An open invitation to fuck with someone who fucked

It's a long story to explain what happened with DocLowe. To make it quick I was a damn good friend. I gave him a world class education about the benefits of using the VA and improving his health. I educated him about his rights and exactly how to live a better life with the free healthcare he earned in the military. If you earned VA healthcare you are ignorant to pay for inferior medical care. I schooled him about the results of not taking proper care of his feet as a diabetic. I spent a long time telling him how to live a better and longer life filled with things he earned. He got creepy with love messages way to intense. He is a married man in poor health fixated on finding women like me and trying to control them.

I went to sleep and I don't know why he snapped on me through skype. the message was 'holy cow, you just don't get it OR MAYBE YOU DON'T WANT TO' I was confused. All I know is I already have an issue with male authority. When a man insults my intelligence or morals I am furious. When it happens for no reason I am livid. I tore him a new asshole and he offered to grovel as he apologized. I knew right then he was dangerous. I told him how do I know that if i do something you don't like you won't come on xhamster and leave a comment bashing me. He made a dumb mistake not warning me he already had or things would be different.

I just happened to scroll comments and he posted 'I care for you deeply, you won't receive it, too bad.' His intention was to give anyone who read it the impression I don't respect and properly treat people who really care for me. His arrogance made him throw in 'too bad' as if he planned to offer me so much. I went insane with fury he did exactly what I feared he would do. My reply was so fueled with anger it's actually hilarious. My name and reputation are a big deal to me. People who care deeply for me are showered with non-stop attention and love.

He read it and all he could say for himself was 'wow what a rant.' I launched a full reminder of what I did for him and offered him with a firm dedication the damage could be repaired if he busted his ass to make it happen. When a person fucks up I always let them undo or fix the damage. When I went to post my reply I was blocked on my page. I went to his page and was blocked. I hit new levels of fury that he could attack my reputation and defend his own. I almost blacked out in rage. I went to skype where I wasn't blocked and the first thing I did was let him know he was a pussy who couldn't handle a fair fight. I had fun attacking him with words. I ended it with every adjective in the book to tell him he should get off of xham because he is old, ugly, manipulative, crazy, perverted, malicious, dangerous, scary and more. In principle I posted my entire rant on my page. It is funny to see me go on a mission to fuck someone up with words. Those adjectives would warp anyone's mind. I want him to stop abusing nice women like me for no reason.

My new friend asked me about the topic and told me I should write a blog. I'm blocked so I can't do it. However, if you understand what if feels like to have a man or woman fuck with your reputation for no reason with a comment you can relate. I don't expect anyone to do it. I will be tickled pink like a pig in shit if someone has the balls to do it. I found out he even changed his name to barlo. I'm so sick of people fucking with me. I'm getting down right malicious. I beg anyone with a streak of mischief to go for it and leave a comment on his page to damage his reputation. I got my revenge with words. I am simply allowing other people a chance to attack any man like him. Unleash hell on him and just tell me in a comment vaguely what you said so I can giggle. All we have is our reputation. If you hold it sacred this blog makes since to you. Soon when I address more negative feedback I will return to telling my story but here is his link Even if one person leaves a nasty comment telling him not to fuck with girls like me I will be delighted. Don't worry he will come after you. He is a coward and a pussy.
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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fulltimeflirt 10 years ago
to linmarris : Not all men are like that honey and you are wonderful I love your work and it is wonderful that you care so much for the VA it is a great place Love ya honey
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fulltimeflirt 10 years ago
Hi my dear friend I am so sorry internet issues here I will soon read and write more soon thanks for being a wonderful lady XXOOXXOO take care and be safe my sweet friend
submarinemike 10 years ago
WOW as a retired Navy Chief you helping him like that touched a chord with me. It's a shame this ended up like it did. Add in you are gorgeous and makes it that much worse.
fulltimeflirt 10 years ago
Ok baby I know you love me :smile:
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to fulltimeflirt : jesus mark. i suck with names. i have called you dave a thousand times. i apologize thanks for correcting me
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fulltimeflirt 10 years ago
to linmarris : Hi honey name is Mark and it is ok honey I love reading what you write and it is always wonderful and well written take care and have a wonderful night
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to bails1010 : dear bails, i wish I had been able to reply to your comment sooner. I would've praised you so hard and engaged you into a new deep friendship. I had a hard lesson to learn. It took me all day to accept it. I don't know if you read chapter 2. I know you didn't read chapter 3. I had eleven weak ass comments that didn't have merit. One man truly praised me and he has become my new best friend. I can tell you it was one of the best things Ive ever written. It was so heartbreaking but I'm proud I kept it comical and positive. I know my worth. It is just impossible to earn respect on a porn site with a good blog. God had to teach me a lesson. I was focused on friendship and support. I need to think about paying for medicine. I have to be a cam girl. I can do it know with no remorse. I found out what men want. They want short, sexy and sweet. They want exactly what I described my perfect dress to be. Fuck it. I can start thinking about money and stop fighting to make friends.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to sundipper1 : dear souldipper earlier in the day i would have showered you with devotion for such great feedback. However, replying to comments taught me a lesson I needed to learn. I don't know if you read chapter 2. I know you didn't read chapter 3. I had eleven men read my best work and leave me feedback so weak I found it offensive. One man paid me respect. He is also a writer. I consider him my new best friend. All I can say is those eleven lame comments were proof that you can't earn respect on a porn site. God needed to teach me a lesson. I wanted to devote myself to friendship and support. That is a silly pipe dream. I have to be a cam girl. I found out what men want. They want short, sexy and sweet. It is exactly like the dress I described all night. Life is a bitch and I can finally mix sex with money and focus on profits not love.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to fulltimeflirt : thank you dave, i would talk long and hard about the VA and your gesture. I had to face the fact that no one is able to read my best work. I hoped you would at least read chapter three and leave a decent comment. You didn't. Eleven men left a response so weak it disrespected my intentions. One man showed sheer admiration for my talent. He is also a writer. Very quickly he has become my best friend and only need in life. I tried to use this blog to earn respect and support. If chapter three didn't work there is no way to be respected on a porn site. God works in mysterious ways. I needed a kick in the ass. I had to have some reason why I could stop reaching out to men for support and friendship and think about money. I will write for my own therapy. Mostly I will stick to short sweet erotica to turn men on an help earn me a way to live. I tried to get respect. It was not achieved. That is how a nice girl like me can finally mix sex with money and deal with it. That's all men want. They want me short, sexy and sweet just like the dress I described.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to _That_one_Guy_ : Thank you for such a deep comment. I have spent the day dedicated to replying to any comments I missed. I have a new agenda. I don't know if you read chapter 2. I know you didn't read chapter 3. I can tell by the way you write you were not one of the eleven men who wasted my time leaving feedback with no merit. I had one man realize my worth. I consider him my new best friend. He supported me in long letters all night. Now I can address the lesson I learned. I poured my heart and soul into a blog dying to earn respect and support. I didn't get it. It was too long and deep. If I can't make a man respect and support me after reading a blog like that it can't be done here on a porn site. I waged war and lost. God needed to teach me a lesson. I'm in a financial crises. I can't try to make men understand me. If I write it should be for short sexual pleasure. I had to have something force me into accepting thinking of men as a paycheck and not a new friend. I know it's sad. If you read it you will understand my reasoning. I can't make men see me as anything but a sex object. I can say fuck it and finally mix sex with money. I tried to make men realize who I am. They want me to be a sex doll and very short and sweet. Ironically, it's just like the dress I described.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to sparkyxx69 : sparky i can only say if I reached this comment earlier in the day I would have shocked you with my devotion to men who support me. I can accept defeat. I don't know if you read chapter 2. I don't know if you read chapter 3. I have twelve comments. One of them has merit. I made a new best friend. It was one of the best things I've ever written. I talked about issues that should have forced men to respect me. I got nothing but the worst feedback ever. I have changed. I can write for myself now. I can't promise to reply if you comment. I no longer give a shit. If that blog couldn't earn me praise and respect it cant be earned here on a porn site. It was a lesson God had to teach me some way. He always guides me. I have to be realistic. I'm broke. I have to be a cam girl. I must focus on short sex blogs. I must write to provide pleasure. i can stop fighting for support. I only need myself. I needed a kick in my ass to tell me to get back to business. My life is on the line. I can be a camgirl now and focus on money instead of love and support. I can play the game. It sucks. But damn I can't undo a lesson from God. I have to promote myself as just a fucking slut.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to FunkyChicken209 : my souldog you have no clue. He came back begging to redeem himself. I finally had to block him from my skype. I have changed a lot since the last comment i replied to from you. I poured out my heart and soul writing chapter three. I could be wrong but I don't think you left a comment. I will be honest if you did it was one of eleven responses that were so weak it was a disgrace for men to leave them. If you happen to read that chapter you will understand my deep depression. My writing has never been better. My story couldn't be more heartbreaking. I still made parts comical and stayed positive. I'm proud of my work. I made a new best friend. He is a writer. He is brand new and he left the only comment that was worth reading. I can accept defeat. I won't stop writing. I just truly don't give a shit about getting feedback or support. It was a lesson I needed. this is a porn site. You are a rare exception. It is basically impossible to make men here respect you or be consistent. I can accept defeat. I can finally be a camgirl. I can stop fighting for respect. I will just be pleasure and my top priority will be money. No one reading your best work is how a nice girl like me can actually handle treating men like a paycheck and stop hoping for love.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
good tan man I have a broken spirit or I would speak very highly about what all the VA offers men.
bails1010 10 years ago
ok bit confused, will do want you want as far commenting on this person, but your last post on his page was lets say favorable, no don't want get to get into pissing contest with him unless its warranted , I have no problem in standing up for a friend, or standing to the side as show of support, but need your current perspective, but i will say this, you already stated hie issue's and main one is " non-compliant diabetic, that in itself has serious baggage as to this guys disdain, I commend you on trying to steer him to the VA, but that healthcare system,has issue's too, very intimate on how VA works,was an insider ya might say for decades!!! Lin I am at your service!!
sundipper1 10 years ago
the gates shall open and what rode forth was not nice not nice at all. be nice till its no longer time too be nice
fulltimeflirt 10 years ago
I too am eligible for the VA military healthcare but I have a reasonable insurance plan through work and the VA hospitals are all about 1 hour travel from where I live. That friend of yours I went and left and nice comment on his page and said a friend told me how he was nice. Take care friend and have a awesome night love ya
_That_one_Guy_ 10 years ago
wow some people cant look past the sanctuary of their own ignorance and will only do what they feel benefits them without seeing the consequences of there own actions and how it may effect others only to make them selves feel better they gain nothing yet lose a lot i found myself dealing with such people its a shame, but i don't pitty them they dig there own holes now they get to sleep in it
sparkyxx69 10 years ago
does* sorry typo
sparkyxx69 10 years ago
anyone unable to respect and appreciate what an amazing woman you are shouldn't be worth your time lol were sorry though as this doe happen to the best of us. Just know we think yer amazin an hope ya dont get to down!
rcy157 10 years ago
oh dear.. I suppose blocking him on xhamster will be better so he can't say anything to ruin your reputation x
rebz10 10 years ago
Don't mess with Lynn!
FunkyChicken209 10 years ago
It sounds to me like your friend need to calm down and take a cold shower before he fuck-up a good friendship