Alpha sperm possibly??

I think I met someone who has an Alpha sperm. Now I’ll explain, I met a man in a grinder, he’s 52 years old, an average body for a mature man, his penis is about 18 cm. He lives alone with his cat. So our meetings are the same. I come, undress and get on my knees, suck his dick, he fucks me in the mouth and all that.. then when he cums I naturally swallow everything, and then I leave.. that’s all. nothing unusual, BUT... I'm starting to think about sucking him even faster than usual, unlike when I meet others and suck them off. Every load that i swallow makes me want more. I don’t know what ex… Read more

Posted by Skdsh 5 months ago 14

Just a thoughts of a faggot

My whole life I was different, probably its for the best.. I was hooked from the day my lips touched my own dick.. yes, I did selfsuck and enjoyed it, like I've been doing it so often, never letting a single drop to be wasted. Being that young I didn't realize where it will get me to. Now when a hundreds if cocks been sucked, many loads been taken.. I know that it was the right thing to do it. I just can't live without it. Being a faggot is makes me feel like I have to be, my place where I will be happy and don't want another life. I appreciate all the guys that makes me like this, their cocks… Read more

Posted by Skdsh 1 year ago 20

The reasons why Alpha men need faggots.

Most of the reasons below are based on a single fact about the soul of a faggot. We will do (almost) everything for cock and cum, especially for Alpha cock and cum. We cannot get pregnant. We are inherently sterile, so no matter how much of Your sperm You pump into us, there is no risk of pregnancy. You can fuck us without a condom to your heart's content, you don't have to be afraid that one day we will surprise you with the news that we are pregnant and demand your support. And because we can't get pregnant, we approach sex without thinking about the risk... We don't care about your marri… Read more

Posted by Skdsh 1 year ago 38

Причины по которым Альфа-самцам нужны педики.

Большинство приведенных нижу причин основаны на единственном факте о душе педика. Мы сделаем (почти) всё для члена и спермы, особенно для Альфа-члена и спермы. Мы не можем забеременеть. Мы бесплодны по своей природе, поэтому, сколько бы своей спермы Ты ни закачал в нас, риска беременности нет. Вы можете трахать нас без презерватива сколько душе угодно, Вам не нужно бояться, что однажды мы удивим Вас новостью о том, что мы беременны, и потребуем от Вас поддержки. И поскольку мы не можем забеременеть, мы подходим к сексу, не думая об этом риске... Мы не заботимся о вашем браке. [/b… Read more

Posted by Skdsh 1 year ago 8

Confession: I am a Faggot

This post was made by my fellow Fag brother (pourlamourdeshommes), who gave a permission to post it. By chance a couple of years back I came across a book called The Faggot Bible by an Alpha who calls himself FagMaster. It was after reading the first few chapters of this book that I was compelled to start acknowledging my nature, and conversations with Alphas and fellow Faggots on this site have reinforced my conviction that: 1) there is a relatively stable, durable configuration of urges and lusts which may justly be called a nature, an essence, a state of being; and 2) although t… Read more

Posted by Skdsh 2 years ago 30