Le Voisin.... > A L'Ăąge de 18 ans. j'ai passĂ© l'Ă©tĂ© au chalet de mes parents. Notre voisin leurs a promis de me surveiller. Il habitait son chalet Ă lâannĂ©e et il Ă©tait toujours seul. La famille venait passer les fins de semaines et je restais seul la semaine. AndrĂ© le voisin venait souper souvent avec la famille et il a proposĂ© Ă mes parents de mâemmener pour 3 jours en expĂ©dition de canot. Ils ont acceptĂ©, le connaissant depuis des annĂ©es. Le dĂ©part Ă©tait prĂ©vu pour le lundi matin suivant. Le dimanche soir je prĂ©pare mes choses, vĂȘtement, bouffe, de quoi pour pĂȘcher. A 6.00 il vient me Read more
Cinema fantasy
One fantasy I wish to realize ... As I imagine it, I would wear a red lacy garter belt and nylons, with matching open red thong, bra, and a black shiny miniskirt under my clothes. At the adult cinema I am thinking of going, I had heard that the entrance fee is waived for CDs and TVs ( but I don't know if you have to show it all right in front of the cashier!). Once inside I'd get ''undressed'' either in a washroom or in the back rows and check out the scene a moment. There were single men I could see s**ttered among the seats and what looked like a few in ''couples'', though it was hard to t Read more
One awesome adventure?
One awesome adventure I've had one evening was going to a long-standing friend's place in Montréal. I had dressed all in sheer red lacy lingerie under my clothes, so it took me no time to be in garter, nylons, lacy red thong and 'body' . My friend had told me to expect another guy to join us, and he showed up shortly afterward. But then less than 10 minutes later the bell rang again , and ... another man showed up? And a third one shortly after! In no time at all I was with 4 naked bisexual men, 3 of them versa, kissing, caressing, gently groping, and slowly moving toward the king size bed Read more
My first uro experience ...
Totally unexpected ! ! ! I was wearing ( all in pink ) a lacy garter belt with fishnet stocking, a sheer transparent string and a pink fishnet body, on my knees sucking a friend's nice cock with a pleasant alcool buzz, and at one point he said he had to go the bathroom ... shal I continue? On a complete whim, I got up and followed him to the bathroom. I do not recall who suggested what, but I found myself kneeling in the shower, my face in front of his cock, waiting, and curious about what was to happen? Then it came, a warm gush in my face, and I felt it going down to my pink body as he wa Read more
Un massage inattendu !
J'étais allé passer une fin de semaine au camping LaFierté avec un ami , pour lui montrer le lieu vu que c'était sa premiÚre visite. On avait pas choisit notre weekend , c'était le pire de l'été ! Pluies et froid la majorité du temps ... Désoeuvrés le lendemain aprÚs-midi, on se cherche quelque chose à faire pendant que la pluie tombe, et mon ami propose de trouver un masseur. On prend le téléphone et en trouvons un de libre en milieu d'aprÚs-midi, mais avec un petit ''twist''car mon ami m'avoua ensuite qu'il avait un fantasme de me voir me faire masser nu. Alors aprÚs douche, shampoing, ras Read more