Your message and friend request part two

ENG Hello friends it can be sent to me again friend requests. I will accept it as soon as I have time. With the messages it does not become unfortunately better I have still 370 unanswered messages I try everything here. But you do not make it easy for me. I would like to thank everyone for their patience. Your Nikki DE Hallo Freunde es können mir wieder Freundschaftsanfragen gesendet werden. Ich werde es annehmen, so bald ich Zeit habe. Bei den Nachrichten wird es leider, nicht besser ich habe noch 370 Unbeantwortet Nachrichten, ich versuche alles hier. Aber ihr macht es mir nicht leicht.… Read more

Posted by SFMNikki 4 years ago 1

Your message and friend request

ENG Hello my dears , Firstly, I know that many have been awaiting an answer from me for days. I would like to ask you once again for a little patience. I really try everything in the time where I am online to answer your messages. If I don't write back it is not arrogance on my part. Whenever I answer a message, 1-3 new messages are added. I ask for your understanding. I try really hard. Secondly, many want to send me a friendship request, but at the moment it is not possible. It could be because my inbox is too full, or i… Read more

Posted by SFMNikki 4 years ago

Your messages.

Hello people I know that I still have to write an answer to many people. I promise to write back to everyone but it will take some time because there are too many messages from you. I ask for your understanding and thank you each individual for your message. Your Nikki.… Read more

Posted by SFMNikki 4 years ago 2