my story in indonesia

Cerita ini melibatkan saya dan adik kandung saya. Nama saya Andy, saat ini saya pria berumur 26 tahun. Sedangkan adik saya bernama Rindy, berumur 23 tahun. Cerita ini berawal ketika saya berumur 10 tahun, dimana saya mulai menyukai cerita-cerita yang berhubungan dengan seks. Pada umur tersebut saya juga sudah terbiasa melakukan masturbasi. Pada suatu ketika, saya melihat berita di sebuah surat kabar tentang hubungan seks antara kakak-beradik. Saya telah sudah sering membaca tentang berbagai cerita seks, tetapi baru kali ini antara saudara sendiri. Ini merupakan cerita yang sangat menarik. S… Read more

Posted by theo_el 12 years ago

my story

This story involves me and my younger brother. My name is Andy, I am now 26-year-old man. As for my brother, Rindy, aged 23 years. This story started when I was 10 years old, where I started to like the stories related to sex. At that age I also got used to masturbate. At one point, I saw the news in a newspaper about sex between brother and sister. I've already read a lot about sex stories, but this was the first among your own. This is a very interesting story. Any given story, I became more interested. Because of the story, seems to be realized. At that time, I occupied the same room… Read more

Posted by theo_el 12 years ago


i'm so horny.... i need woman now.... +6285732751238… Read more

Posted by theo_el 12 years ago