Please read this if you are waiting for a response

I wrote my definition of a long blog. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it made me angry. My computer shut down before I could post it. From now on I will write on Microsoft word to keep that from ever happening again. I did tell the stories of the men I fell in love with from this site. It is real love. I do have a few good men that I know I can count on. But I have to claim defeat. I am going to eliminate nearly every man on my skype list. For the most part they only contact me in hopes of getting c2c. Last night I played the game. I am very sexual. But before I get sexual I need to bond with men. I’m sick of being a flavor of the week. Too many men contact me once a month just to see if I’ll get them off. It’s ridiculous. I won’t put up with it anymore. I’m not a fucking sex doll.

I do live shows when I’m in the mood to be naughty. I do them free. I tend to let men contact me to whack off as their way of thinking me for a good show. I’ve made some great new contacts going live. The more often I do it the harder it will be to keep up answering pm’s and skype messages. At the same time I’m ready to hit the restart button. It’s time to drop motherfuckers and focus on new men. Sex is great. What I really need is a new circle of friends. I am not able to answer all the messages I get because I refuse to be a one line response. When a man compliments me I go in depth to thank him and praise him. When someone I know asks about my day I give a vivid account. I’m a writer that’s what I do.

Good friends know that if I simply respond with one sentence something is wrong and they worry about me. Keeping this blog changes everything. I am brutally honest. It’s refreshing. I talk about taboo issues and I know how to tell a funny story. I love doing it. At the same time I feel guilt for not being able to respond to beautiful messages the way they deserve to be responded to. I am a complex woman. I have issues. I do take regular breaks from skype and xhamster. Sometimes I need solitude. The best way to reach me is going to be skype. As I eliminate motherfuckers who only want cam sex once a month I open a doorway for new men to give me the companionship I need.

I have a few rules. I don’t cam with men who don’t show their face. I’m sick and tired of men who talk to me for one night, declare they love me and call me 25 times the next day. Love can’t happen in one cam session. I ended up breaking hearts when I give it a shot. I’m not a fucking secretary working at a call center. Please don’t send me sad faces and beg me to pick up the phone. I have issues. When I run out of the legal speed that keeps me from being sedated I truly disappear. It happens on a monthly basis. I warn men it will happen. When it does they still get pissed off and become aggressive or whiney. I’m looking for patient men that like to have conversation. I want true friends that contact me almost daily. If you can’t stop in and say hello once a week you are wasting my time and I won’t be able to remember you.

I do have exceptions to every rule. As a man you know if you can treat a woman with respect and not press her for sex. You know if you are laidback and funny. You know if you can enjoy long messages and not feel like it’s a waste of time. You know if you communicate with mostly smiley faces and one line that has no value. I am a really smart woman. At the same time I get conned. Men will spend hours earning my trust and my sexuality and never contact me again. If it happens again I’m going to get hostile. I just had one female friend block me because I didn’t say happy birthday. She declared me a selfish bitch. I checked my calendar. It was the same day I was out of medicine and I didn’t leave the bed. That kind of behavior is why I rarely talk to women. I warned a man in Montenegro who called me a bitch that saying that to my face means I throw a punch and bust up your damn mouth. It goes the same for women. If you think you can call me a selfish bitch in real life you better be prepared to get hit. I don’t tolerate bullshit.

I look very innocent and sweet. Don’t let looks deceive you. I can defend myself and launch a verbal assault you will never forget. In real life I have faced abuse and I fight like a fucking man. I have a great story to tell. It is full of moments when I conquer hurtles and achieve success. I also have stories that tell what I’m like when I lose hope and my brain gets dangerously suicidal. Sure I’m embracing my sexuality. I’m also on guard against men that plan to use me once and move on. My whole profile is a test. It is designed to scare away men with no interest in reading. I taunt that I may charge on purpose to scare away men. I’m about to load my profile with nude pics and videos. That means more messages and more men who think I offer pleasure when they want it. My nude photos are an artistic statement. I plan to celebrate my comfort with nudity.

I hear horror stories from men that most women on this site are attention seeking trashy whores with no intelligence or wit. I’m not that girl. If you can’t hold a good conversation please don’t bother me. I want to share life stories and bond with good men. That’s what I’m after. If sexuality occurs it’s just a bonus. Getting to be a part of my life is an interview process. Because I can’t answer really genuine comments on xhamster in a timely fashion I have no choice but to eliminate most of the men on my skype list and invite new men to experience an interview and win my adoration.

Also my blog truly is my baby. I will never expect any man to read it all. At the same time if you don’t make an effort to try and read it then it’s like spanking my c***d without my permission. If you don’t like to read don’t add me on skype. I **** men with letters. I do it daily. Some men are aching to find an honest chick that really makes an effort to embrace a good conversation. I am that chick. If you can’t handle it then don’t waste my time. You are taking time away from the men that do need me. I’m very goddamn smart. I will call you out on bullshit. The men that provide me good conversation get most of my attention.

The man I referred to as anonymous is a perfect example of what I’m looking for. I think he was hurt I didn’t use his real name. He gave me permission to use it from now on. HOMERO. Are contact began with an all-night discussion about art and literature. It evolved into a sexual frenzy that I adore. I do like men who give me sexual pleasure. At the same time we can talk about our daily lives. It’s a perfect example of the kind of man I’m looking for. I have a naughty side. I have a spiritual side. I’m well educated. I love discussing all most anything. You can truly ask me anything and get an honest response.

If you are focused on just sex then you’re not going to pass the interview. I do hope all the men waiting for a response from a missed message happen to read this blog. If men do read it and follow my advice the first few weeks will be hectic. It’s worth it. I need good men I can count on not to use me once and drop me for the next conquest. If you can’t skype leave me a comment on my page or my blog if you want to get my attention. If you want to take the interview then I encourage you to go for it. Add me on skype. If I get hit with a lot of requests it could take me weeks to get to you. Since most men don’t read then it probably won’t happen.

I’m opening the doors for new friends. A lot of men will get rejected so I can try out new men. It is very simple. It may be difficult because I’m having computer issues. I seem to be overheating or my battery is busted. I may not be able to cam and only be able to write messages. By reaching out to me on a daily basis and avoiding a stalker like move of repeat calls I decline we can truly bond. My ID is now a secret. this blog has been edited
Published by linmarris
10 years ago
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
My dear lion we have now entered the second phase of our correspondence. I am on a mission to hit each blog and address each comment. I just want you to know that I'm so grateful you entered my world. I know think of you as a name as well as my lion. After I finish this full round of catching up on comments I will be able to use the 'my news' section to see if anyone goes back to the beginning. There are not many lions on this site that will take on the challenge. In fact this place is a breeding ground for horny alley cats who start a book at the half-way point. I have made the switch to my new ID i anxiously wait for you to add me.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to rebz10 : reb if i had known what a huge effort you made to contact me I would've greeted you with even more affection then I did. In case you ever wondered baby I don't care what effort a man makes to leave me a comment. I will always say one of my favorite comments was when a man simply said 'speechless.' However, I will always be honest. Men that do write me long letters and ask questions get the most time and attention. You know that replying to comments is my favorite activity. So the more a man gives me to work with the more fun I have. Your question is a prime example of the perfect comment. I love answering questions. I am dedicated to answering each comment. On the blog I wrote last night all a man said was 'wow.' That gives me nothing to work with. I don't know what wowed him or why. Sometimes a single phrase is all I need. But the more you write or ask the longer my reply will be. I give the most of myself to men like you. You are also my baby.
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rebz10 10 years ago
Question. you mention your blog post are like your baby. do you require men to reply to you in this fashion(with long letters respond)?
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
dear michael as always it is a pleasure to respond to your messages. I have so much fun when i start really doing graphic sexting. A man named homero was ideal. I don't know if you read those blogs yet. It was my idea of a perfect encounter. We spent a whole night talking about art. The next day we just slipped into an intense exchange of fantasies. It was highly graphic. He is a good erotic writer. I hope he contacts me soon. I want another round. I posted it because I knew it was good. I got of writing it. we arent able to skype. we tried a video call on facebook. It was intense. What we wrote about became more graphic as we had our chance to c2c. i was so sad it shut down his computer. I will be hurt if he doesn't contact me again. a lot of men enjoy me for 48 hours and then disappear. I'm prepared for the loss. Other men are bound to engage me in a frenzy of sexual fantasies we share. technology has given me a social network so much better than the friends i had in real life. they moved on. I got ditched. that is why I'm reaching out to men through blogs replies and skype messages. to be honest today I was selfish. i did not keep up with skype. I focused on writing hard. I have so many personal messages to tackle. before i go for it im going to respond to each blog comment with a religious dedication
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
Dear michael, thank you for such a great message. I love making new friends. My videos are poor quality. I can't overemphasize how much my recorder program sucks. It lags so bad I have to get naked quick and in silence. Even though they suck I'm still glad I posted them. I really only have face pics. I have always thought it looked tacky to hold a cell phone in front of a mirror for a full body pic. I think it looks so juvenile and almost vain. At the same time I know that this is a porn site. I did get plenty of attention when I was a paragraph explaining why I couldn't go nude and fifteen pics of my face. It didn't seem right not to have any pictures that showed my size and shape. After I hid my location so I couldn't be easily found from my cousins who chase local pussy I could finally write a real profile. In the beginning I was on the verge of being a cam girl. It's no bullshit story that I'm disabled from being bi-polar. I take hardcore medicine usually used for schizophrenics in order to sleep. I have no shame in saying I have to take an anti-psychotic to sleep. I am a rare type of bi-polar. What people don't realize is the disease is less about erratic behavior and more about the inability to have natural sleep. The whole ordeal revolves around the fact sleep just doesn't occur without medication. Both of my parents are bi-polar. My mother's side of the family is by biggest genetic defect. My grandfather was adopted or simply taken in off the street because my non-biological grandparents were extremely wealthy owner's of an original florida homestead. They owned part of the town before it had a name. I don't tell people which city I live in. Knowing my city and my real name allows any person to google me and pay a small fee for my address. I'll take the risk and just say it is the perfect weather and land to grow strawberries. Both sides of my family grew strawberries. I am a little strawberry baby. There are no adoption records for my grandfather or his sister. He was only adopted because my non-biological grandparents fell in love with a beautiful little girl. I've seen pictures. If i am beautiful it is because both those children were breathtakingly beautiful. All I know about my ancestry on my mother's side of the family is what my grandfather could remember. They were fresh off the boat from scotland. As soon as they arrived in america my biological great grandmother was put in a mental asylum. They were beautiful but they were so flawed it is scary. Without modern medicine I would also be in an institution. No amount of xanax, ambien, four other sleeping pills, tylenol pm and alcohol will put me to sleep. For along time it did. I lived a normal life thanks to sleeping pills. My parents and the woman who raised me were in a state of denial. Yet they let me have xanax or tylenol pm after I went insane from sleep deprivation in seventh grade. I tried one time to sleep naturally. I was up to ten tylenol pm per night and my body was shutting down. It takes five days for me to go insane from lack of sleep. Even with a sleep aid my body would still shut down from five nights of insomnia. I talked about it with my mother yesterday. I don't know how on earth no one easily diagnosed me. I missed one day a week from school my whole life. Getting to school on mondays or fridays was impossible. My aunt was in such denial she allowed me to fake being sick to stay home and sleep. Most of the time she let me sleep until the late afternoon and took me to a pediatrician for a doctor's note for illnesses I faked. My doctor failed me. Someone should've helped me. I even had a bi-polar aunt who was in and out of asylums until her suicide. I was allowed to miss that much school because I was in the gifted program making straight A's. Some years I was such a fluke it baffled the administration. I got letters warning me if i missed so many more days of school I wouldn't pass despite straight A's. I still tend to crash on the fifth day. That is why I can't work a real job. The issue is complicated more because I'm heavily sedated when I wake up from an anti-psychotic. Without a stimulant like adderall or the medicine for narcolepsy there is no point for me to stay alive. I don't leave the bed when I run out of legal speed. I don't get prescribed enough. I warn all new friends that when I run out of medicine I disappear. For two weeks of the month I get shit done. I can write this comment because I have medicine. When I run out I can't write much. I just sleep. I love cam sex. I would do it for fun with or without the need for an income. If I don't get acceptance from a gallery then I will go to chatterbate and earn money for private mental healthcare. I was denied disability. I have to get a lawyer and fight for it. I don't even qualify for medicaid because I don't have a child. It doesn't matter. I know what drugs I will have to take if I do end up on medecaid. I tried them and I was so suicidal I am willing to sell sex not to go through it again. That is the reason my profile is designed to warn men I may become a cam girl. I made the decision to try art first. I am prepared to do it if that's what it takes to print the artwork I plan to sell as signed and numbered limited editions. This blog will describe my journey to earn the money i need to buy the medicine that keeps me alive. I want to stick around. I love my life. I'm truly happy. This mental illness is a disability as well as an enhancement. I am in the category of people like ernest hemmingway and marilyn monroe. If you research how many influential people are bi-polar you realize it is a gift and not a curse. I can function for days with no sleep. I have manic episodes so euphoric they are like being on heroin, ecstasy and cocaine all at once. I've talked to other bi-polar people. We share a secret. Mania makes our lives so fantastic we do amazing things normal people could never accomplish. There is no better feeling. I can handle any depression or sedation because I know with modern medicine I will rebound into mania and make up for lost time. I simply have to think outside the box to afford it. Luckily with an abnormal brain I'm designed to think outside the box. I am ignoring skype to write. I do that sometimes. I will accept your request when I am ready to quit writing in order to chat. I need both activities.
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to blacklantern1 : my sweet fox. baby i decided if any man leaves a comment on my blog then it just seems right to give them a personal reply. If you read this just know I found an amazing friend. blacklate is not the name I know him by. I know his name. He caught me one day and engaged me in a chat. I was sad because my town was having a huge festival bigger than the state fair. It was carnival rides, funnel cakes and shitty music. I always go. This year I didn't know anyone to go with. I was sad about missing my replacement for christmas. He cheered me up and we've talked ever since. I just told him early this morning that he may be the only friend I made that means daily contact, no hostility about missed messages, no stalker move to call one hundred times a day and more. He earned his animal name the fox.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
dear denis32 I know some where in my lost pages of missed messages there is one from you. I remember your name. I will look for it again. but i'll let you know anyone who leaves a comment on my blog will get a personal response and thank you. I really do focus on conversation. I usually get annoyed if it is only sexual. You get tired of telling men what you think about anal sex. sometimes i want to scream. if I added the minutes up when i have discussed my thoughts on anal it would be months. I am happy when a man will talk about the damn weather or talk about his life
linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to divedog1960 : dear divedog. I decided that anyone that takes the time to leave me a comment should have a response and a personal thank you. It is an honor to have someone tell you they enjoyed your blog. It gives me such a wave of happiness that anyone would read it and say something positive. don't thank me for posting. I don't even have really sexy pictures. but I do have wit. in my world writing is a selfish act. Don't ever thank the author. Thank the person who read it.
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to milfslooker : thank you. I read these comments today and decided that if anyone takes the time to leave me a comment I'm going to reply. I want to meet people who are that kind. I want to get to know you. I hope you contact me again
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to lunstoy : thank you so much. if you go by another name on skype tell me which friend you might be. from now on before I answer any message I will respond to any comment someone makes on my blog. It's my way of saying the people with the ability to leave a comment on my blog get a personal message back. I think if men use the blog as a way to beat a list of pm's and get my attention it is worth responding to each one. we will talk soon
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to sourrie : I love that a handsome rich baker translating my blog. I hope to have more pics and videos in about two weeks if my friend helps me by taking them. a million kisses. i will always reply to every comment you make. you are beautiful and sweet fred. I wish I could go to paris
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linmarris Publisher 10 years ago
to DirtStar : i don't see how you can reach that conclusion unless you feel I have ignored you. Some good men lost chances to contact me because I was getting used and dropped. you may have been one of those men. If you haven't lost contact with me and you make such a comment then you don't know a damn thing about me. the men with the qualities I admire get so much attention it is hard to meet new people. I'm devoted to the men who won me first.
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hello you!! google translated for me,I think I understand,even if no answer I read,we love, or we do not like.I read I read and I still have to watch your pictures.i dont expect a response.and my cam no work in this site.if one day you and me skype no cam 2cam ok !!write again, I got to know you, (ho i try) I guess you.hummmmmmm if one day you translate for!! I am Frederic or fred, from france i m baker and.........onother day!! not need an answer,another blog is enough for me,a thousand kisses
DirtStar 10 years ago
it seems as though you ignore the type of man you say you're interested in
lunstoy 10 years ago
Good blog darling and I do look forward to talking with you again.
milfslooker 10 years ago
well said..
divedog1960 10 years ago
I was not waiting for a response.. but I did read this and enjoyed it.. I like your site and yes your sexy wit and photos are great.. thanks for posting
blacklantern1 10 years ago
great blog babe