WTF has happened to most porn and adult connection sites?'t even waste your time anymore; use to be an interactive and productive site, worth the money and resulted in several connections and/or sharing of interests, pics and vids. Gone are those days! into another site after the owners split. New site is a waste of time; to many fakes, flakes and limited ability to connect. What a shame, met some really fun people there. Down the drain now! to be a great place to look at amature porn and add your own content. Disappointing now... Read more
It Might Happen
I live in a rural area; a place where it is not uncommon to see golf carts or 4 wheelers running up and down the roadside right-of way as they make their way to a small country store just down the street, or perhaps just out enjoying the morning. There is a large pond in my backyard and people often stop by to fish for a bit, or just look at the wildlife. My usual routine is up at the crack of dawn, grab a cup of joe and sit on the back porch in my bathrobe and check out my favorite porn sites. I can be seen, but not easily from the top of the dam, perhaps a brief glimpse as travelers drive Read more