Real blog. why ive gone missing
if you have read my blogs or chatted with me you understand my absence. being bi-polar and dependant on adderall comes with a price. each month i haave two totally active periods of great communication. then i run out of medicine. I have been asleep for an unknown period of days. I have missed great comments and feedback. Slowly as i detox off of adderall I will be able to function more. in a few days i will be able to reply to comments and be slightly normal. Right before i ran out of medicine i took a break from skype. many men have added me and i have not accepted the invite. it's not because im rude. i simply cant communicate right now. many men will dismiss me as an unreliable flavor of the week. Some men will stick around and be understanding. this blog gives me a place to warn men of my absence and assure them i will be back. it just takes time for me to go from sleeping all day and night into a pace of sleeping just the majority of my time.
10 years ago