Donna is now officially. My.fuck slut

After our last night out. With Ryan. And coming back home. And sharing, Donna. With her husband Darren. We all agreed we should make this a regular. Thing. Which I was very happy about. As I find Donna super attractive. And I just love.fucking her and her husband. Loves watching us together.
So we have been doing this for a couple of months now. Just going over to their place. Ann getting very comfortable with each other. All three of us are having an amazing. Sex life. I mentioned to Darren and Donna. That Ryan from the bar. What's throwing a little party? And asked if I'd like to come and bring Donna.
iI don't know who said yes first. But neither of them hesitated to say. Yes. OK, great. The party was next Saturday night. i told donna i want her to dress like a slut
sSaturday night came around. I went to pick up Donna. She looked absolutely.fucking hot She had a very tight dress on. Which was nice and short. And her breast are. Popping out the top. I think she will get a lot of attention tonight. Looking the way she is.
wWe arrive at Ryan's place. The party is already going. There's about. 15 people there. Ryan grabs awesome drinks. As I look around the room. I can see there is a lot of eyes. On. Donna. I told Donna we should mingle. We get around. meet a few couples. And I notice there is. A couple of young fellas. That were at the bar. Last time I took Donna there. The boys were playing pool. I pointed them out to Donna. And she recognised them as well. We were having a great night. Donna was loving all the attention. She was getting
iit was about 9:00 o'clock I think. And a few people had started to leave. Me and Donna were certainly getting drunk. A couple of more hours had passed. And Ryan suggested that maybe we should jump into the SPA. Donna was quick to tell Ryan that she did not have. Any swimmers with her? Ryan said. That's OK. I will give you a T shirt. At this stage there was only. Donna in myself. And the three young boys. That were at the bar playing pool. The night. That Ryan.fucked her
rRyan gives Donna AT shirt. It's just a plain white T shirt. Quite baggy and long. Donna ask where she can get changed. Ryan takes her to his room. It seems like they're in there for. a good10 minutes.
dDonna comes out. Just with a big baggy white shirt on. I stripped down to my undies. And we both jump into the SPA. As I expected, the white T shirt. Was very translucent. Thanks, Ryan. In the SPA for awhile. It is quite hot. And two of the boys come over. And ask if they can join us. Donna replies. We would love you to join us. Ryan goes and grabs this all drinks. We are chatting to the boys.for a While them right, Donna has. my dick in her hands. I decided. I would leave Donna with the boys. As I can see they are. Staring at her breast. I tell them I'm going to the bathroom. I go inside where Ryan is. I start chatting to Ryan. Trying to give Donna. Enough time to woo the boys. Me and Ryan are chatting for awhile. He starts telling me how hot Donna is looking tonight. I told him she's gonna look even hotter with cock in all her holes. Ryan and myself are joined by. The last young bloke. He was not in the SPA. He comes up to me. And says do you know what's going on outside? I said no. He said you need to go and have a look. We all had outside. Well, first thing I see is. The white T shirt that Donna had on. It was on the ground. And the boys were sitting on the edge of the spa. Everybody was naked. And donna ahead. One in a hand. And one in her mouth. She looked amazing. I said to the. Young fella that was with us. You do not want to miss out, do you? He quickly sat next to the other two boys. The boy that was. He's.dick sucked. Got up? To let his friend in. Dana was straight onto his.dick and the boy that got up. Went behind Donna in the spa. In started. To slide his.cock in her already. wet.cunt
Donna looked amazing. Sucking on the young fellas, dick She was taking it all the way in. Her mouth. Right to the base of his balls. And on the way up, rubbing her hands. Up to his head. At the same time. She's getting.fucked from behind. I decided to grab my phone and take a video. I wanted to send it to Darren, her husband. I don't think any of them knew I was videotaping. Author awhile. The young Fellow was building to his orgasm. Donna could tell. And she raised the tempo. He exploded in her mouth. She did not slow down for a moment. and sucked every last drop. From his balls.
she then turned at me as I was filming her. She opened her mouth. It was full of.cum with a quick swallow, it was all gone. i said to her you are a dirty little slut aren't you She just smiled. with that? ryan suggested that we. all go inside and get a bit more comfortable. They jumped out of the spa, grabbed a towel, dried off.
dDonna jumped on the lounge. room floor. The young boy that was.fucking hello from behind in the spa. Was now getting ahead job
tand the other young fill out started to. Spit roast her. She suddenly looked amazing. I can see why Darren likes watching her. I am certainly ready to join the action.
发布者 Daz1969daz
2 年 前
Donna is so gorgeous and sexy 
Whyknotsee 1 年 前
Naughtynev69 1 年 前
Donna must have had a problem with my lifestyle. She should have just said no. I still want Darren
austcpl40s 2 年 前
Grammar police 😏