Real blog. Read this if you contact me. Part one

This is a real blog. This isn't about sex or erotica. This is personal. This is going to be long. I am a writer and an artist. I am a totally unique woman. If you contact me in an honest attempt to find out who i am this is something worth reading. I haven't been on xhamster long. In some ways this forum has changed my life. In around one hundred days I have been a whirlwind of good amateur porn because I love doing it. I have met men all over the world and it shifted my own perception of beauty. This is a porn site. Most men just want to have a good time. Then there are men looking for someone special that is sexual, intelligent, honest and most of all real. Men don't understand that being beautiful is not something I'm used to. I was a sexy little bitch from f******n to eighteen. I don't have many pictures but I posted the few I have. At the same time when I was sexy men didn't know my worth.

In america weight is such a dominating factor when it comes to sex. I was really hot but I didn't know it. I was a size nine with the best tits in the whole goddamn town. It didn't matter a thinner girl with half my charm always took top priority. All of my closest friends were also sexy. When we hit high school as a team we busted up the system. Older girls could not compete in any way to the sex appeal we had as a freshman. Because of weight I had every man I dated try to use me to date my best friends. Because my friends were all thinner I was overlooked until men dated them first and I seduced them. Beauty didn't set me apart. It was my brain, my personality, my sexuality and so much more.

My life unfolded like good fiction. That is why I write about it. I know I'm different than most women. Trying to explain why it happened is one of the reasons I write. This blog is unique. I have been on so many forums telling my story. Most of it happened on facebook. I didn't make it easy to find. Not many people read it. The lack of feedback is why I'm writing here. I will usually focus on sex. I'm not stupid. This is a porn site. However, I can't answer all the pm's or skype messages I receive. It is impossible. My blog is the best way to reach me because it is my priority. As a writer there is a reason to keep telling my story. There is no reason to make up a plot. From conception to thirty two life hit me with enough stories that writing a fake story is not worth my time. I have lived hard and fast. It will only get better because I'm truly hoping to hit infamy. I'm not perfect. I'm simply honest. When I make a mistake I learn from it. Writing for people who don't read it is a pointless endeavor. This is a challenge to see which men here on xhamster will be a part of my world. If you want me then read me. I am over the bullshit hassle of giving time to men who have no value.

In time I will unleash a whole laundry list of sexual escapades. The art of seduction is my skill. My story is a blend of achievements and horror stories. It is fun to share them. Before I get back to the synopsis of why I never felt beautiful let me warn you what one boy did. I don't want another repeat. I don't know if you read the blog I wrote about my relationship with black men. It was a good story to tell that has so many more funny facets. I just hit the highlights. One man contacted me on skype to ask me if what I wrote was real. I responded that any story I write that mentions the word real is not even enhanced for entertainment.

A few days later he made the comment who would have guessed you were a bbc slut. Jesus fucking christ I hit the point of rage when I am dangerous. He got a speech about the fact this is 2014 and it is normal for white people to fuck black people. I ripped him up and down for acting as though my relationship with black men should be shameful or worn as a merit badge. I also warn men not to call me a slut until you know damn well it doesn't offend me. Over time it is totally normal for me to have relationships with men who address me as their little slut. I love that shit. I am down for a nice game of wordplay. 'Hey slut' is normal when you have cammed with me. Until you know for sure what I think of you be careful what the fuck you say to me. I let him know I think he is a racist cocksucker. I hit him with the truth that if any of my black men knew some dude called me a bbc slut they would make him piss and shit blood and then I blocked him.

Back to the story of seduction. I got damn good with my skills. No woman was safe. Because of me weight women dismissed me as a threat and I took them down. My early sexual experiences became legend in this town. That is the funny thing. As an underdog from a small town I made a reputation for myself. Women had to learn about me the hard way. I had more secrets than the national enquirer. I would not produce an orgasm for men at the same time I was a slut that broke every rule in the handbook. I will always have a crooked view about sex and relationships. i do not like being tied down. Men ask me all the time why I'm not married. The men who should have married me fucked up every time. When I do decide I'm ready for marriage I stop playing games. I am faithful, loving, supportive and devoted. They break my heart over and over.

Being bi-polar was an undiagnosed problem I didn't understand until I was thirty. No one on earth should've not noticed the issue. It began in elementary school. I have never been able to go one full week of school. My cycle is four days of high paced accomplishments. On the fifth day I can't wake up. I rotated between missing monday and then friday. In kindergarten I stood out and people noticed. I taught myself how to read damn good between three or four. I was in a stroller at disney world at two when someone came up to me and told me what a pretty baby I was. I was a goddamn beautiful little girl. My mom never gets over the fact I stunned a stranger by removing my pacifier and speaking entirely like an adult. I do not remember the details but I have always been too advanced not to stand out and get special treatment. By the way giving up my pacifier was such a huge issue that I blame it for my addiction to giving head. I am truly an oral fixation dilemma.

Because I could read I was so far advanced the whole school knew in kindergarten something was special about me. I was never forced to take a nap. Teachers let me learn things very young. In elementary school I was always allowed to go to the nurses office and sleep when it was needed. First grade was an issue because I have no handwriting skills. it takes time to learn how to read what i write. I write fast and hard. I can't read it. People loved me for that flaw. In second grade I became a problem. There was no way for my teacher not to know I was gifted. I did the work to fast. I always had the right answers. I raised my hand if she asked a question. I got bored and crawled under tables to talk to boys who should've been learning. There is a reason for the gifted program. It has nothing to do with giving k**s like me a better education. The school system wouldn't budget in the program unless it was necessary. I was told to take the test. It was my first academic challenge. I loved it. It involves a major IQ test that females are at a disadvantage to pass. Boys have better toys than girls that involve spatial skills and hand coordination.

Removing k**s like me from a normal classroom happens because we misbehave out of boredom and stop the learning process. You can make straight A's and have no ability to pass the test. In my grade there were two females who passed and four boys. The other little girl was black. It is very true it is important for any black female to not pass but be allowed into the program. Her name was sheritta and we were bonded for life. She had to work so damn hard it is uncanny. She was special. I finally had to compete with highly disruptive and brilliant boys with better math and science skills than me. It didn't matter I missed so much school because I was too smart to control. I faked being sick with no clue why I had to sleep. There is no illness I didn't fake during school besides cancer. My parents didn't care because they were ignorant. They refused to tell me my IQ because they didn't what me to be cocky. When k**s in gifted proclaimed their number I was not able to tell them mine.

My whole family was proud of me for being so smart but there was envy and abuse from my brother and my cousins. My uncle demanded to see my yearly equivalency tests. I couldn't understand why my results were so different. It is a chart that grades you on a world wide percentile scale. No one understood mine. I had no real results. I had a row of tiny dots. My uncle knew what it meant. He had to explain it to my parents. I am in the 99th percentile. When you can claim it with the papers to match then you can compete with me. It means there is no higher score. It is perfection. It means simply when you rate intelligence there will be one percent of people who beat you. There is no way to score higher. Those tests gave me a free pass to be absent when I pleased.

By sixth grade k**s like me were entirely isolated from normal k**s. We can't be in the same room. We are taught about being gifted. It means we don't care about grades and work as hard as a person who gets classified as advanced. You do get special treatment and experiences. There was a summer school program for us. It offered my first chances to learn drama, video production, spanish and more. That program got me hooked to a stage like a crackhead. Freshman year I had years of acting experience. It was a whole set of k**s with a different free pass.

For the most part we were all deviant gifted k** who abused the system. No one called our teacher Mr. He was simply called rutter. He was hilarious. He was a hardcore alcoholic with no drivers license so he rode a bike to school. He could not stop tweaking his nipples. He didn't give a damn what we did. It was an hour long guaranteed pass to fuck up. We sat in the dressing room and smoked. We had so many rooms to hide in. Pot heads learned to climb into the lighting system to get high. He had to try and make us quit getting high out of fear we would get stoned and set the school on fire. There was a tradition for older k**s to find out who had merit and give us something sacred. The school had a master key to open any door. Rutter let us hold his keys so much we copied them and past them out when needed. It was possible for us to unlock the school and sleep there. My freshman year a senior girl delivered her goodbye speech letting us all know she was homeless and she slept in the prop room for most of high school.

The administration had no clue what we did. For conventions we needed a female chaperone. Rather than find one who would disrupt our system rutter faked that his internet girlfriend was there. My friends in gifted were bitches with an attitude that any misconduct was grounds for dismissal of intelligence. Only drama k**s knew about my secret life. I would have a whole set of boys oblivious to what I was up to. I had my vice. It was always sexual. It was an issue with being dismissed as first choice and using men for a thrill. I faked being a virgin not to get pushed into fucking when it was so easy. Rutter knew all about my sex life. He walked in on me regularly and apologized for the disruption. He got my best friend worse. Freshman year he walked in on her sucking dick and didn't say a word. Fuck yes I had a key to the school. I didn't piss in the crowded bathroom. I had balls to unlock the teachers bathroom which was clean and supplied with toilet paper. If I had to sleep and it was not possible to leave I unlocked doors and slept on a bed.

But no one knew my biggest secret. It was something I could never trust someone not to stop. I didn't get a break in life. My parents were cruel. At f******n my dad was working a minimum wage job at a restaurant. He set me up big time. He announced I was old enough to work and he got me a job. He was a monster who hated me and ignored me. You have to understand that I have a brother four years older than me. My whole life he beat me unmercifully. He had never worked a day in his life. My father could have have got him a job or asked him to work. He chose me as his victim and my mother allowed it. When you have nothing and suddenly you have a chance to work at any age you do it. It was unmercifully cruel and i*****l c***dhood labor that is now impossible for a restaurant to do without getting busted. America did get better when it came to stopping what I went through. The fine for what my boss got away with would shut him down now.

I have one friend who can confirm my story because when she turned f******n she worked there with me. As a team we knew what real life was about. Without her in my life no one could understand me and believe what happened to us. Gut instinct tells me to post this in case my computer shuts down. I have so much more to say. I am on a mission seeking help. Before I ask I want any man who cares about me to understand what i achieved. And what my life was like. This is just the beginning. The next one or two blogs are when I explain what is wrong and why I am writing and not camming like I need to. There is a reason why I haven't answered messages or replied to comments. I'm busted. If a man contacts me it is time they realize what I have to do because I have no choice. Just like unlocking doors in high school I am opening doors that are off limits. Before I go back to writing for pleasure it is time to explain how things have changed.
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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i just read your blog, i guess some people forget that other people no matter what have emotions and feelings like everyone else, i know what siblings are like and parents do have a tendancy to ignore what goes on and defend the wrong ones big hugs for you.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to tagitbaby : this morning i would have showered you with praise even after you told me you didn't read the whole thing. i learned men who don't read it all at once never truly go back and read the whole thing. I don't know if you tried chapter 2. I'm positive if this was too long you could never read chapter 3. It's a shame. It's some of the best writing I ever achieved. I had twelve men leave me some of the weakest comments possible. I had one man honor me the way I deserve. I consider him my new best friend. I am basically in love with him for what he said and how he wrote me all night. I accept defeat. I tried to let men get to know me. It was a failure. It is not possible to earn respect here. I can relax. I can write to please myself. I will no longer encourage men to read it. It was a lesson i needed to learn. In every way I am prepared to be a cam girl, play the role of a dream lady and focus on earning money.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to BrotherBigCock : My dear earlier in the day i would have poured out my heart and soul to reward you for such a beautiful response. I don't know if you read chapter 2. I don't know for sure but I'm almost positive you didn't read chapter 3. I have twelve comments. It was my best work as a writer. those comments have such little effort in them that it broke my heart. i had one man write something of merit. He is my new best friend. He is also a writer. In many ways I may have fallen deeply in love with him. I give up trying to give men a real story worth reading. It can't be appreciated. Men don't stick with me. I have no hope a single person cares if I write chapter four besides the man I fell in love with. I can accept defeat. I guess it was a lesson I needed. In so many ways I can stop being real. I can write to give men physical pleasure only. I can write with no need for one single comment. I am finally able to be a cam girl who is mainly concerned with earning money. You can't earn respect here. If I couldn't do it with that blog it can't be done.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to jbento : jbento I have already reached out to you when I was in high spirits to praise each man that left me a comment. I have faced the fact. Message me another night and I will help you write and focus on getting you started. i have that gift. I will give it to you. Tonight i must mourn. I don't know if you read chapter 2. I don't know if you read chapter 3. forgive me if I am wrong but I don't think you commented. It was some of the best work I ever produced. men didn't read it. It got some of the most lame comments you could imagine. In many ways I give up. If I couldn't teach men to respect me and praise me after writing that blog it can't be done. I no longer write for comments. i write to fill a void in my life and share it with my new best friend who also writes. he left me a comment that honored me. I can accept defeat. I let xhamster hurt me when I tried to let men in for the millionth time. I can relax. I can accept being a camgirl who is playing a role and only concerned about earning money. I can only tell you that is what I learned from the responses I received after chapter 3. Now I am going short and sexual.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to boundnbred4sir : I've been on a mission to reply to each comment i missed. there weren't that many. Earlier I poured out my heart and soul to honor those comments. I'm broken. I don't know if you read chapter 2. I'm nearly positive you didn't read chapter 3. I only have twelve comments. one has merit. I made a new best friend. he is a writer and he read chapter three and knew how special I am. My writing has never been better. My story is jaw dropping. Men don't give a damn. I'm a flavor of the week. Now one said anything of merit except my new best friend. I'm done. I don't write for comments anymore. I no longer cherish giving replies. When I do my best work it is dismissed for length. Now I write to please myself and my new friend. Once again xhamster just hurt me when I tried to let men in. In so many ways I can relax and just focus on being a camwhore and getting paid. That's what you realize after you hit chapter three. No one gives a shit.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to don_quixote010 : I started this day on a mission to reply to each comment i received and shower men with praise. earlier in the day i would have basically worshiped any man who left a comment. It hit me how few men want a real blog. I don't know if you made it to chapter 2. I may be wrong and you are one of the twelve men to comment on chapter three. I know my worth. My writing has never been better. My story should've forced men to finally see how tough I am. I had one writer hit me with good feedback. He gave me a wonderful compliment and told me i needed to be a ghost writer. I am so gifted in time i may become one. He is my refuge. If you read it scan the weak comments it earned. this girl is giving up the fight. Men don't read me when i peak and tell a story that should earn respect. I failed. In many ways im ready just to play sex kitten all day and be a cam girl doing it just for money. that is what my best work achieved. I will stick to short and sexy. Men don't like who I really am.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to icouldbethatguy : thank you for your comment. I was in good spirits with high hopes to shower men who left me comments with sheer devotion that shocked them. I lost the feeling. You read part one and you know I tell a good story. Fuck yes the ductwork for stage lighting was perfect for smoking pot. You could actually see a joint light up from the stage and watch smoke billow down. My teacher had no sense of smell. It was lovely. Basically I hoped to engage men to learn about who I am. It was a stupid endeavor. This is a porn site. I hit chapter three and hammered out a blog I'm so damn proud of it scares me. It didn't get read. Twelve men left a weak comment. One writer reached out to me with real praise. He is my refuge. We swapped stories all night long. I slowly lost all drive to work towards letting men learn who I am. When it gets long and it gets serious it is dismissed like an old phone book.
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tagitbaby 10 years ago
didn't read it all yet but i will . you are more then a pretty face . hope to talk to you soon . bye sexy dream lady
BrotherBigCock 10 years ago
Your best experiences are yet to come beautiful! xox
jbento 10 years ago
you are encouraging me to create my own blog sharing my experiences and live. you have the give of the word, ill try to express myself in english but is not easy and i dont know ehere to start. im fluent in english language. thank u for encourage me write again.
boundnbred4sir 10 years ago
so far that is one hell of a story i cant wait to read more
don_quixote010 10 years ago
good to see a real blog and even better reading it. going to read ch 2 now..
icouldbethatguy 10 years ago
if only my school grades were good enough to come and go as I pleased. very nice. and I never woulda thought to hide in the cieling lights to smoke lol. very clever
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to novadrive : Im so sorry it took me so long to respond to your comment. It was something I was anxious to discuss. As you may already know I put a great deal of thought into the responses I make towards a comment. I've been through hell in back in the simple task of making the men who hound me non-stop for cam sex simply read this blog and support me with a comment. Chapter 2 has been written about the adventure and what I learned. As I start the first few pages I talk about the fact I hope my blog becomes a forum. It is a way for a man to relate to a topic I discuss and share their own experiences. It is always going to be a free zone for men to talk about their lives. It's not easy to write a blog. One of the reasons I write it is for comments like yours. It is a place where we can discuss topics like racial equality. Most men want me to stop writing about my real life and return to short sex stories. I will in time. First I feel I need a proper introduction about who I am. Telling my story isn't easy. It's worth it for moments between two people like us. I hit home on issues that people want to talk about. Finding that on a porn site is so rare I may be the only woman who pulls it off. I will get to a point when I can discuss what united my parents. It was the integration of the school system. I live in rural florida in possibly the most racially divided town you can imagine. I will make this brief but my grandfather moved his family to St.Croix and my dad was the only white kid in the school. Racism goes both ways. He had to learn how to take a beating and still treat the men who attacked him with kindness. He had to prove that skin color didn't matter. By the time he moved back to our small town he was more black than white. He never changed. My parents united ashamed at the way good black kids were beaten. It's a long story but I was raised not to be prejudiced. My mom had no problem that my friends were all black. pooh bear the boy I dated preferred white women. He could come in my house. As a white girl I wasn't welcome in his. People need to change. It takes time. I get called a nigger fucker as if this was the sixties. In some ways I wear it as a badge of honor. I prefer the company of black men over white men. The man that has my heart now is black. I know when we are together in my town people will left up their noses like they smell shit. Let them have their ignorance. Skin color doesn't matter. Love matters.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to DimJandy : in chapter 3 i will discuss more of the chaos involved with my school. I also responded to many comments about intelligence. Some people don't realize it comes with consequences. You can be too smart for your own good. It makes you impaired with social interaction and simple things a normal person does with ease. In chapter 2 I talk about writing being a selfish-indulgence for me. I have reached a breakthrough. I adopted this forum over facebook for feedback. I'm going to write somewhere. I know more men would read it if I wrote short sex stories. For me writing is therapy. It solves my problems the way opiates relieve pain. It's nearly impossible to get men to read it. I have discussed in another reply I am trying to help people. When you hear about my life you should realize somethings you took for-granted. A natural reaction will be to appreciate your loving parents, partner, children, ability to work, financial situation and more. Reading a blog like mine can make a person re-evaluate their own qualities. I was in turmoil when I began chapter two when I finished I realized what a damn good woman I am. I am blessed with a good heart. I was raised right. I help people. I asked the men hounding me non-stop for a donation towards a new computer or simply to read about who I am and leave a comment. You would've thought I begged for a kidney. Chapter 2 is honest about the lengths I go to if I receive a similar request. I know a benefactor could truly help me. Feedback from writing could truly help me. I don't require either. I can pull money out of my ass even if the process is heartbreaking. I would do it for a friend. I would do it for a stranger. I will finally do it for myself. Chapter 2 was about self-realization. I am generous and I can use words to help myself and others. I do fear failure. If I succeed I can help a lot of people. I can do for others what no one was willing to do for me. I know in my heart that God watches out for me. He teaches me lessons. I trusted too many people to have a heart and mind like I do. I needed a wake-up call to put myself first. I no longer need comments. They are nice. I'm trying to make people happy, aroused and grateful for what they have. But you can't expect people in this day and age to understand my values. The world has moved on. It will not stop me from writing. If no person on the planet chooses to read it I will not be hurt. I'm doing what I love. My heart is pure. I'm honest. Most people fear ridicule. I have no fear. It's a selfish indulgence and a worthy way to spend my time.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to DimJandy : dear jim dandy, im so sorry it took so long for a reply. chapter 2 has been written. It is long. I understand if you don't read it. I covered many topics and one of them is my voice. I did it just for you. my voice is very special. I'm working on getting audio. keep your fingers crossed. i lost a lot of friends trying to ask for them to read this post and get to know me. everybody let me down in some way. chapter 2 tells the story. I do hope you comment. It would mean the world to me.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to katerkaterkater666 : something as simple as keep on is all i need to hear in life. chapter 2 has been written. It's all about what i went through asking friends and lovers for support. I can only hope you'll read it and follow the steps to add me to skype i need friends now more than ever.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
dear vogel, sorry it took so long for me to respond. I write because I love doing it. men refuse to read it and it hurts. I just want them to get to know me. I'm not good with names. I do not know if we are already friends on skype. I'm about to eliminate 95% of my contacts. I don't want to delete you on accident. I am going to send you a pm. please do not send me one my box is full. chapter 2 has been written. It is up to you to read it and see how ive changed.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to hurley123 : dear hurley, I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond to such a great comment. chapter two has been written. I apologize for the length. that will always be an issue. At the same time I am proud of my work and the fact I go deep. This has all been a test. Too many men think of me as just a free pass at cam sex. I'm making motherfuckers read and write just like you did. As I hand out the test it kills me. I know men won't pass. They will sit there and bubble in the answers without reading the questions. Very rarely will a man read my work. That is why it is important to me to take a break from just writing about sex and write about life. If men want to get to know me I make it so easy. They are simply too ignorant and lazy to read. After the way friends and lovers reacted to my simple request to read about who I am and comment I lost trust in everyone. I will keep fighting. I am no longer on a mission for donations or comments. I figured how to do it by myself. I can only hope you read chapter two and follow the steps to add me on skype. Always remember my pm box is full and the only way we can get to know each other is through blog comments and if you add me on skype. All my friends hauled ass and I need to replace them all I can do is send you a pm and ask for your friendship and a response when you read chapter 2
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to divedog1960 : Dear dive dog, I talked about you a lot in chapter two. First let me apologize it took so long for my reply. Chapter 2 explains what happened when i asked the men who hound me for camsex for support. It was like a cruel joke. when i talked about you first it was to explain i want my blog to be a place where men can discuss their own problems. It is a forum for men to relate to my experiences and talk about theirs. I will make it quick by saying nothing seems to stop me from writing my best work and losing it. I get tired and hit some mystery button and it's gone. I get devastated. Then starting from scratch is like pulling my hair out and I never seem to get back the magic I lost. I also discussed what else you said that truly touched me. You hit it dead on. Even though my work is sad it makes a person happy to watch me overcome obstacles and end up on top. That's good writing. There would be no reason to write about my life if it was all easy and carefree. I keep trying to tell men there is always a bright side to anything I write. I don't write a 'woe is me' blog. I'm truly happy that I didn't get any breaks in life. Working hard has made me so strong. I don't understand men. They loved when I wrote simple sex shit. When I discuss my real life it should make a man horny. I have bigger balls then most men. A chick with the keys to the school who slides through the system is sexy. Most women would be to scared to get caught with that key. Fear doesn't stop me. When I want toilet paper I find it. One day I'll explain our catastrophe of a bathroom and why toilet paper was a crises situation. You will bust out laughing when I talk about what we all went through trying to take a piss at our school. I want to turn men on. I take a different approach. I talk about why I became confident and strong. It sucked to be the chick who had to wait for hotter friends to date a boy first. The fun of my story is the act of seduction. I have busted my ass testing men on skype to try my blog. I'm going to tackle a pm box with the same approach. I just want men to look past a pretty face. What I do is unique and I feel sorry for men who miss out. they bust their ass to find a beautiful woman who provides a free cam show. They find me. I had so many requests that testing them to read a blog and comment is necessary. I just had a boy hit me up on skype. I told him about my blog and the test. Because I plan to be a cam girl he busted out with the normal response. Are you telling me this just to get money. I just sighed. I made it so clear I want a circle of friends who will read my blog and give me feedback. I told him he was a typical response. He got offended and told me that wasn't very nice. I'm tired of being nice. When I tell dumb fucks on skype what I'm looking for they act like I'm speaking chinese. These past few days I have learned most men will always be dumb and lazy. Now that I'm pretty women treat me like shit. Men sexually harass me non-stop. Men must realize my writing is linked to my sexuality. I give them the key. They want it so bad. The stupid motherfuckers stand in front of it looking confused. It's just a goddamn door. That's all I want. A man like you, gets the key, knows how to unlock the door and enters my little bordello for sex.
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stefancello 10 years ago
i like this. wanna read more later:smile:
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to rebz10 : Dear reb, I'm so glad you found me. I needed you so bad. We have chatted since you added me to skype. I make it easy enough that any man can do what you did. It takes courage and you know what kind of woman I am. I try to make it so clear how to reach me and what my real name is. All you have to do is read. It is easy to enter my world. I will always know when a man like you finds the clues and has the balls to send me a request. You will always have a special place in my heart for finding me when I needed you the most. As you know part two doesn't pick up where the story left off. Talking about my parents happens in chapter 3. As you know most men won't read it. It is an issue of length. Soon I must return to writing short sex stories if I expect anyone to appreciate it. However, before I go back to sex I'm letting men know who I am. Finding men willing to do that is nearly impossible. But I keep trying. I want to know which men accept a challenge and the reward is huge.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to rcy157 : I have just begun. It has been a hard life. If people read this blog I want them to appreciate what they took for granted. I see people mistreat their parents all the time. I see people bitch about hard work. My life began as an unwanted pregnancy. I will get to that story. When my mother discusses the topic she does say I was the best mistake of her life. When you come into this world with two parents that didn't want you there is abuse. I wrote a quick blog of topic about what I did for a man and his response. Then I wrote chapter two last night. It does not pick up where the story left off. It discusses what happened when I asked friends to help me plead my case. I gave you all the credit and the glory. I haven't heard from you in days. In the blog I explained that you earned a free pass from reading my blog and commenting. Like so many friends I just needed you to do it once. I needed to know you could do that for me. I haven't heard from you in days. I'm worried about you. I think I fucked up a good thing. I got emotional about you. I have done it in the past. In the blog you realize I put our friendship on a level where all men were warned you come first. You always will if I hear from you again. I am honest. Saying 'I basically love you' most likely ruined a good thing. More than ever I need friends. I know I fucked up. I am so praying you are just on a holiday. But I can see the signs. I scared you away. Just like everyone else on this site you most likely ceased contact and hurt me the most.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to rcy157 : my IQ level is almost a problem. You've heard the expression 'I can read you like a book' I can read most people so easily. It hurts what I read. The truth is a person less advanced as me has a better life. Sometimes it hurts too much to read people. To know their motivations is heart breaking. Life has changed since I stopped being ugly and worked to be beautiful. men talk to me like my appearance means I'm a naive little girl. just trying to destroy that notion is my new goal. I focus on my intelligence in this blog not to brag. I was not like you my attendance was so sporadic my intelligence let me fall through the gaps. People should've caught on that I had a mental disorder. You can never understand how awful it is not to know what is wrong with you. I should've been diagnosed by twelve not 31. I would have better self-esteem if I had the diagnosis sooner. I just thought of myself as weak. It took a long time to reflect on my life and understand all those absences. Writing on facebook was devoted to erasing the notion I was a slacker and replacing it with the fact I busted my ass to keep up.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
hello tanfan. why does it say you are retired. have you left this realm?
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to rcy157 : rcy you are right I'm genuine and I'm a lady. We talk nearly daily. You know my trials and tribulations. you know my gift for telling funny stories. you let me anally rape you with words. I can honestly say you are the only man on xhamster to treat me right. I just wrote you a message. you didn't respond to my last message. I calmly explain i recognize the pattern. It happens to women all the time. men earn it. then when they hear it they flee from the pressure. the words are 'i basically love you' you earned it with time and dedication. but you are a man on xhamster and those words mean I probably won't hear from you again. yes life has not been treating me well. I made it worse by sharing my emotions with you. I can say goodbye. Or you could shock me by accepting it. I know the odds are not in my favor. But I am honest at all times. you earned it. I'm basically in love with you. I guess that means we shall never speak again. life will be much harder without you. but I can hope. the right man will hear it and be happy.
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rcy157 10 years ago
a genuine lady I have been speaking to.. so sad that life hasn't been treating you well x
rcy157 10 years ago
I do wish I had your leve of IQ.. since my grades at school were not that brilliant even though I attended classes regularly xxx
rcy157 10 years ago
oh dear.. must have been a hard life for you... look forward to the next one or two blogs xxx
rebz10 10 years ago
Nice blog Linda. The parents part is sad thou. Do they still treat you poorly even today? looking forward to read the part 2.