
Boo!! I sorry bout dat message. Dat waz wrong. I want you n not to lame ass pussy biatch of a gurl!!! I can make it up to you by makin it snow for us did weekend!!! ya down boo?!! Please ill suck yo cock and let u busy a nut all ova my face and ill share yo wit my gurl. She suck yo dick too!!! Fri or sat boo. You down and you forgive a nigga. We will suck to cock and it'll be snowing wit sum Jack Daniels you want. My girl n me drinkin captain and snow!!!!!! Got 3 8 balls for da weekend. It's all you me my gurl n if u have a friend Bring him too. I live in west Mifflin by da mall. 3 8 balls a… Read more

Posted by Sexy_Ang 12 years ago