Where to start, by now we had been inviting "friends" into our sex life for awhile and things still continued to excite me as if it was the 1st time. But we did have abut that was quickly becoming our regular. Every time we saw each other, even if it was just for a few minutes he would give us those puppy dog eyes and want 1 of my very special blow jobs. Turns out, very few women knew how to truly give head unless they loved giving it like I do. And since I was taught to give it a very unique way, well....let's just say everyone wanted seconds on my work!! But I digress. A Read more
The first time my husband shared me!!
It was a normal night with a few friends over until they all left but "him". I had known my husband wanted to watch me get bedded well by someone younger, bigger, just different. I was scared it would be the end of a perfect marriage of more than 20yrs. I will admit that we both still had the looks to turn heads but keep up with a 19/20yr old in the sack?? "Ted" (hubby) talked to "Mike" (guy) and he was a go if I was. So I drank a little more and built my nerves and as Ted was kissing me and lifting my shirt to expose my bare breasts to Mike, I can't describe the excitement that was Read more
Trying something new!!
This is the first time I've ever met and talked with anyone this way but its time for something new to spice up life. It may take a little getting use to for the total relaxation in front of the video but I'm sure it will be fun and exciting getting to the comfort level. Read more