Found a cool site for people who are into roleplay a lot, particularly those who like elaborate roleplays rather than what people do in live chat: I have just started hanging around there at times to look around. It has been ages since I did that kind of online roleplay, but it seems interesting. Say "hi" if you show up there. :) I go by the username "Smita" there. Read more
Friends (Story)
Finished a short story titled "Friends". It is about how a platonic but lively friendship between a man and a woman turns sexual. Those who want to read about cocks entering pussies or anuses in every other paragraph or so might want to skip this one (and all my stories as well, I think). It has sexual content, but the real fun in this one is in the dialogue. At least I enjoyed writing it. The story can be found at: Read more
A question of style
Some people tell me that my stories are lacking in sexual content. First let me say that I am actually quite prepared to accept that my stories are far from perfect. After all, these are just random scribblings that I don't take very seriously. I am not happy with everything I have written but I usually don't bother to go back to change anything. So I am okay with the fact that these are not perfect works. However, the "lack of sexual content" is intentional. My stories are about sexual situations and I like the game of building up strange sexual situations and resolving them in strange Read more
Really cool story...
A lot of people seem to have no idea that story can be sexually exciting as well as ... well... just a great story. So here is an example: Read more
Some clarification about chatting, meeting, etc.
I am not here to look for dates. I have no problems with guys who use this site to look for women, but I do not need a sexual partner right now. This is not about me not being open enough for casual sex. I have no moral issues with that either. However, it is not something I can handle in my life. So guys who try to talk me into meeting them - I am just going to ignore you. I have nothing against you looking for a date. I have enough experience with men to know that just saying "No" does not always stop a guy from trying. So I do not make a big deal out of guys who keep trying. But I do bel Read more
About story ideas
I do appreciate suggestions for stories that I keep getting, but for them to be meaningful, it has to be little more than just a "pairing". In other words, if you suggest that I should write a story about a "a woman fucking her boss", that means absolutely nothing to me. I can think of a pairing myself - a plot is harder. If you do send me a plot, even if I do like it, that does not mean I will start writing on it right away. These things take time. Still... thanks for the suggestions. Read more