Sex my disney world fantasy

Now for the fun part. I will be your little florida secret. I live smack dab between beautiful beaches and disney world. I insist we have a naughty little day at disney world. I promise to wear a short jean skirt with no panties and a tiny tank top with my tits on display. I know the park like the back of my hand. We will be quite the scene kissing and groping each other while we wait in lines. I'm sure there will be many stares as you cant resist putting your hand up my skirt and firmly groping my tits.

I dont know if you have ever been there. They sell these infamous rainbow colored lollipops shaped like a unicorn's horn. Of course I will be sucking your dick when we are secluded in a dark roller coaster designed for two people. You can time me to see if i can swallow your load before we reach the end of the hunted house ride. I will make you ride 'its a small world' with me just so you can slide that huge ribbed lollipop deep in my pussy while you suck my tits. Im sure if someone does see me writhing up and down as you fuck me they wont want to spoil the show.

Of course it will leave my thighs a sticky rainbow covered mess that you can finally lick clean when we are totally secluded on the skyway ride which will just be the two of us high in the air in a secluded cabin perfect for you to get on your hands and knees and taste my candy flavored pussy as you work your fingers up and down my clit and i thrust deep against your face begging for more. We may have to buy more than one lollipop. there are lots of secluded little areas to play.

On the water rides you can get me soak and wet. I know several little rides that are perfect for me to whip out your cock and suck you until you almost cant take it anymore. Sometimes the k**die rides are the best. I just guarantee we will both have fun sucking my pussy juices of lollipops the whole day. you will be surprised how many times you want back in the haunted house. My favorite ride will always be splash mountain. It is a long ride with plenty of time for you to make me cum. If we time it right you can make me cum right as I feel the rush of the biggest nearly vertical drop in the park. yes baby i have many plans for you
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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dzonwanski 10 years ago
That's a nice story .. my dick was suddenly getting hard while I was reading ... He'd like more of this from you. You're a good writer.. I'm sorry you can not see on camera :frowning:(((

snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : I have read it and left a comment on the story providing my phone and xhamster worked correctly I am so glad you have had some good news and will keep my fingers crossed for you getting more good news its a shame things had to get so bad for your mother to realise but she is helping you now so that's all that matters
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : thank you my sweet teddybear. i am sure i have a nice pm waiting for me from you. i am exhausted. i missed a night of sleep to write my best sex story ever. i do hope youll read it if you havent already. even so sedated i could barely walk i went to the social security office with my mom. she has to do the driving, the paperwork and basically speak on my behalf. We got good news and more paperwork. it is a huge fight to earn disability. soon she will take the computer we share to start the process of applying for us both to get foodstamps. it took a lot of work to convince her to do the paperwork for me. food is a big deal for me. we had to get pretty damn hungry and pawn precious heirloom jewelry to eat last month. it was a wake-up call for her to finally address the issue of getting us help. Im terrified i wont qualify without having and income or having a disability check. Porn and sex for money is not my idea of a perfect scenario. However, I'm destitute. I have so much debt that I may have to do a lot of things that most people wouldn't do. But Im staying positive. God takes good care of me. It will all work out according to his plan for me.
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : I am very proud of you, you have set your goals and are growing into them then expanding them you know what you have to do and how to get there, if I am honest I am not sure about the porn thing I may be wrong but my gut feeling is bad its up to you what you do I have faith in your choices and will offer support and help in anyway I can you just have to ask
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : thank you my sweet teddybear. you would be proud of me. I got quite a few blogs posted on wordpress and figured out how to copy and paste all my tags. in a day or two I should be caught up. Then I will launch a chatturbate, then i will tackle tumblr which may be too censored for my needs. then i will investigate literotica. I mostly cleared out my pm box of recent messages. each night I will take on the backlog. then I have to set up a website for my artwork. Then I have to launch an art and writing blog that is brand new on facebook. apparently I can set up a shopping cart through facebook. I also have to figure out where i can link an amazon wish list to. I'm still waiting on a friend to return the scanner i stupidly left at his house thinking he would help me. I have to figure out how to put pictures of art on a flashdrive to give my mentor at the printshop to scan for me. He has to turn pictures i took of old art into images that are digitally touched up and reborn. I'm on hold until I get that damn scanner. I am hoping the boy who fixed my computer will figure out a way to 'crack' my trial version of photoshop. I have to start scanning my images before I commit them to new art. I still have to track down and beg someone local to take the nude photos I need to incorporate in my art. I have to figure out how to get foodstamps, I have to resubmit my claim for disability from scratch now that I have a lawyer. I did get my audio fixed so i can cam. I may have found my first under the table client. He threw me an offer for one night of real sex to pay me ten grand and make me a porn star. I'll do it because it will be a thrill to claim porn star status and ten grand would solve all my problems. I have to figure out how to ship fragile art for a customer who is waiting on me. that i have to do tomorrow. I have to pray he is legit and sends me a money order. the two hundred bucks will help me print paper copies of work i already have scanned. I have to research local sites that I can set up as an art vendor free of charge. In theory I should take the canvasses I already have and try to get them in local galleries. but I need fast cash and not consignment style service. But I am working hard and trying to manage time. I really hope the man i spent all evening is serious about buying my work. On two pieces I won't make a profit but he will be paying for the scan i need to print cheap paper copies to sell at art shows. before i go to bed I'm going to try to pump out another sex story. I would like to hit literotica with at least a handful of good material. I have a ton of art selling sites to research. I'm crippled because my credit is to bad to get a paypal account. I have to convince my evil mother she wont use money if i set one up in her name. without a paypal account im screwed. but im trying to stay positive and motivated. im taking it one day at a time.
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : I was looking at it as thought you had a team of people pasting on the blogging sites then letting you know when you need to reply so you have more time to reply rather than checking every single one all the time. But this is your blog so you do it how you want and I look forward to reading more blogs and fantasy's from your beautiful mind.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : my sweet teddybear, your offer is so kind. But I know it is something I must do myself. I need to be in charge of all the forums I post on. It's not that I don't trust other people. It's just that I'm stubborn. If I do the work then I can relish in the reward when I do get new followers. If someone did it for me then it would not be a priority for me which it should be. It will just take time and I will do it one step at a time. Your right it is a man's loss if he chooses not to read my work. I'm proud of my writing. It is true that finding a blog like I create is truly rare. It just makes me more determined to get it out there on all kinds of forums and keep it updated. In so many ways this blog is still brand new. I can copy it on other sites as long as I start now and stay dedicated to doing it on a daily basis.
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : If they don't read your blogs its there loss, its a nasty thing to say but ignore them and focus on the ones who read and care, you can take a horse to water as the saying goes. would it help if other people copied your blogs into the other sites for you on your behalf?
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
Thank you baby, i may have been trying to tell you for months that you would enjoy my blog and not think of it as a hassle or a waste of time. Even when I write about personal shit I let men go deep inside my brain and dig around. Rarely will you meet a woman with that much confidence. My goal is to turn men on. This is a porn site. One of the ways I turn them on is by telling stories about my life and how I became the woman I am. Men get the total picture. It would be too easy just to write sex stories. I delve into my past so men understand me. I am a complicated woman. I am also a damn good woman. I want men to get aroused, laugh, think and appreciate their own strengths and weaknesses. All my blogs will be hot. Even ones that tell about nightmarish situations earn me respect and make men realize I'm one tough bitch not to fuck with. That is how I get men off. The erotica is easy. My real blogs give you the inside scoop on who I am and what I do that is deviant and sexy
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : I don't know why wordpress won't let me copy and paste. I guess I will try to use a smaller list of tag words. I know on tumblr it is even hard to find appropriate tag words that are not censored. But I try to do a little each day. It is shocking how few pm's I was able to answer. Men are simply not reading my profile or they would not say and do the things I simply beg them to avoid. I would've loved another great night of writing. But I feel duty bound to tackle enough pm's to provide adequate correspondence that states in a few sentences how I operate. It is difficult but sometimes I do make a man curious enough to read my blogs especially since the last three were straight erotica. but I bust my ass fighting to persuade men to read my work or leave me alone.
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : Have you tried both ways to copy and paste. If neither work would it be more time affective to type in that one first then copy it into your other blog locations, dont worry about your gramma that's why you have people to prof read things for you before they get published
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to wolfrider2121 : dear wolfrider, I thought long and hard about space mountain. I adore that ride. Even though it is in the dark it won't work for sex play. You are seated by yourself with your partner behind you. It would be great fun for masturbation. However, there are so many twist and turns I could rupture an ovary if I attempted it with a lollipop. Not to mention my luck I'd get the stick in my eye. Thunder mountain is a possibility. It would be hard to go undetected. It is also too bumpy to suck a cock without ramming it with teeth. It has been so long since I went to epcot. I actually have an epcot phobia. You're right the spaceship earth ride would be classic foreplay fun. I had a field trip to epcot in eighth grade. I was with ditzy delinquent girls sneaking cigarettes. All three of us weren't paying attention where we were supposed to meet at the end of the day. Our focus was seeing which boys we could play with on the water ride in Norway. It took hours for us to be found. The whole school had to wait. My mom picked me up bitching that some dumb chicks forced her to wait all damn night. She nearly died when I told her I was one of those dumb girls. I had never been in trouble my whole life. My mom never bitched and screamed so loud in my life. Trying to say calmly 'mom i just got lost' did no good. She asked me what the proper term was for punishing a child. I asked do you mean 'grounding or restriction.' She said 'whatever they call it is fine with me.' Your restricted for a long time. That weekend when it was time for my normal friday night movie and sleepover at a friend she tried to stop me. I had a teenage hissy fit in pier one imports that made legends. I was not about to miss one weekend of partying because of epcot. I called her out for all the times she was late to pick me up. I called her out for being an hour late to pick me up from a birthday party when her excuse was having the shits. I called her out for leaving me on my swing set and forgetting to make sure I was in the car before going to the grocery store. She only had two kids to keep track off. Watching your mom drive away when your running after the car is unforgettable. She did it more than once. She could get half-way to walmart before realizing I wasn't in the car. I was that kid sitting on the side-walk waiting for my mom to show up all the time. She caved. I was allowed my normal weekend party time. It was official. My parents were such fuck-ups that they could never restrict my behavior. After the epcot fiasco I was banned from field trips for the rest of the year. I wasn't even allowed to attend the party on the playground the last day of school. I sat in detention anytime a special event was taking place. I wasn't even allowed to participate in academic field trips for the gifted program. Epcot kind of traumatized me. I don't even like looking at the big silver dome. Getting me to go to Epcot again will involve letting me get shit ass drunk and ride the Norway ride over and over.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
I'm sorry I missed you daddy tanfan. I explained in a page comment that I spent most of my evening deep in discussion with a friend who needed advice and showed interest in purchasing my art. It was my duty to listen and bond with him. But even when I am busy you are never far from my mind.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to I_love_angel : me too baby, breakfast, lunch and dinner, what could be better than cum, pussy and lollipops
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : you're absolutely right my teddybear. I do need to focus on transferring blogs from here to my secret wordpress account. I am saddened that I have posted three or four blogs and I don't have any new followers yet. I know I must keep at it. In some ways the sexual nature of my earlier posts may be to graphic for wordpress. I will try to research literotica tomorrow. I will also try to start a new tumblr. It is just so time consuming to copy and paste posts. On both sites the time killer is thinking of tag words people can search to discover your blog. I have a huge list but I can't get wordpress to allow me just to paste it. I have to re-enter it all by hand. I will also start a chatturbate and post these blogs there as well. There are simply not enough hours in the day. It is hard to juggle blogs. But it is worth it. If I ever do want to get published I need a following. My work is not chronological and it varies from topic to topic. I will need an editor to piece it together. I have major grammar flaws that need to be addressed. I am a long way from being published. But you see that I work almost nightly to write non-stop. Eventually it has to equal something. At least that is my prayer. Wordpress is kind of fun because I post all the comments I get along with my replies. Sometimes my replies are more entertaining than the actual blog.
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wolfrider2121 10 years ago
Just got in from work and disney was boring before for md lin as I was watching my younger brother at the time, but disney with you sounds like a major bast. In more ways than one just imagine riding space mountain as long as it takes how is your knowledge of epcoct ridiing on the spaceship earth ride mmmmm. This post will be short I need to respond to your comments on other post.
I_love_angel 10 years ago
to linmarris : your sweet juicy pussy filled with my cum with a hint of lolipop would be so delicious I could eat that every day mmmmmmm
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snake_500011 10 years ago
to linmarris : I will try and help you any way i can and the more people you have reading your material the greater your chances of getting published (sent you a pm)
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to snake_500011 : teddybear you have the best advice. I've never heard of literotica but I have to check it out. I enjoy writing about sex. It is fast and easy for me to do. I love writing period. If I can find a forum that allows me to post more erotica then it will be such a blessing. Of course anything I post there I will also post here. I could've delved deeper into this fantasy but it was written for speed. If I do elaborate on it to post on literotica I will repost the amped up version that tells more details.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to hotrocker : you busted me hot rocker. I got put on the spot to pump out a fast dirty story and all I could think about was our disney world fantasy. So I had to write about it and I hope you enjoyed reading it. I didn't know you followed my blog or I would've mentioned that this little fantasy was inspired by hot rocker. Don't worry I won't post dates. But don't keep your strawberry shortcake waiting too long. I crave that ribbed lollipop in my pussy.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to rebz10 : I promise reb if you come to florida I will take you there and we will get naughty.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to I_love_angel : it is heaven. what could be better than a cherry flavored lollipop coated in sweet pussy juice
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
I love it I learn something new every day. I cant wait to have the time to research his involvement with porn. But the whole park is teeming with private places for couples to play. Maybe that was his plan
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
a trip to florida baby and taking this girl to her favorite spot on earth. You can't beat disney world in my book. When good things happen I demand disney world
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
he may not have had it on his mind but it's been on my mind since before puberty
snake_500011 10 years ago
Lin you are a wordsmith weather talking from the heart or telling one of your fantasy's you describe each little bit it feels like you are there or when you talk from your heart like your talking to a single person have you posted anything on literotica? (think that's how its spelt) if you haven't I think you should
hotrocker 10 years ago
Lol you are posting all our plans... don't post dates :wink::grinning:
rebz10 10 years ago
never been there but sound like fun specially with you doing all the naughty stuff.
I_love_angel 10 years ago
this sounds like heaven mmmm would love to taste that swee lolipop pussy mmmm
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to _That_one_Guy_ : first ride disney's version of splash mountain and then ride my version
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