My friend is going to meet a female friend. And he want to get ger laid. She doesn't know about this plan. He askikg for suggestions on whr is a gd place? Best to have a place with many couple doing pda so that the can get into the feel maybe. Read more
Choose the girls
I guess most ppl like 6. N no one chose 5. May I know y no one like her n y u all chose what u chose Read more
Night jog in sg
As usual I went for my night jog around my estate. Today I was wearing my pink sports bra a white baggy singlet n a white fbt so that I don't Kana langa by car haha. As I was running, I ran pass a guy that was gg in the opposite direction. After a while he caught up to me again from behind n talk to me. He ask for my name whr I study whr I stay my Hp number all the friendly convo. After jogging for a while we rested together at a busstop before heading home. He offered to send me home n I agreed. We got into the lift n after reaching my floor I told him that here will do n tell him bye befor Read more
Sex friends
Hey guys. Just tell me which girl u Wan to know about n I'll tell u. Read more