I’m a Muslim, not a monster.

There’s always two sides of a coin. Most here have been class and some have been a pure pleasure to talk to. However, I want to say one thing to those who think it’s ok to imply all Muslims are terrorists or openly hold a line that Muslims are ‘trouble’, fuck right off. I’m no more trouble than all the other non-Muslims.
Published by Noor-Jaan
3 years ago
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BiSappho 23 days ago
In reality for all their differences all major creeds uphold the principles of kindness and love. 
69naughtycpl 4 months ago
Hope the losers are not getting you done.. 
georgesdad 8 months ago
I would have sex with Muslim men or women I a m bisexual and their religion isn’t the deciding factor in whether I want them sexually xx
salomeherodias 1 year ago
to frozenfrog : No doubt,you sexyy
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salomeherodias 1 year ago
Some 20to 30Muslim extremists  bad ,harmful actions in world  give bad name to all oft he billion muslims ,who are innocent and do not approve or like to do such things.Unfortunately they have to face problems of bad suspicions  insulting their love for all people and loyalty and for a fault they did not do. World people nature is very mean and cruel on weak targets
salomeherodias 1 year ago
Wish we could get over labeling people and judging them based on that label. I'm so tired of hate. Drains the life out of you.
fearuisce 1 year ago
All of you Muslim ladies are beautiful and sexy 😍
HornyAndrea1 1 year ago
I have had sex with many Muslims and I find that they truly know how to please a woman.
renditah 1 year ago
Hi, I love having sex with Muslims!!!  RITA
Paul6748 1 year ago
One God, many tests 
oldjacker67 2 years ago
Wish we could get over labeling people and judging them based on that label. I'm so tired of hate. Drains the life out of you.
KinkyBoiAndMore 2 years ago
Your Muslim? Well to be honest....don't care :wink: lol. I'm a fence-sitter myself, Agnostic....not committed to a religion, but not discounting the existence of a god/deity, just in case I have to stand in front of one eventually. Least I can then say...

"Well it's like this, you see I didn't actually say I didn't believe in you, so technically wasn't a non-believer....thought you might exist. Great job with creation of.... well everything. You are amazing. So any chance I get in? Please" 

Hope it works :smile:
FirmHose 2 years ago
I worked along side of and served with a few Muslims in my time, I found them to be no different than any other person of other creed, race and faith, One was assigned as one of my section leaders and he performed his duties with extraordinary skill, he would take his breaks when he could depending on the assignments and found a quiet place to practice his religion  , And I know for a fact that there are good, mediocre and bad in all races and religions. Treat me fair I will return the favor
redclay56 2 years ago
I just did an internet search on "A Rabbi, a Priest, and an Imam walk into a bar..." and it appears that there are no jokes based on this particular set-up for one of the oldest extant  joke-tropes. I'm not dumb enough to imply that this means anything in particular, just that it seems a little odd. My fervent wish is that we  all give each other a break, and figure out how to give one another some space while not taking ourselves too seriously. Life is hard enough to begin with.
Gozre 2 years ago
Die beiden Glaubensrichtungen passen nicht zusammen!Schaut in die Geschichtsbücher rein!!!Ich habe gute Erfahrungen mit Einzelpersonen gemacht!Im Mannschaftsbereich schlechte!Schaut auf den Balkankrieg!Ich will das nicht weiter ausführen.Ich habe im Sportbereich gearbeitet.Da stellt man fest,was passt (Charakter, Herkunft,Religion, Erziehung) zueinander und was nicht!!
Leomoore 2 years ago
There are good and bad in any race or religion.  The few bad one spoil it for the majority.  I wish you well and a happy new year.
saeediqbal 2 years ago
We are all human. Why not live in peace. If one cannot help others, "Live and let live others. 
Bijokke 2 years ago
phillymark1 2 years ago
There are terrorists in every religion and broad stroke labeling is only done but the ignorant!
drivesfast 2 years ago
well said,  fuck the assholes
Salendine54 2 years ago
Ha very true.x
bigbooblover7788 2 years ago
very well said 
Noor-Jaan Publisher 2 years ago
to btsinger : Thankfully, just a few jerks.Most people are decent and good. Thank you for your lovely message and support x
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btsinger 2 years ago
Thank you, Noor-Jaan, for posting this viewpoint. I'm not a religious man, but ALL religions can include their over-zealous nutjobs (case in point - the Crusades of centuries ago, lots of raping and pillaging going on in the name of "Christ" and bringing religion to "heathens").  Hope you haven't gotten too many negative responses. If so, it just shows people's ignorance. Continue to stand tall!

Cheers from southern Oregon, USA.
Noor-Jaan Publisher 3 years ago
to frozenfrog : Awww, thank you x
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frozenfrog 3 years ago
to Noor-Jaan : you are a beautiful woman!
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Noor-Jaan Publisher 3 years ago
to frozenfrog : You’re right, it’s important to embrace ourselves. Thank you for the lovely and supportive message.
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frozenfrog 3 years ago
I spent time in the Middle East and you are correct the haters can fuck the right off! I am gay now or barely bi anymore but I understand the freedom being bi brings you. Embrace and love that!
Noor-Jaan Publisher 3 years ago
What a beautiful message. You are so right, it’s not about a person’s background, it’s about what’s in their heart. Thank you for this lovely and supportive comment x
cumsecs 3 years ago
to Noor-Jaan : you are welcome beauty, we are humans and need one another to live with fun
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