Well at the time I was working for a building contractor and we had been doing some modernisation on a block of council flats. It was the usual thing, kitchen, bathroom, heating and windows and I used to go and measure up for what was needed. I knocked on the door and after a few moments a chap opened the door. He was about 5 10 well built but not fat and about 40ish I reckon. His hair was thinning and he was wearing grey tracksuit bottoms and a white t-shirt. "Hi mate come to measure for your windows" I said "Yeah ok, I'm Rob by the way. Come on up the stairs" I did as bid and followed h Read more
My first cock
Well I was 16, just left school and I had a job, yes a job of all things. Anyway it was my first Saturday off so I went to my mate Al's house to see what he was doing. Trouble is he was a little bit lazy and his mum answered the door and said he was still in bed but I could go up as she was just leaving to go to town and so up I went. I ran upstairs and opened the door to find him sat up in bed reading a porn mag with a rather obvious lump in the bed cover. "Hi mate" I said "what you doing?" and I laughed . "Ha ha funny" was his sarcastic reply so I told him to move up so I could sit on t Read more
My Hooker Experiences 1
Well I don't know how many of you have paid for sex but I have and I enjoyed every moment. My first time was one night after calling at a bar. I was on my way home and felt pretty horny so I thought I'd just take a look at the girls as I drove along the red light zone. I was not intending to pick one up and it looked pretty quiet anyway but, as I went to turn off and head home I saw a girl in a light grey overcoat. As my headlights lit her up this girl opened and closed the coat quite quickly, enough to get a glimpse of a very short black skirt and long legs though. I automatically pulled Read more