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Last seen 10 minutes ago
Porn Expert
2776 days on xHamster
4.1K profile views
1.4K subscribers
410 comments left

Como que, .....justo ahora quisiera correrme en tu dulce boquita.

Personal information
I am:
Radio-FM, 60 years old, male, heterosexual
Spermabrunnen, Germany
Female, heterosexual
German, English, Spanish
Associate degree (2 years college)
Early pensioner / Frührentner
Yes, we do not live together
Star sign:
What I look like
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180 cm (5 ft 11 in)
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About me

𝙀𝙣𝙜.: Now that I have become a very early retiree without any duties or strings attached, my daily routine becomes a dream come true. A little shopping in the morning, a little housekeeping and the rest of the whole lovely long day ........"just sex on my mind". Goodbye stress, having to sneak from the working place, to jerk off somewhere quickly. Now I can drain my cock cream from my balls as soon as the pressure builds up. And that is at least three times daily. So, if you are a cumdrinking & creampie loving woman between 18 and 60, give yourself a push and contact me. There is so much to discover with me, ....and about you. Happy orgasms to you, my cute little fuck slut.
𝘿𝙚𝙪.: Nun, da ich ein sehr früher "Früh-Rentner" geworden bin, ohne irgendwelche Pflichten oder Bindungen, wird mein Tagesablauf "zu einem Traum der wahr geworden ist". Ein wenig einkaufen am Morgen, ein wenig Haushalt und der Rest des ganzen schönen lieben langen Tages . . . . . . . . "nur Sex auf meinem Kopf". Abschied vom Stress, sich vom Arbeitsplatz schleichen um schnell irgendwo abzuwichsen. Jetzt kann ich meine Schwanzsahne von meinen Eiern ablassen, sobald sich der Druck aufbaut. Und das mindestens dreimal am Tag. Also, wenn Du eine brave Sperma schluckende & Creampie liebende Frau zwischen 18 und 60 sind, gib Dir einen Schubs und kontaktiere mit mir. Es gibt so viel zu entdecken mit mir, . . . . und über dich. Ich wünsche Dir fröhliche Orgasmen, mein süßes Fickmäuschen.
𝙀𝙨𝙥.: Ahora que me he convertido en un jubilado muy muy tempranero, sin ninguna obligación o restricción, mi rutina diaria se ha convertido en un sueño hecho realidad. Un poco de compras por la mañana, un poco de limpieza casera y el resto del día largo y extendido . . . . . . . . "sólo sexo en mi mente". Adiós estrés, tener que escabullirse del lugar de trabajo, para masturbarse en algún lugar rápidamente. Ahora puedo drenar mi crema de polla de mis pelotas tan pronto como se acumule la presión. Y eso es al menos tres veces al día. Así que, si eres una mujer amante de tragar leche calentita & de un buen creampie en tus agujeritos, entre 18 y 60, date un empujón y contáctame. Hay tanto que descubrir conmigo. . . y sobre ti. Felices orgasmos para ti, mi dulce conejito.
𝙄𝙩𝙖.: Ora che sono diventato un pensionato molto precoce senza alcun dovere o stringhe attaccato, la mia routine quotidiana diventa un sogno che si avvera. Un po' di shopping al mattino, un po' di pulizie e il resto di tutta la bella lunga giornata ........"solo sesso nella mia mente". Addio stress, dover sgattaiolare fuori dal posto di lavoro, per masturbarsi da qualche parte in fretta. Ora posso drenare la crema del cazzo dalle palle non appena la pressione aumenta. Almeno tre volte al giorno. Quindi, se sei un cumdrinking & creampie amorevole donna tra 18 e 60, datevi una spinta e contattatemi. C'è così tanto da scoprire con me e su di te. Felici orgasmi a te, mia dolce troia del cazzo.
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KruemelKekz24 1 month ago
Das liegt wenn dann an dir, und nicht an mir 🤷🏻‍♀️
Radio-FM Host 1 month ago
to KruemelKekz24 : N'abends liebe Mina, muß wohl an einer falschen Konto Einstellung liegen. Bei dem Versuch eine Message zu schicken, kommt der X-Hamster Kommentar: "Nur Freunde können Nachricht senden".
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KruemelKekz24 1 month ago
Und was haben Freundschaftsanfragen bitte damit zu tun? Schreiben kann man immer. Macht keinen Sinn 👍🏻
Radio-FM Host 4 months ago
to adamlora : Witaj, droga Ela. To nieuniknione, że stanie się twardy jak stal, kiedy można zaliczyć kobietę z taką wybuchową seksualnością do listy przyjaciół. 😉
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adamlora 4 months ago
cześć dziękuję za zaproszenie pozdrawiam Ela z polski 
Radio-FM Host 4 months ago
to Sexy4C : That pic of you (if it is you, pls don't feel offended, just a lot of fake in this community) would drive any hetero man nuts. I imagine right now, having your cute little titties in my mouth, then slip down and start eating your pussy after slipping the micro bikini aside, letting my tongue swirl around your clit while fingering you, always using one more finger - maybe stretching you to the point of fisting that gorgeous fuck hole of yours. My reward for you ?!?!, a load of warm cock cream in your wide open mouth, after fucking you insane in all holes, like the one that I'm just about squeeze out of my balls in a minute. Of course, dedicated to you.
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Sexy4C 5 months ago
Thanks for your comment on a pic on the micro bikini's thread. I love to know that I drive man nuts, and I like hen they jerk for me
YuliethGomez 7 months ago
Helloooo 😍🎉🎉
Radio-FM Host 8 months ago
to PEGGYsoumiseXXL : Et moi, ....j'adore, ......j'aime les femmes qui traient ma crème et l'avalent. Moi, par exemple, j'ai besoin de me faire pomper les couilles trois fois par jour. Au moins, tous les jours. C'est vraiment dommage, que tu t'agenouilles devant moi et que tu aies ma bite dans la bouche. Passe une bonne journée.
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PEGGYsoumiseXXL 8 months ago
J’aime gangbang ,,, bukkake ,,,, EXTRÊME ,,,,,,,,,,
LittleBiocide 11 months ago
Thanks for the invitation 💕
Radio-FM Host 11 months ago
to DamagedKitten : If it's o.k. with you - that would be another Easter gift for me.
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DamagedKitten 11 months ago
Keep in touch
DamagedKitten 11 months ago
Thanks for the add
Radio-FM Host 12 months ago
C'est bon de savoir que tu es une salope à trois trous et maîtresse de rivières de sperme. Une merveilleuse coïncidence, car mes couilles doivent être pompés au moins trois fois par jour.
Radio-FM Host 1 year ago
to MarinaMarIey : Hello my dear. So sorry, but several messages weren't notified to me. That is the reason for the delay in replying to you, ....oh you gorgeous thing. It is my pleasure to have you here. Maybe we can chat occasionally? I'd love to imagine that I'd be your daddy - and teach you many many new things.
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Radio-FM Host 1 year ago
to WILDSPAINCOUPLE : Hola, impresionante parejita. Lo siento, pero no me había percatado de vuestro mensaje. Mas vale tarde que nunca. Espero que hayaís tenido una buena entrada en el año nuevo.
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Radio-FM Host 1 year ago
to romaiira : ......but of course my dear Irina. I can't live without shoving my fuck meat into all three holes. I could even imagine giving you a sandwich together with your man Roman, to then reward you at the end with us two coming in your mouth. 
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romaiira 1 year ago
Do you like anal girls?
Radio-FM Host 1 year ago
My pleasure, gorgeous. I wish you a healthy, happy and most of all, horny '24. Thanks for joining.
Thanks for the friendship 😘😘
LediLeda 1 year ago
to Radio-FM : Good morning, darling. Thank you for complimenting me and the flattering review of my profile.)) I hope you will not be disappointed with the results of my profile. Check out my profile at https://stripchat.com/LediLedaxx/profile where a lot of my content is freely available. Your Leda.
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Radio-FM Host 1 year ago
to LediLeda : Thank YOU for sending me the request and welcome to my circle of friends. I just watched your sexy and sensual video, "A Little Witch". I can assure you, that the palpitations in my jewel were more than significant and immediate. Can't wait to dive in deeper into your profile. I wished it was more than just the profile that I could go in deeper, 😉. Good night from Germany, your new admirer.
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LediLeda 1 year ago
Thank you ))
Radio-FM Host 1 year ago
to MarinaMarIey : My dear goddess, I want to thank YOU for accepting. Since the moment I saw your short clip riding -well, actually ramming it up your glorious pussy- that dildo in the bathtub, you had me crazy for more. Such a shame it is so short, I wished there was a longer, much longer footage of your tremendous and exhuberating act. You're such a natural talent and your cute, slighty squeaky, voice moaning in the audio in the background, gave me the rest. It is by far, one of my newest faves. Besides the fact that nothing turns me on more than a woman that enjoys and has a squirting love hole.
Have a great and horny afternoon, your admirer from Germany, Radio-FM. Hope to hear from you.
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MarinaMarIey 1 year ago
Thanks for the invite xxx              
Radio-FM Host 1 year ago
to Fresh_Mary : 😱....😢 Sad to hear/read that. All I can say is that I'm more than legit and have been here for 2,283 days, which is an equivalent to six and a quarter YEARS. Not to mention my friends list. But then again, I had the same incident with CecileMoreno today, so it could be an IT-Problem from X-Hamster?! Who knows?! But you at least, (different to the above mentioned who blocked me right away, without giving me opportunity to reply), gave me the chance to answer and I thank you for that.
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Fresh_Mary 1 year ago
to Radio-FM : Sorry but I don't see any on your profile
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Radio-FM Host 1 year ago
to Fresh_Mary : Hello there, I do think that I have quiet a bit of content, just that I'm not a creator, if it is that kind of content.
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Fresh_Mary 1 year ago
No content no add