This Flight Tonight Part 3

Hands under your bra, I pull you against me, lifting your mouth near mine. "Let me make you mine tonight, lie still and close your eyes" You push your back against me and up, your lips against my neck! I slide my hand down your stomach and under the elastic of your panties, slowly stroking your pussy lips. Spreading them between my forefinger and thumb i slip my pinkie on your clit and rub it ever so softly and feel it swell. I slide one finger inside your wet pussy and circle inside you. "Another please" you gasp!! Sliding the second finger in you, you shudder, your legs widen under th… Read more

Posted by sgmvader 12 years ago 1

for LEA

The Grocery Store! I am out of a key ingredient to make cucumber salad, i forgot the cucumber. Driving to the store i get a strange sense of deva vu. I find a parking spot and pull in. Knowing the store layout i go in the grocery side and go into the produce section. out of the corner of my eye i see a woman in front of the section i need to be in, the only problem is that she is beautiful and has what i was looking for in her hands. "miss, how do you know if they are ripe." I ask "they are long and firm too the touch" she says Thank you, by the way my name is Shawn, mine is "Lea"… Read more

Posted by sgmvader 12 years ago 1

All Hallows Orgasm

October 31st, The trick or treat has ended. You are in bed alone and start to drift off into sleep, you do not notice the door slightly open. slinking across the floor and by your feet i put your big toe in my mouth, you rustle slightly and turn on your side. Just a slight slap on your ass. As you roll back over on your back i slide my hands up the inside of you're thighs. grabbing on to your ass and lifting you up I bite down hard on your clit, sucking, sucking and sucking, till you cum all over my face. Your pussy juice tastes so GOOD!! In a haze you start to roll over and escape the drea… Read more

Posted by sgmvader 12 years ago 2

helping women above 35 to orgasm

Guys, Wanna Have A Girl be into you, listen to what they want. Start with a foot rub and then work your way up and maybe down :) Do what they want and see what you GET !!… Read more

Posted by sgmvader 12 years ago 3

Making women squirt

There is an art to making women squirt! It's all about them, be free and do whatever they ask you to do, they know what it takes to get them there!!… Read more

Posted by sgmvader 12 years ago 2