In my university years, I met a girl, Sam, who I rather liked. The problem was she was dating someone I knew, and I wasn't exactly looking to break the "bro code". But when there's a spark, things tend to happen. As her relationship was fizzling, we ended up fooling around one night. Being young and dumb, I ended up feeling pretty guilty about it. As interested as I was, when they broke up and she wanted to pursue something more, I ended up turning her down. A couple of weeks later, finding myself pretty miserable about my decision, I reached out to admit I was wrong. I wanted a relationship. Read more
Need advice: Is my friend and his wife hinting at
I’m not sure how to start this. I guess over the past little while I’ve been getting a vibe from a friend and his wife, and I’m not entirely sure what it means, if anything. I was wondering if anyone could help me figure it out. The whole thing started pretty innocently. My buddy’s wife had a k**, and afterwards he told me she’d been feeling a little self-conscious about her about her looks. I thought that was a little ridiculous, because she’s a good looking woman, and if anything she was now thin with curves and big boobs (she didn’t have those before). Anyways, when we’d hang out he’d of Read more