BDSM Test..

== Results from == 100% Dominant 100% Experimentalist 96% Bondage Giver 91% Degradation Giver 88% Exhibitionist 84% Non-monogamist 81% Primal (Predator) 79% Brat Tamer 71% Daddy/Mommy 71% Voyeur 68% Master/Mistress 68% Sadist 63% Switch 57% Primal (Prey) 45% Pervert 38% Vanilla 9% Brat 4% Degradation Receiver 4% Masochist 4% Submissive 0% All-Rounder 0% Bondage Receiver 0% Girl/Boy 0% Slave… Read more

Posted by soab 10 years ago

fake boobs and pussies

I still don't get it, why on earth do some users, who otherwise seem real, upload pics of random genitals from other porn/file-sharing sites? Why do people do that, is it only revenge-profiles made by "friends" using private pics, or do they feel too curvy or something? For me personally, it's a major turn-off, I'd rather see a curvy arse that doesn't show up a dozen times if you image-search it. Please comment if you know anyone who has done this (or in case you want to confess!).… Read more

Posted by soab 10 years ago