Yet Another Saturday Walk Home

After that Saturday and despite the fact he walloped really hard I still thought Pete was up for some fun. Guess I was wrong. For the next two Saturdays I went to the pub dressed up. I was excited but scared as I sat with friends in lingerie and sheer black tights hoping Pete would come in. Never saw him once up until the day before new year when I bumped into at the shopping centre. Saying hi I approached him. He kept looking around, so I assumed he was waiting for some. As I was about ask if he would be about on Saturday when he apologised if he had hurt me that Saturday. I shook my head and… Read more

Posted by rtales 1 year ago 1

Another Saturday Walk Home

It was six weeks before I saw Pete in the pub. I don’t think he saw me as I walked in so went in the other bar to drink. Then, not wanting to chance bumping into him I only had two pints before going home. It was a Wednesday so none of my friends were out. Getting home and feeling horny as I’d thought once more on the way about what happened I dressed up for a while, then went to bed about 11 wearing a silk nightgown. After ten minutes laying down and with a rock-hard cock, I suddenly felt the need to be punished. So, I got out of bed, knelt on it with my naked bum in the air and gave myself… Read more

Posted by rtales 1 year ago 1

Saturday Night Walk Home

I have always been into spanking, even more than dressing in lingerie. Though for me the two went hand in hand at times. While over the years I have dipped in and out dressing for a while, corporal punishment was always a constant thought. I started to think about spanking even before dressing. I would fantasise about being punished as a gurl, and for dressing in panties. One Saturday in late September I had been at the pub lunchtime, went home after a while, then arranged to meet some friends about five at the same pub. We had a few drinks and again I went home. By now I was very merry, so… Read more

Posted by rtales 1 year ago 2

First Time Out Dressed

I was twenty-five when I got my first home. It was the end of November before I finally moved in. Christmas shopping for presents gave me the opportunity to view the women’s sections of the department stores. Not that I had any spare money for new clothes with the house which I really couldn’t afford and Christmas. Still, it gave me a cheap thrill as I felt the silk and cotton of the goods on display. I got a little money as gifts at Christmas, with that and the January sales I spent it wisely on a couple of new girly items. A gorgeous pair of navy blue and black lace knickers and a pair of… Read more

Posted by rtales 1 year ago 2

Great Aunt’s Underwear

Not long after the Caroline incident I went to stay with my aunt and uncle. Well, they were actually my great aunt and uncle, but due to a large family my father was one year older than Colin. Strange, but true. Anyway, my parents were away and arranged for some work to be done on the house which meant I got to stay with Glenys, and Colin. I liked Glenys, she was petit and quite pretty in an elf-ish way. I’d seen her in a swimsuit and shorts, and despite many failed attempts I had yet to see her underwear. At times she came across quite a prude so I always thought that her choice of underwea… Read more

Posted by rtales 1 year ago 1

Caroline’s Underwear

I met Martin and Caroline when I first started work. Both were three years older than me. They were engaged and planning to marry as soon as they could afford a house. Trouble was Martin was crap with money, he was always borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. I even took out a loan for him once to pay a debt. To be fair he **** it back on time. One of my fantasies was that he didn’t, and I got to fuck Caroline as payment. Anyway, Martin moved companies and I soon followed him. We were both big football fans and watched the local team home and away. I was late learning to drive and did not pass m… Read more

Posted by rtales 1 year ago 1