Last seen 3 hours ago
Porn Lover
2187 days on xHamster
27.8K profile views
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59 comments left
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What sites are you all moving on to? Is there anything out there comparable to XHam? PM your new profiles so I can keep following your posts.
A couple of days ago, I went through the process of changing mine back to Public or Friends. But...I signed in this morning and found that Hamster has changed my galleries BACK to Only for Owner or Waiting for Moderation. When I tried to change my galleries back to Friends or Public, I saw a statement that says changes can only be made by The Administrator - which isn't me or you. In other words, XHamster has taken over our galleries. Nobody can see our pics, even if we want them to. So, I don't know what to do now. I think we're fucked by the Hamster. Any ideas? I'd love to hear from other members of Hamster.