99.9% fail no fap, nature wins!


That's a link to a Young Turks video, that partly talks about our evolutionary desire to masturbate and orgasm like our ape relatives do, the majority prefer science.
The earth is millions of years old, I used to reject this but decided to go along with it like most people do.


No fap is utter ****, I'm not saying that porn is entirely harmless, and there's corruption in this industry, but you can't deny it's popularity either.
I used to help people off porn, but they always relapsed, so I 'smelled the coffee' and decided to keep the peace, it's better than struggling and relapsing!
Real freedom is in acceptance, and I believe I am more contented that those religious conservative, anti masturbation type, some of which I have spoken to.


I choose to satisfy my penis, and give into nature, the few who live without masturbation really should give up, our smelly private parts are happier with orgasm.
And quite frankly, I am dubious of those who have 'quit porn' or been 'set free from masturbation', because our desire to orgasm like other monkeys is far too strong for most lol.
Enjoy your relapse!

99.9% fail no fap, nature wins!
Published by simpsonss345
4 months ago
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simpsonss345 Publisher 4 months ago
to Subguy5 : Nature has blessed us with orgasm, no fap is futile as it goes against science.
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Subguy5 4 months ago
Great post. Makes my penis hsrd.