Obsessed is all u could call her. She used to be the favorite of all her men then came along, this man, this man called Hams. Taking to him one time was the end for her letting all things in her once very permiscious life go. All she could think about was him, always in her mind is this thick sexy black man, his big fat black cock. I call her obsessed because wen it comes to sex he is all she can see. Realising he is sex addicted she wants nothing but to please him. He brings home women. So jealous and angry she takes her cloths off and begins to take off this bitches clothes and lays her down… Read more

Posted by slest 12 years ago


Once again wanting sir Hams. My body wants him so bad always teasing me with that hard black dick pussy wet and throbbing. Never giving me what I need all I can do is imagine. Imagine wat it would be like to have that dick so far in my pussy. I want to taste him just lick all over his nuts lick my cum off his dick. So wet wen he pulls it out of my pussy that it just runs down his balls that's way I want to lick getting it all over my face. Please Ham please give it to me I need u so bad and with the begging and wanting I explode all over its so so good. Able to sleep now I'll dream of u. Gd ng… Read more

Posted by slest 12 years ago

The HAM files

I new hams in a another life time ,he was a young black man about 6 foot in his early twenties he had braids an he was a thung . The first time I sucked his dick I can remember it tased it like candy , He force me down on my knees an pulled out his his big dick he wood not let me suck it he made me suck his nuts ,he laid his dick on my face I could fill it throbbing an it drove crazy I could not help my self I exploded in my panties my cum was dripping down my leg that made me want to suck it more an more I beged but he just teased me as he jacket of on my face in to he exploded all… Read more

Posted by slest 12 years ago