
Unlike most of the profiles we have come across here...our pics and vids are real. By real I mean they will always be of us or our friends. Not copying everyone elses vids and reposting them. Someone recently copied and posted our "Fun with Dick & Jane" video. Not sure how they get away with that as the content is not theirs. We were going to go after them for doing this...but since he has so many friends or what ever he did when he put it up...our video went straight into the top 10 for the week. That's cool, so I guess we'll let it slide. LATER After talking to my lawyer I relize tha… Read more

Posted by Rroobb 12 years ago 3


Anyone read these blogs? I would like to know if I am writing to myself.… Read more

Posted by Rroobb 12 years ago


Seems the hits on our second video are going to top the first. :) We thank you all for being fans of our work. We had no idea we were even good. LOL... I mean...LMFAO ! Thank you ALL for your support. Now the somewhat funny thing... We were approached by a sponsor. They want to sell us like meat...lol We could use the money...but we like to do this for fun as well. What would you do?… Read more

Posted by Rroobb 12 years ago 1

We love what we do

Hello All and thank you for joining us. We plan to start a new blog and let you all know what we think and why we choose to do what we do. We are happy to see that so many of you have asked to see more and therefore we have a new video that will be up in 4 days. We hope you all enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it. To have a real camera person would be great...we know our vids would be better...but for now, we do what we can do. We can only hope you enjoy the new vids as much as the first. :) Please give us guidence...if you would like to see us do something we are open. (For th… Read more

Posted by Rroobb 12 years ago 2