll destroy you. My pussy cousin said he was calling the cops. I called him a faggot afraid of fighting a chick, he needed the police to protect him. I'm not stupid. I let him dial I called him a gaping twat scared of a beat down. I slammed the door hard enough to nearly break the glass. I stood on the steps and screamed 'you don't want to fuck with me.'
I got in my car as high as kite on adrenalin. I was afraid my mother would be pissed at me. She was so fucking proud. When I told her I told her mother I would suck dick before I let her help me. She beamed. She needed someone to end the abuse. We can't take any more. No one could be around those monsters. I wonder if casey has the balls to confront me. I guarantee he doesn't. No one fucks with my momma. No one makes false allegations about my writing.
As a side note weird shit happens when I go into a rage. Light bulbs blow out. When I raged out over the possum massacre the tv broke and my best friend swore on the bible it was my fault. This time I blew out another electric socket. I had to plug it in another socket and wait ten minutes praying it would restart. I got lucky. I was convince my rage fried it beyond repair.
10 years ago
Have a awesome weekend Mark
Don't let the wants of people here pain you. Some have a hard time looking beyond the physical aspects of relationships. 1 good one out of 10 is a good start. Looks like you have more than that anyways. I think you are a beautiful person.
And thank you very much.
Your strength and devotion to those you love both a testament to the strong passionate woman you are and an inspiration to us not to take shit from anyone. You family sounded truly fucked up and you are best to cut the cord and be done with them. Your grandmother sounds like a real piece of work.
We all need good hearted, caring people in our lives. People who laugh with us when we are happy and cry with us when we are sad. Through thick and thin. I don't need many people just a few good ones.
Judging by the responses to your blogs, we are surrounded by people who care about you. And I am not afraid to hear all your stories. Actually I look forward to it.