I have once recently, I could not sleep and started fantasizing. I was at the mall and met someone a few years older then myself and he bought us coffee. We were chatting and he asked me what I was into and I told him crossdressing. After a while he asked if I want to go back to his home and dress for him, I said this is a perfect timing because my wife is away for the weekend. I went home and grabbed somethingās and drove over to his house. He let me in and showed me the bathroom so I could change and asked if I would like a drink. I went to dress and when I came out he was waiting with m Read more
Sleeping Erections
I love waking up during the night and feeling that I have an erection. My hand goes down there and it feels so big and hard, more so then any other time when at play. Does anyone else think there sleeping erections and bigger then waking ones? Read more
Fantasy 2 part 2
I get up off the massage table and see James cock sticking out of the robe, the cock I just had in my hand. He asks if I would like to pleasure him, I tell James that although I look at a lot of cock on line and love to see cocks cum I'm uneasy with the naked man behind that cock. James says not to worry he has seen this all the time guys love stroking themselves and want to try stroking another cock but have not gotten used to see the naked man behind the cock. He tells me he has a solution for this if I want to experience it, of course I respond after having the orgasm of my life provided Read more
Fantasy 2
I receive a call to replace some electrical outlets for a new customer named James I arrive and it is a nice ranch style home that has been updated and James shows me the kitchen where he needs these outlets replaced. He is chatting away asking questions as I'm working, an I married any k**s what do I do for fun things like that, very friendly. As I'm finishing the job on the lower outlets I'm slow to stand up. James asks if my back in hurt and I respond that it is sore had a tuff job earlier. He steps closer to me and places one hand on my shoulder and the other on my lower back and says o Read more
Fantasy 1
another friday comes and you are on your way home and receive a text from me asking how much longer till you get home. You walk in and I'm sitting in a chair and get up and hand you a cold glass of beer, your amazed as you look upon me. I have on a white satin robe open at the front. Under I have on white fishnet panties and a white bra, black gaterbelt and black stockings white white pumps. I walk back to the chair and drop my robe along the way I sit down and tell you to come over to me. you stand in front of me and I unzip your pants and my hand goes in and pulls out your soft cock Read more
My Saturday morning fantasy
I went to sleep last night dreaming about my new friend ph1046075 and his pics and woke up to this fantasy. You were laying on the bed in your dressed as you were in the 6th picture of your set, some old and new pics. I was laying next to you my pantyhosed right leg laying across your pantyhosed right leg. You are semihard as my right hand is massaging your full balls. My leg gently rubbing against yours. I run my hand up your shaft through your sheer panties and feel you grow in size. I gently lift your hard member so my hand can lightly grip your growing cock, I slide my hand up and down Read more