So.. they put some of My videos bck up?? Weird Read more
F Hamster
So... they let me upload my most recent vid.. I try another( an absolute classic if ever released btw) and all of a sudden they tell me the so called copyright owner complained?? Wtf?? so I asked how can a never before seen video uploaded from my device be copyrighted by someone else if they never had it. Its my vid. They said nothing so beware I believe the moderators are stealing content.. my best vids get denied. My so so or average ones get accepted. I'm thru. Plus yall done f'd the candid game up Read more
This site playing games.
So hamster wouldn't upload my video and said it was deleted bc the original copyright owner sway...?.its my fcking video.never seen By anyone but yea. I'm not putting up shit else Read more
Dedicated to all the shooters
If Hamster let my next one stay. Yall gone love it and its dedicated to all the Top Shooters who inspired me to get in this game. Keep shooting. Keep posting. Its millions out here. We lose a video, we go add more. Who agree? Read more
Crates back open
Ima stop being lazy.this next round all fire..pre covid shit Read more
WTF yo
Hamster took down my video but wasn't a minor in sight in that pt2 West Indian gilf Read more