So as most of you know I am a dedicated pumper ! With the changes here I am no longer able to post pics without giving up some of my personal information that I don't feel they need. Anyway I'm still posting pics at Newart forums and here are some links to my threads. Not sure if you will be required to join or not but it's free and I've been a member for 15 plus years now. more

Posted by pumpman12 1 year ago 2

SO YOU WANT TO TRY PUMPING, here is a link

Hello to all, hope you like my page and if not thats okay too. We are all here for different likes or dislikes. So I get this all the time from guys girls and trannies too. You want to try pumping but not really sure. I will say once you try you will be addicted and never stop. Here is a link to one of my threads at newart forums, it's a pumpers forum that has lots of pumping info and great people to chat with to find whats best for you. I'm also there as pumpman12. I will add different links from time to time. Please let me know what you think. more

Posted by pumpman12 2 years ago 10


I started the "TRANNY CLAUS" galleries back in 2014. Sorry if I've used the same picture more than once. As I get ready to put the 2018 gallery together, I find it taking me three times longer than normal due to the New Xham in place. I've gotten fairly used to the new way but the only feature that is not in this site is the way the old way would save your favorite  pics. I generally save different pics everyday that fit into there own gallery, (pumping, cross cocks, low balls) you get the picture.  Anyway I'm starting this years Santa Claus.......I mean TRANNY CLAUS gallery and… Read more

Posted by pumpman12 6 years ago 4


Welcome pumpers male, female or trans and anyone interested in trying pumping. First where to buy your pump gear ??? I have five different sites you can get your gear and get started. Some more expensive than others so you can decide on what will work for you. I do NOT work for or have any connections with any of these companies BUT I get this question at least once a week on where to buy gear. // // // // And second I get hit with many how to question and I am more that happy to help any pumper get to there goal.… Read more

Posted by pumpman12 7 years ago 19

To all my friends

Just to make it clear..........ALL are welcome here. I am a straight guy married 30 years but love shemales..........don't even know why. I guess just the fantasy of it all. Anyway I will accept all friend requests as long as you have an avatar pic. I go into my friends files on a regular basis to delete anyone with out a pic. I also delete anyone who has not been active for more than 60 days. Love porn.......why else would we be here.… Read more

Posted by pumpman12 8 years ago 4