Masturbation Survey

I found this survey elsewhere so I decided, with Masturbaton Month in full swing,(though that's really every month!) to fill it in. Why not fill it in yourself or comment.! Are you male or female? Male At what age did you start masturbating? Around 11 How many times a week do you masturbate? Pretty much daily Do you always orgasm when you masturbate? Usually How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? 1 - occasionally 2 Where do you masturbate: In bed? yes In the shower? yes In the bath? In the shower Outdoors? If itsā€™ dark! I'm not in a private area. At work? I have done… Read more

Posted by ukbater 1 year ago 5

"Straight" to Gay - my experience

Iā€™d had several girlfriends - looking back now, sex was something that seemed to be required in a relationship - it didnā€™t seem to involve any passion - just a mechanical thing that needed to be done to keep someone happy. For a time I started to think I was just asexual. Then, I was at a wedding - I guess too much alcohol loosened inhibitions and I ended up spending the night with a guy - someone I didnā€™t really know. One thing led to another and that night really did change my life (I know it sounds predictable) - by opening my eyes. Having a guyā€™s body on mine, sucking his cock, taking his… Read more

Posted by ukbater 2 years ago 37