Sind gerade auf einer Cuckoldparty. 12 weiße Paare und 24 schwarze Riesenschwänze Read more
Als der Schwanz aus ihrem Arsch gezogen war ließ sie sich zur Seite fallen. Dabei rutschte der andere Schwanz mit einem schmatzenden Geräusch aus ihrer Fotze. Sein Schwanz glänzte von ihrem Fotzensaft. Die anderen waren inzwischen auch da und jetzt standen alle ums Bett herum. Der Ältere drehte sie auf den Rücken und spreitzte ihre Beine. Sie lag jetzt ausgebreitet auf dem Bett und man konnte sehen wie ein wahrer Spermastrom aus ihrer Fotze lief. Sarah stützte sich auf ihre Ellbogen, schaute an sich herunter, lächelte und sagte:" So liebe ich es. Sperma gehört in die Fotze." Dann schaute sie e Read more
Sarah's rhyme for a ten inch bbc.
What I'm thinking of while a ten inch bbc is fucking my tight white cunt. One ist for fun Two is for you Three is for me Four is for more Five makes my cunt alive Six is yours for the hunching Seven is heaven Eight is great Nine is divine Ten... is a sin ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ Read more
Game of ten strokes.
Sarah player a new game with her lovers called "Ten Strokes". They told her she would enjoy it, and that they played it a lot with each other's dates. How it worked was that one oft them would start by fucking her with ten good long strokes. After that the next one would do the same, and add ten more, making it twenty. Then he would pull out and the next would take his place and add another ten to the twenty, making it thirty. And so on. And on. The winner being the guy who lasted the longest. Most women came a lot during the game, they told her. When she asked what the winner got, they said Read more
Proper wife goes black
After some soul searching, we agreed to meet at a popular singles bar after work one Friday evening. I was detained at the office at the las minute, however, and called Sarah to let her know. I told her to go ahead and have a good time, saying that I would join her as soon as possible. When I arrived at around eight o' clock the place was packed. I checked out the bar, and then the lounge , where the band was tuning up, but I didn't see her, and began to suspect that she had gotten cold feet. But as my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the lounge I saw Sarah sitting in a corner booth with an o Read more