Side plank to plank with reach under Difficulty level: Intermediate Equipment: No equipment Muscles involved: Obliques ยท Delts Focus: Strength Steps STEP 1 Lie on your side with your bottom elbow on the floor. Raise your hips so that they're off the ground and your body forms a straight line from your ankles to shoulders. Extend your top arm laterally so that it is perpendicular to the floor. STEP 2 Reach under and past your hips with your top hand, keeping your torso stable and pivoting your feet to rest on your toes. Then reverse motion back to starting position. Tips Don't allow Read more
90-degree cable external rotation Difficulty level: Intermediate Equipment: Cable machine ยท Cable attachment Muscles involved: Shoulders Focus: Strength Steps STEP 1 Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in front of an adjustable cable machine. The pulley should be set low. Holding the handle with your right hand, lift your right elbow so that it's in line with your right shoulder and bent at 90-degree angle, palm facing the floor. STEP 2 Rotate your right shoulder by bringing the handle up while keeping your elbow stable and maintaining that 90-degree angle. Reverse the motion to Read more
TRX suspended jackknife Difficulty level: Advanced Equipment: Suspension strap Muscles involved: Triceps ยท Obliques ยท Hips ยท Pecs ยท Delts ยท Total body Focus: Strength Steps STEP 1 Attach a TRX to a pull-up bar and let the stirrups hang about three inches off the floor. Place your feet into the stirrups so that the top of each foot is facing downward. Position your body in a push-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. STEP 2 Brace your core and drive both of your knees towards your chest. Pause when your knees are directly under chest and reverse the dire Read more
Single-arm inverted row Difficulty level: Beginner Equipment: Barbell ยท Squat rack Muscles involved: Shoulders ยท Back ยท Biceps ยท Abs Focus: Strength Steps STEP 1 Lie on your back underneath a barbell in a squat rack with your knees bent to 90-degrees. Grab the bar with one hand with a neutral grip so that your other arm is extended. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles with the hips lifted off the ground. STEP 2 Pull your chest toward the bar while simultaneously punching your other arm upward until it becomes fully extended above the bar. Hold for Read more
Explosive crossover pushup Difficulty level: Advanced Equipment: Weight plates Muscles involved: Triceps ยท Pecs ยท Delts Focus: Strength ยท Power Steps STEP 1 Place a weight plate on the floor and begin in a traditional push-up position with one hand on the weight plate and the other on the floor. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. STEP 2 Lower yourself to the floor, and then explosively push up so your hands come off the floor. STEP 3 Land with the other hand on the weight plate and back in the top of push-up position. Tips Brace your core thr Read more
T-bar row Difficulty level: Intermediate Equipment: Barbell ยท Cable attachment Muscles involved: Shoulders ยท Back ยท Biceps ยท Abs Focus: Strength Steps STEP 1 Load one end of a barbell. Straddle the barbell and push your hips back until your back is at a 45-degree angle to the floor. Extend both arms downward and hook the V-handle under the bar and grab it with both hands. STEP 2 Squeeze your shoulder blades together and drive your elbows back, pulling the bar up toward your chest. Pause and return to starting position. Tips Be sure to finish the row by bringing your shoulder blades Read more
Bicep curl with leg extension Difficulty level: Intermediate Equipment: Dumbbells Muscles involved: Core ยท Arms Focus: Strength Steps STEP 1 Sit tall with your legs straight. Hold a 1 to 3 pound dumbbell, keep your elbows close to your waist, palms facing up. STEP 2 Curl into your tailbone. STEP 3 Lift your right leg 2 inches off the mat. See all steps๎ Tips Focus on your abdominal contraction. Read more
Wide-stance plank with opposite arm and leg lift Difficulty level: Intermediate Equipment: No equipment Muscles involved: Glutes ยท Abs ยท Delts Focus: Strength Steps STEP 1 Position yourself on your elbows and toes, with your body forming a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Brace your abs and squeeze your glutes, and spread your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. STEP 2 Lift one arm and the opposite leg off the floor. Hold, then return to starting position and alternate sides. Tips Do not hike your hips high or sag your hips low. Squeeze your core and your glutes Read more
Lying concentration cable curl Difficulty level: Intermediate Equipment: Cable machine ยท Cable attachment Muscles involved: Biceps Focus: Strength Steps STEP 1 Adjust the cable machine so the handle is on the lowest setting and use a straight bar attachment. Grab the bar with an underhand grip and your hands shoulder-width apart. Lie flat on your back with your arms fully extended. STEP 2 Contract your biceps and curl the bar towards your shoulders while keeping your elbows tucked by your sides. Pause, and then slowly lower the bar back to the starting position. Tips Be sure to lowe Read more
Hollywood Body Plan Difficulty level: Beginner Muscles involved: Total body Focus: Fat loss Duration: 60 minutes Overview While your lifestyle might differ from a celeb, your goals are similar: You want to be lean, sexy, and strong, but achieve that in the shortest time possible. This workout is designed for just that purpose and to have you looking red-carpet ready in just four weeks!. How to do this workout? Perform this workout three times a week. For instance, you could do this on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Each workout consists of three circuits. Perform one set of Read more
Six Moves For Bigger Arms Difficulty level: Intermediate Muscles involved: Arms ยท Biceps ยท Triceps Focus: Build muscle Duration: 60 minutes Overview There are workout pros that say, "You don't need curls to build big arms." To them we have a simple response: Good for you. The truth is, curls and their variations are one of the best ways to build big, full, muscular arms. So instead of talking about what might work, we'll show you with this routine. Start curling your way to tighter shirtsleeves now. How to do this workout? Perform the following workout 1-2 times per week. M Read more
The Anti-Aging Workout Duration: 45 minutes Difficulty level: Intermediate Muscles involved: Abs ยท Shoulders ยท Back ยท Chest ยท Hamstrings ยท Quads ยท Glutes Focus: Fat loss Overview To offset the aging process, you'll combine metabolic boosters that will keep you burning calories 24 hours a day and strength training movements that will be easy on your joints but hard on your fat cells. Once you start this workout, your body-and the aging process-won't stand a chance. How to do this workout? Perform this workout three days a week, resting at least a day between each session. So y Read more
Arm Pumped
Perfect Arm Routine Duration: 60 minutes Difficulty level: Advanced Muscles involved: Biceps ยท Triceps Focus: Build muscle Overview You've heard of the pump. The amazing feeling you get when your muscles are full and tight and you look your best. The pump is actually essential for growth, and that's especially true for your arms. This routine is designed for the pump-and then some. It's one of the most intense arm workouts ever created, but the result is a pair of biceps and triceps worthy of praise and perfection. How to do this workout? Perform this workout 2-3 times per we Read more
Secrets To Arm Growth Duration: 60 minutes Difficulty level: Intermediate Muscles involved: Forearms ยท Biceps ยท Triceps Focus: Build muscle ยท Fat loss Overview There's no miracle solution when it comes to building bigger arms. However, you can speed up your growth track with some specific training techniques. This program does just that by training fast, moving from exercise to exercise without rest. Not only will it make you more muscular faster, but it has the added benefit of burning fat, as well. How to do this workout? This workout consists of three circuits: one for b Read more
The Killer Legs Workout Duration: 50 minutes Difficulty level: Intermediate Muscles involved: Hamstrings ยท Quads ยท Glutes Focus: Build muscle ยท Build strength Overview You want a better looking lower body? Then you need a concentrated program that hits your legs from every angle possible. Forget standing in line waiting for leg curls and extensions. This plan is designed to completely transform your lower body by offering the most difficult-and most effective-leg exercises ever created. How to do this workout? Perform this workout three days a week, resting at least a day b Read more
Greatest Butt Ever Duration: 60 minutes Difficulty level: Advanced Muscles involved: Hamstrings ยท Quads ยท Glutes Focus: Build muscle ยท Build strength Overview Let's be honest: You want to sculpt a tight tush. It looks great in jeans, jeggings, jumpsuits, and, well, you get the idea. But all those machines at the gym or hours on the elliptical won't do the trick. You need resistance training and a few special exercises to work your muscles and curves to bring out the booty that's fit for your body. How to do this workout? Perform the following workout 1-2 times per week. Mak Read more
The UFC DumbBell Workout Duration: 30 minutes Difficulty level: Intermediate Muscles involved: Total body Focus: Build strength ยท Fat loss Overview Training one full-body exercise after another with little rest in between not only burns calories, but it simulates a fight. Each of these circuits lasts roughly six minutes, one minute longer than a UFC round. You'll perform the circuits up to five times in one workout, making for an intensity similar to a five-round UFC title fight. How to do this workout? Perform the following workout 2 to 3 times per week. Make sure that you Read more
Total Body Muscle Difficulty level: Intermediate Muscles involved: Total body Focus: Build muscle ยท Build strength Duration: 60 minutes Overview They say that blood, sweat, and tears build a rock-solid body. We're not sure if that's true, but we do know that in order to see amazing results you need an amazing plan, which is exactly what this is: A no-nonsense approach to building mass. How to do this workout? Perform this workout three days a week, resting at least a day between each session. So you might go on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. When you see a number with a le Read more
3 step to muscle
Three-Step Muscle Plan Difficulty level: Intermediate Muscles involved: Total body Focus: Build muscle ยท Fat loss Duration: 15 minutes Overview What happens when you perform an exercise that works a big muscle? You see big results. So imagine what you could do if you combined three big-muscle exercises in one workout and pushed at a reckless intensity built for a warrior. The result is a circuit that ignites new muscle growth and boots your metabolism. How to do this workout? Perform this full-body workout at least three days a week, resting at least one day between each se Read more
The 4 Week Chest Blast Duration: 60 minutes Difficulty level: Intermediate Muscles involved: Chest Focus: Build muscle Overview In this four-week program, you'll blister and bruise your pecs with several familiar moves. However, we want you to slow down and take critical note of your training form. Making small adjustments will mean big changes in your progress. Within certain exercises, we've zeroed in on particular elements common to training mistakes flaws that need the most minor of tweaks but could mean the most major of muscular improvements. How to do this workout? P Read more