Hiya folks. I've done some digging to find mods that at least seem to actually work, as well as just about every slutty armor re-skin I could find. https://mega.nz/#!zRxVHBCK!RzQ2Lmakcgx5Z26CL6WwtFhx-xSQ6ZxCIz7spkfl_6s The above is the result of my efforts. Have fun! Remember, RPH is pretty easy to download. There is a LOT of armor that's been changed. I basically DL'd two major armor mods, plus a few other specific ones. https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/warcraft-mod-skin-nude-slutty-armors-6280681 This gallery is older, but was actually taken around 7.1, which is what my current mods Read more
Why WoW Nude Mods are Broken (Explanation)
Hi folks. In short, all custom, visual mods that change characters, creatures, and other in-game objects, are broken. This is because in patch 7.3, Blizzard changed the way that their wow.exe works. In such a way that now it is impossible to make a custom wow.exe and thus make visual mods/skins work in the game. Custom WoW.exe? You originally needed to download a modified version of wow.exe that made the game use the files from the mods you put in. Things like a nude character skin. What makes this new, 7.3 wow.exe impossible to edit? Quoting from Darknest: "Due to th Read more
Xhamster Galleries Posting order Update
The post order may have changed again. When I posted images in reverse, from 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, all I had to do after uploading was set '1' as my main image, and it went from 6-1-2-3-4-5 to 1-2-3-4-5-6. When I tried this with a larger album, it got fucked. Input: 15-1 Output: 15, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1, 2, 3, 4 Why does this even happen? It's worse than it was before. I give up. I'm using imgur, fuck this. OLD So something has changed in how pictures end up in our galleries when we post stuff. Maybe it's temporary, if so then I'll remove the post w Read more
Current sources for Legion-compatible mods.
With Legion coming out, models have been "updated", not so much visually, but enough so in a sense of files that the WoD models need to be updated now. Linked here is a Forum Post on Darknest (need an account) where a guy has screenshots of the mods that he's updated for Legion: https://forums.darknestfantasyerotica.com/index.php?threads/legion-models-9-15-2016-nightborn-and-nightfallen-and-first-attempt-at-succubus.34502/ https://www.mediafire.com/folder/96o71i116mhvo/World_Of_Warcraft is the mediafile account that this guy owns where he has all of the different character mods, in case Read more
How to Download + Play Scarlet Blade private serve
Scarlet blade died as of last year, roughly. Sadly the Korean devs didn't capitalize on the super-sexiness and focus only on turning it into an ERP and masturbation game... but luckily the game lives on in the form of a private server. Want to join in on the sexy fun? Play a game that makes you want your pants to be off all the time to facilitate stroking/flicking yourself every few minutes because sexy butts you wanna stuff your face into? Follow these steps! My character ingame is Rivvit, on Royal Guards. At least so far I think that faction has the better people for sex Read more
Your chances of being banned for nude mods.
You really can't get banned for nude mods, at least as far as I know. These 'mods' are basically just skin-replacers that are explicitly client-side. I hadn't heard of anyone getting banned for them. With these mods, you aren't removing or changing files. Explained best with a 'sound' mod. Let's say the sound for casting a fireball is called "casting_fire_0". All WoW does is looks in it's data folder, and finds an audio file called casting_fire_0, and plays that. If I make a folder in my WoW folder called "sound" that has the same file structure (same names for folders etc.) as the Read more
How to order images in Xhamster albums (to avoid t
So I've had some serious grievances in the past with Xhamster's album system. The issue: It fucks up the order of the images you place. Luckily, it fucks it up in a slightly consistent way. If you put in images 1, 2, 3, 4 in that order, it will come out as 4, 1, 2, 3. When making your albums, your first image should always go last. I.e, 2, 3, 4, 1 = 1 2 3 4 Sometimes it still fucks up, especially with really large albums, but this is your best bet at ensuring consistency. One way I avoid potential fuckups is that I just have a couple 'visual' screenshots, like a no-ui sh Read more
Gnome X Panda Anilingus WoW ERP!
Only the best thing in the world! A gnome encounters a pantsless panda, and coerces her to let her eat that warm, tasty booty ;3. Rivet: Are there any specific guidelines of your school that dictate what you should wear? Nubugati: We demoralize our enemies by making them extremely uncomfortable! Nubugati nods at you. Rivet: Well I... I wouldn't say I'm -uncomfortable-. Nubugati: The most important rule is that we must obstain from the wearing of leggings! Rivet: Yes, that is what I was alluding to. Nubugati nods at you. Rivet: So you guys don't wear pants, in order to discomfort your Read more