Last seen 3 months ago
4728 days on xHamster
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Personal information
I am:
Kamila S, female, heterosexual
Nowy Sacz, Poland
Female, heterosexual
About me
Witam .Szukam kobiety i tylko kobiety uleglej ,swiadomej swojej uleglosci i bezwglednie oddanej. W zamian za to oferuje sluzbe i tresure. Od chłosty, ponizania poprzez gwałt roznymi przedmiotami ,zabawkami erotycznymi oraz fisting.Za wzorowe zachowanie przewiduje nagrody ,jednak za wszelkie formy niepodporzadkowania bede surowo karac.Zapraszam do kontaktu(proscie o mail i co nalezy podac w jego tresci) naprawde zdecydowane osoby. Podkreślam jeszcze raz że interesuja mnie wylacznie kobiety.
Orientacja: dominująca / dominujący
Preferencje: Sex, Bondage, Spanking, Sex Oralny, Dominacja, Tortury, Sex Analny, Piss, Fetysz
Welcome. Looking for women and only women submissive, conscious of the submission and absolutely dedicated. In return, it offers services and training. From beatings, humiliation through rape various objects, erotic toys and fisting. For exemplary behavior provides for prizes, but for all forms of non-I will be severely punished. Invite you to contact (email and ask about what should be given in its content) really determined person. I stress again that I am interested only women.
Orientation: Dominant / dominant
Preferences: Sex, Bondage, Spanking, Oral Sex, Domination, Torture, Anal Sex, Piss, Fetish
Friends 995



image-reverse dokładnie pokazuje źródło zdjęcia, a nawet gdzie zostało wykonane
na pewno nie w polsce
po za tym - już cię sprawdzono... kobietą nie jesteś,,
They were on the dancefloor winding and grinding their hot bodies up against each other, shaking and wriggling their jiggling dressed for sex female flesh at each other to hardcore baselines and party rhythms.
No men, just hundreds of wild little pussies.
One of the tunes had a hardcore drum and base style tune with a woman's sexy voice and lyrics I partly remember of...
"We Go Home And Then We Fuck!
Shake Your Body Like A Lez"
Round and round on a loop, driving the girls to a steamy drunken sex frenzy, until they were practically fucking on the dancefloor and ready to take each other's wild bodies home for rough lesbian group fucks until dawn.
That's how men expect women to behave.
We need to turn you all that completely fucking lesbian. x
Go wild for each others hot vaginas in 2023.
Lick, frig, fuck and fondle each others carnal dripping inner cunt ribbing.
Merry christmas x