380.000 xHamster porn accounts details leaked https://www.scmagazine.com/380k-xhamster-accounts-being-traded-on-underground/article/575223/ Vice's Motherboard obtained a database of nearly 380,000 users including usernames, email addresses, and what appears to be poorly hashed passwords from the for-profit breach notification site LeakBase, according to a Nov. 28 report. Found the following actual entry on Google, it leads to a hacker's forum LOL : Hackers Are Trading Hundreds of Thousands of xHamster Porn Account Details https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13063564 The firs Read more
We Tracked Down A Fake-News Creator In The Suburbs
Enlightening article ;) Isn't it shocking, how stupid the masses are to believe such nonsense? Not really, anymore. The fakebook (or hatebook?) 'personalities' on this so called social media sites count in legions LOL http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/11/23/503146770/npr-finds-the-head-of-a-covert-fake-news-operation-in-the-suburbs Read more
Quality is immortal - Emerson, Lake & Palmer
A milestone of progressive music as early as 1971. This live album is a part of human music heritage forever, same as Beethoven, the Beatles, Yes, Genesis, Marillion, Jarre, Kraftwerk, Hawkwind and many others. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Pictures at an exhibition Promenade & The Gnome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXcwymuO_Vg The Sage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9Ippzdh0Qg The Old Castle & Blues Variation ... (First 2 minutes are chaos, the good part starting then) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wv5f5P5VbIc The Hut and the Curse of Baba Yaga https://www.yo Read more
The biggest Cook? Why not the best?
Well I know it's Friday 13th actually, so why not post a Blog, can you tell me? Now true satire is never staged it happens without intention. So here an original posting, I didn't change the text in any way: Hello Master!! I wish to be your deep throat Sissy Slut!!! I want to be trained and educated to swallow the biggest COOK´s and are presented as mindless whore. I love the feeling of be controlled and be helpless. Ok baby, I'm not into swallowing biggest cooks - why so evil? - and the best cook for me, the one I trust 100% is myself ;) Read more
Pet Analisa ;)
Thanks to the unknown fan who posted one of my private galleries on the web! http://www.pictoa.com/albums/pet-analisa-456425.html I've nothing against it as this is fair use and as a lover of nude human pet porn I'm flattered, a TRUE fan FINALLY, kisses to the poster ♥ Read more
Reality TV - The brave American eagle
Just checked out the world news and watched a really amazing movie. Yes, at least this eagle has understood my status message - there is nothing good in this world unless you do it! http://www.google.de/url?q=http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2015/dec/10/donald-trump-attacked-by-american-bald-eagle-video&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjK26Wd79TJAhUBaxQKHUXFBcwQtwIIEQ&usg=AFQjCNEWsWLsTzl1pXw_2Beo3QQlvNPHMg Looks like an omen, maybe Abraham Lincoln's message to the populists? I still can't stop laughing, this is a real, not staged, comedy at its best! Read more
'B r o t h e r h o o d' Conspiracy Uncov
Enlightening article concerning the 'Muslim B r o t h e r hood', a part of the international terror mafia. Just some crappy comments by the usual idiots on this linked site: http://archive.frontpagemag.com/readArticle.aspx?ARTID=4476 I disabled comments so this won't happen here the pro-active way ;) Read more
A human pet - an example from a petgirl
Interesting, I can identify with most of her thoughts and views. http://www.submissiveguide.com/2010/09/a-human-pet/ But not all lol http://www.submissiveguide.com/2009/04/pet-play-human-pets-primer/ I hate humiliation, but this word seems to be used for all passionate forms of sexually submissive love in some circles. It's not humiliating to be a sexy pet as long as you're respected and loved by your self chosen 'owner', this is perfect in my eyes ;) Read more
Top Reviewers
Openly said I would not friend with all of them ;) But I'm proud to be friended with 4 who are working for the good in xHamster so this site hopefully will never be closed down for legal reasons like it happened to others... http://xhamster.com/top_reviewers.php Before moaning and attacking reviewers in general for deleting your stuff read this article: http://xhamster.com/user/P-L-P/posts/216648.html They cannot delete your stuff at all! Only support can do this. Most deletions and even closing of the ability to upload was due to large amount of DMCA copyright infringement Read more
New Lifestyle - Alcoholic Architecture
Breathe (NOT drink!) the alcohol cloud responsibly - an interesting mystical atmosphere. Location: Cathedral Street, London. Inside the bar: http://www.tagesschau.de/multimedia/bilder/alcoholic-architecture-bar-103~_v-modPremium.jpg http://www.alcoholicarchitecture.com/ http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/alcoholic-architecture-101.html Read more
That made me laugh ^^
The gold medal for today's funniest message goes to London/UK, some kind of private housewife's philosophy looking back at a rich life full of experiences. whore is a whore doesnt matter if u call her a whore or not, but she ll behave like a whore every time The best comment I've read today scanning the troll and bitch fight scene! This warm hearted greetings have been dedicated to another women, who accused her of 'stealing' her galleries by adding them to her favorites. Yes, lmao! More I will not tell, stay discrete and enjoy ;) Read more
Changes for better xHamster performance announced
I just stumbled around comments by BigBadWolfXhamster, a strange looking profile working for xHamster. So I consider this information as trustworthy no matter how he looks ;) It's important to those who believe in the existence of a xHamster Community. First, the size of messages shall be expanded. Then within a a month we will see a complete overhaul of XHamster. Everything will change, a new design and much more... Wait and see, I was dreaming of a black background with green letters, classic PC-style, for my site for so long ;) Source: His message board http://xham Read more
Gary Numan - Metal (Lyrics)
Great song and text, it's about androids. "Metal" We're in the building where they make us grow And I'm frightened by the liquid engineers Like you My Mallory heart is sure to fail I could crawl around the floor just like I'm real Like you The sound of metal I want to be you I should learn to be a man Like you Plug me in And turn me on Oh, everything is moving I need my treatment it's tomorrow they send me Singing I am an American Do you? Picture this, if I could make the change I'd love to pull the wires from the wall Did you? And who a Read more
French postcards
Wikipedia quote: A French postcard is a small, postcard-sized piece of cardstock featuring a photograph of a nude or semi-nude woman. Such erotic cards were produced in great volume, primarily in France, in the late 19th and early 20th century. The term was adopted in the USA, where such cards were not legally made https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_postcard Additional to Wikipedia I have to mention also some cards with nude or seminude men exist from this early days of photography. Personally I've seen a few normally used on auction sites as Ebay or Delcampe, searching for erotica Read more
A site featuring over 13,748 free animations for you to use on your website or send as digital postcards: http://www.animationlibrary.com/ On this site you can work and play with your own photos and also create animated gifs from photos and movie sequences: http://www191.lunapic.com/editor/ Read more
CMNF - Blog
From a like minded spirit. http://mollysdailykiss.com/2014/01/26/on-display/ It's so true, while CFNM is very common and accepted in the Western World, CMNF is not accepted by many. There is no real gender equality in human sexuality, yet. Eastern Asia is much better! Read more
Ars Longa, Vita Brevis
Archangel's Thunderbird - text and erotic paintings on this nice Blog ;) http://gulmor.blogspot.com/2011/06/when-everywhere-eye-asks-you.html Read more
Real ancient music - Daemonia Nymphe
Daemonia Nymphe is a Greek band performing Ancient Greek music using authentic instruments, including lyre, varvitos, krotala, pandoura and double flute, which are made by the Greek master Nicholas Brass.Their shows are very authentic with members wearing masks and ancient dresses. Their lyrics are drawn from Orphic and Homeric hymns and Sappho's poems for Zeus and Hekate. Daemonia Nymphe means Divine Nymph in classical Greek. Nymphs can be very friendly (as nature) to humans, although they can also be very unfriendly when humans do not honor them, the way nature can be unfriendly when it doe Read more
Trans Pride
Although not of my confession, THIS people I can respect! They do the right thing in the spirit of love. https://seattlecatholicworker.wordpress.com/2013/07/06/scw-marches-for-trans-pride/ Read more