Pink Rose - (possible new story series thing. Les

Mari found herself thankful for the extra little bit of weight she carried compared to some of the other girls her trainer had been working with. Even with the nylon bindings securing her to the retrofitted dental exam chair, she was still able to shift her hips around in attempt to ease the dull aches brought on by the giant plug stuffed inside her before she had been strapped down.

Of course, this was both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it prevented her from cramping too much, but on the other, it caused the plug to thoroughly work it's way around inside her. Mari spent a solid hour in her predicament wondering just how much her trainer's intentions were in line with the curiosity to see how much she squirmed when left with restraints looser than normal.

It wasn't like she had anything else to do other than lay and wait for her trainer to return home from his day job.

She couldn't believe it was almost the last week of her training, but the items her trainer had left on display in the holding room she had been locked up in told her the story of what she was about to experience.

A light pink latex maid uniform, trimmed in white accents. A pink hood that matched the stylings of the uniform proper. Stockings. Heels. What looked to be inflatable mittens. A full set of steel restraints lined in matching silicone. It was all there... Everything he would need to subject her to total dollification.

Mari shifted her gaze up to the cameras in each corner of the room; each with a single flashing red light that indicated they were active. She knew he was watching her from his desk. "I know he wants me to stay perfectly still like a doll, but I bet he is just waiting to see if I can't resist fucking myself silly on this huge plug he has stuffed inside me..": she thought to herself, half tempted to give him a show.

However, she wanted to adhere to his training. She wanted to show him she could become the latex sissy doll he was investing so much effort into. The cameras were of course, part of his voyeuristic nature, but also, there for safety.
If she struggled too much, there were safety protocols in place that could be remotely activated. She didn't want to accidentally trigger those protocols and break the experience simply because she was being a flirty brat.

The sound of the double locks on her holding room door clicking open was what woke her. Mari had drifted off to sleep as she lay there bound to the exam chair.

She opened her eyes, but the room was so dark. She reactively attempted to call out for her trainer, but the panel style cock gag that he had locked into her mouth had become such a common sensation for her she found herself even forgetting that she had been gagged. That was good, though. Extended periods of having her mouth filled with cock was good practice for what he said he had planned for her final week of training.

Mari's mind was such a jumble now. "focus..." she thought to herself. "Why is the room so dark?"

"Good evening, cupcake." a musky voice called out from above her head, causing her to jerk against her bindings. He chuckled. "Sorry if I scared you, sweetie. You fell asleep, so I decided to let you rest before we begin tonight."

Mari had spent the entire day strapped to an exam chair, reclined on her back, doing nothing other than thinking about what was to come for her over the following week. It almost disturbed her, how tired she was.

"I have to say..." her trainer began as he pulled a strap taut that had been placed over her forehead, securing her head firmly to the rest of the chair, "I am very curious how you are going to react to this next part. I've never taken anyone else to this point."

Mari looked around the room even though straps had been cinched down around her neck and forehead, completely nixing her ability to freely look around. Her gag kept her quiet, and she was still feeling herself trying to wake up as though she had been sleeping for hours. Her trainer seemed to be skipping his normal sense of formality with how he was approaching whatever he was about to do to her.

"When we first began talking, you did not seem to have ever really given thought to the idea of exploring sissy lifestyle.." he began as he took a seat behind her chair and began to lower the back of her exam chair. Mari knew at this point she would never be able to go to the dentist without some degree of awkwardness ever again. Her trainer continued, cutting off her train of thought, " .. however, look at you now. You've wore nothing but pink lingerie for the past two weeks. Pink restraints, pink hues of makeup.. You have truly allowed me to subject you to the ideal concept of sissifified dollification. Why doesn't pink ever fall victim to tropism or cliche when a sissy like you is involved?"

As he spoke, Mari could see him working with various vials and containers even in the dim light of the room. They looked very medicinal in nature, and hearing them cling against the steel tray he had them sitting on sent shivers down her spine. She knew she had told him her fear of medical play, and she didn't put it past him to try and push her limits, but something about this felt different. Did he d**g her? Was he going to d**g her again?

Mari's trainer continued to work with the glass bottles, mixing their contents into little containers, shaking them gently, rinsing something with a large bottle of some kind of liquid. Her eyes were adjusting to the darkened room now, and she could see him filling a syringe with that liquid right beside her head.

Her absolute greatest fear.. Needles. Syringes. Mystery liquids being injected into her body. Mari's pulse shot through the roof, her body tensed against the restraints and she went completely still. She was almost certain she could hear her trainer smile a wicked grin as he continued to talk.

"So you're finally able to see what we are doing here, then... good."
The intonation of his voice had that sinister tone to it again. The one he would get when Mari knew he was about to push her limits. "Seeing as though you're a much better sissy than you ever thought you could be, I got to thinking... let's really push the boundaries here. I want to completely immerse you in a world of rosey pink. But there are only so many outifts I can make you wear. I can only paint so many rooms up in pastels and pinks. So.. I figured this might be a good solution."

Mari strained her eyes to watch what he was doing with the syringe.
He would draw liquid from the larger container and then used it to squirt it into a smaller container with two compartments.

Two... compartments...

The fear in Mari's eyes dispersed and her body went limp as soon as she realized what he was working with. Her trainer's voice burst out in barely-contained laughter as he watched her body relax. "I almost want to apologize, princess, but I couldn't resist."

He laid the syringe down and sealed the container, picking it up between his fingers and shaking it in front of Mari's face. "... just contact lenses, sweetie. I'm not d**gging you again for a while."

"... for a while?!"
Mari's eyes tilted back to look at her trainer, who was still wearing the playful grin on his face that told her he was once again just messing with her fears.

".. shhh.. relax, princess. I haven't d**gged you and I'm not injecting you with anything. Now open your eyes wide for me and stare straight ahead. Your new contacts are going in."

Mari swallowed the best she could around her cock gag and took a deep breath, trying to calm her pulse. She did as she was told and tried her best not to blink as her trainer lowered lens by lens into her eyes. He was done in just moments, and he got up from his chair and rolled the steel tray aside from the exam chair.

"Alright, princess. Close your eyes and open them when I tell you, okay?"

Mari nodded and obeyed.

All was silent in the room for a few moments. She could hear the anticipation in her Trainer's breath. He was just as excited as she was. "Okay, open your eyes. Slowly."

Mari once again did as she was told, but this time, the bright light of the holding room she had been calling home for the previous two weeks looked different.

It was tinted a light red.. no... a light pink. The walls were light pink.. the uniform she was going to be sealed into now looked almost more white than pink, though it was definitely pink. . and the white trim looked pink.

Everything was hued in tones of pink.

Once the realization of what had been done to her began to show on her face, her trainer spoke up. "Let's see what effect total pink immersion will have on my sweet little sissy princess doll baby."

Mari continued to blink her eyes and look around as though the blinking would bring her vision back to normal. "Sissies love pink, after all. Correct?"
发布者 AniGirl81
6 年 前
Peggy54 4 年 前
oslaveboy 6 年 前
Well done sissy. Keep writing.