Hey Guys, I’m looking for suggestions of good porn movies or clip to watch with my new girlfriend. I’m looking for something nice, not too hard, but not too cheesy or too soft. I’m looking for something classy but I still want it to be porn. She's not shy and don't have much taboos including girls on girls, but she's no porn queen either. Which bring the question of what kind of Porn women love??? Read more
Talking about sex & other topics that all come
Recently, I started thinking about activating my blog for what it is: A place to give my point of view on matters that I care about. So what you’ll read in the post to come is the opinion of a 43 YO man, married for over 20 years now who developed a passion for pornography and sexuality. I’ve never been a faithful husband. I think that sexual exclusivity is a fraud both for men and women. I think that men are overall dominants and women overall submissive. I think that sex and love are 2 different things. I think that censors are everywhere etc. I’m not objective. I’m just gonna stat Read more