If you had one way you could have a sexual experience go every time that would for sure get you off, what would it be? Read more
Like seriously?
How can guys be so RUDE. and Weird. I had some guy play that whole " I'm gonna compliment you and playfully put *blush* at the end to make you like me" bullshit. We're not 12....and if you are, you don't belong on this site. lol Idk what it is, but the more I'm on here, the more I don't want to be on here. These boys, are the reason I left the first time. Read more
Fake Boobs.
I mean, I'm just saying because I've watched porn on here...... Fake boobs cannot look sexy at all. I see them sometimes and I'm honestly disgusted.....They look like someone shoved a pillow in your boob. AND they don't move....They've gotta be uncomfortable. Guys, just ew. lol Read more
Let's get this straight
I don't appreciate guys messaging me, and being all in business. I am 100% female...Don't message me inquiring into my life and accusing me of not being a lady because " You can't see my picture well" I don't waste my life flirting with men because I'm a dude hiding behind a female profile. Grow up. We're not in the 90's anymore and that shit is just gross and I'm not into that. Guys need to stop being so paranoid and just seriously grow up. Don't friend me if you're just gonna keep accusing and babble about shit that's just drama. Seriously. After that rant, Bring on the bbc :) lol Read more