Sometimes it would be more of the same doing toy and my horny hole, so today I would love to know from you guys the xhamster members. It would be very kind of you to let me know more some good reasons/ stories or whatever it was, did you cum from my video and what your order from me would be?? I would love to serve some of good requests because if there are too many I would die from dehydration and who knows there may be not even a single request at all. Hug tight from your vsd… Read more
My Hungry Hole swallows all the Dildo in!!
This morning I knew that it would be my naughty alone time, and I wished to cum hand free with something as usual, I packed my dildo with me. In my mind it would be nice to take some foto in the Doggy style f*** session, so I did begin with squatting to put the dildo in then i would rest myself on the corner of the bed. I was so deserate to get a release, so i kept pushing the dildo in by using a toothbrush as a handle, pushing in a bit more and more and more to get the best orgasm I could achieve from my dildo.… Read more
900 Days Counting
I just realised some days ago that I would retire from the xhamster soon, I planned that when I am 50 years old, I will disappear from the site. I think i have mentioned this in previous posts. If I disappear or retire from the site before I am 50, it must be the result of my account would be closed down by the web master, I am now having one warning on my upload page, it was from the video I uploaded months ago and it must be related with the copyright by the owner I think. Anyhow, I would not be away until nearly 3 years from now, or nearly 900 days from now on. I do think I will retire on N… Read more
1000 Days Today. Please Hug me, Really need that
Time is moving on and on, life has to move on as well. For the past three months, I did not have pretty much to tell you, because there is a big loss in my life just recently. Actually it was not only my loss, it is a great loss for all Thais, because His Majesty the King has passed away last month. As a government official I have a mourning period for a year long, although it is nearly a month but I am still very sensitive to the TV documentary or Radio song related to the Late King, and I have more depressed mood than the horny feeling. I do need to play but the desire is not yet returned to… Read more
Day CM; 900 days on Xhamster
Another 100 days of my naughty and horny act on xhamster passed another milestone today, Many things good and bad happened during the last 100 days, as always the most certain thing is uncertainty, so many beloved friends had retired from here, therefore, I do not have many friends left to send my daily naughty foto to, so i need to switch my role then!! Instead of sending foto out, i should search someone who would happily send their private foto to me. Hope there are some friends or someone special willing to do that for me. Give me my name; I was given many names so that you can call me… Read more
Top & Bottom; How They Should CUM??
I love watching porn films, but prefer more with Hardcore GAY film, because I feel that straight films are too noisy and too much screaming from the actresses, but I love the squirting scene very much if that happens in the scene. However, when I watch gay porn, I just be curious about the finale blast, some TOP would cum only while the Bottom did not even touch their/his smaller gun. So, If I were a TOP guy, I would be very happy if I could fuck the cum out from my bottom man, and I would cum hard when i witness or watch someone cum in front of me. So if i were a top, bottom must cum befo… Read more
My 800 days on XHamster
Another 100 days have reached after the post of 700 days since I have been a member here, in the 700 day post i have mentioned about feeling as a social group, or like a family and friends, but reaching the 800th day today I have to add something happened for the last 100 days. After I tried to figure out what I did as a naughty member on xhamster through my videos and my galleries, I realised that after Happy New Year on Jan 1st to my latest Happy New Year on April 13th should be approximately 100something day, so i ass...umed that it would be ok to begin with the new year up to today. For… Read more
The 3rd Year for me on Xhamster
I have just realised that my time spent here on the site has reached beyond 730 days, 733 to be xxact, so I intend to create something to warn myself. I have been advised by my wife to go to bed several times already for tonight, just half an hour left on Halloween, Oops! Valentine's Day I mean. Thank you for many friends around for comments, for sharing some good moments, for chatting and asking how things go, I just can't help if sometimes I cannot understand well and create some mistakes from what I think, but that is the way, Life is moving on as time is passing by. Last month, Jan 2… Read more
700 Days on XHamster
Dear xHamster members and friends For me, I think it is such a long way I have been here, it feels like a part of some kind of neighbours or families. Some comments either good or bad are better than a quiet visit. For me, it began with naughty mind watching and reading about self prostate massage, and finally I did it my own, started with my index but I felt I would be numbed by the sphincter muscle on my finger, so I moved to my own toothbrush, then I moved on to buy a prostate toy from eBay, finally got 2 more toys, one is a purple dildo and the other is bigger white prostate toy.… Read more
Do not Rush, Slow life and Enjoy Prostate orgasm
When I joined this xhamster community, I just was a very inexperienced in my prostate stimulation. I just read from available websites, registered and bought an internet book about it, was very curious at that time. I did my finger fuck for the first time to explore the gland, although when I was young, I was so adventurous but never ever bought any anal toys in that period, may be any household equipment available, but not every time. When I started to used to my new experiments; of course, the prostate anal play, I thought that finger fuck was quite uncomfortable for the longer period of… Read more
Delayed orgasm training
Last night I had free time surfing the internet, until I landed in one blog about his job was a massage professional, many clients loved his service. So, I did search for more details about the principles of tantra erotic massage, and learned that it was not a means of self pleasure like masturbation, but it is aimed to prolong the orgasm or climax point as delayed as possible. Some would say they can extend their orgasm for hours or a day. According to the ancient practise ejaculation would mean you are releasing the power of your own, therefore it needs practise and more practise not to cum,… Read more
Shaving turns me on !
Shave my pubic hair is a means to arouse myself some time in a while, my senior colleague used to tell me that it was not good to shave all the hair from that particular area as it would be disgusting in his idea. However from time to time, I did it, such as when I was 40 years old, I did shave all the pubic hair before went swimming, like to cerebrate my birthday or something. In this era, I was surprised with the porn stars shaving their cock with a style or what, they shave the sack and trim some hair above the penis base but keep other available as usual. I have seen many done it… Read more