Status update
I'm about to crash hard. I hit a manic state and focused on writing. That mean's i missed all pm's and skype messages. if im playing on skype i ignore xhamster. If im playing on xhamster i ignore skype. When I'm in the mood to write I drop everything and do it. Today I spent most of the afternoon posting my last blog on facebook. I don't get feedback there. I wrote such long post people ignored anything I wrote. I can kill time or I can steal it. I made a few decisions. If I get a blog comment I will guarantee a man or woman a response even if it's as simple as thank you. Since I have a hard time keeping things simple I'll hit you back with a reaction to what you post. I'm going to try and reply to every comment someone puts on my page. i won't bother with people who just say thanks for the add. Just know every time i read it i think to myself thanks for the invite. by focusing on a reply to comments I feel like I'm engaging good men when they engage me. I get hit with a lot of pm's usually I can tackle a lot of them. When I'm focused on writing then I loose track of time. it took me hours to end my reign of terror on facebook. I'm so glad I found a better place to blog where I can tell naughty stories and write erotica. I want to make this very sexual. But I want to make it real. I will juggle both aspect knowing personal issues will get little to no feedback compared to erotica. I will always warn if a post isn't sexual. I don't want men who are looking for erotica to feel like I wasted their time. It will be clear whether it's sexual or just me using this forum as a place to vent about life. what I do is selfish. This is my new playground. I make posts so I can remember them. That's why it's not all erotica. Since I dropped facebook I have to use this site as the place I do discuss daily events or concerns. But a comment has to get a reply for me to feel good about engaging the men that do read my blog. And if your lucky for c2c this is not a good time. I'm on my period. It's hard work getting men off when my pussy is a no go zone. I don't have a period every month. When my body does have one it can last a freakishly long time. since my cam is malfunctioning and I'm bleeding it's not likely I'll do c2c. I have to much fun writing and I go in waves when All I want to do is cam or all I want to do is write and answer messages. but comments come first. if a person takes the time to leave one than I take the time to write back. goodnight I may sleep a long time. I may be up at midnight. I have no clue.
10 years ago