Elza in the Library

Sitting in the middle of the near empty library,staring at the psychology text book in front of her Elza was finding it harder and harder to concentrate, she was supposed to be studying but her mind kept drifting back to the fun she had on cam last night. Recalling all the men she'd teased and excited, and the number of times she'd cum,she squirmed in her seat, rubbing her naked thighs together under the cute little skirt she was wearing. Feeling her pussy getting hotter and wetter, Elza looked up from her books and glanced around, with no-one about apart from an old man engrossed in his readi… Read more

Posted by plukey74 3 years ago

Quotation! Quotation!

Wise,funny,insightful or just plain dumb here are some of my favourite quotations :- Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them more (Oscar Wilde) Sex alleviates tension and love causes it (Woody Allen) Women are like elephants.I like to watch them but I wouldn't want to own one. (W.C. Fields) Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle. (Bob Hope) Military Intelligence is a contradiction in terms. (Groucho Marx) I think gay marriage should be between a man and a women. (Arnold Schwarzenegger) I don't make predictions,I never have and I never will. (… Read more

Posted by plukey74 14 years ago 1

Random Crap

How To Satisfy A Women:- Adore, appreciate, beguile, captivate, caress, charm, cherish, coax, commit, compliment, console, delight, embrace, empathize, enchant, enthral, hug, humour, idolize, indulge, massage, pamper, placate, relish, respect, sacrifice, savour, serenade, spoil, treasure, understand, venerate, worship. How To Satisfy A Man:- Show up naked. You cannot make someone love you.All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in. Don't waste time reliving the past when you can spend it worrying about the future. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be… Read more

Posted by plukey74 14 years ago

Truth or Lies

I've been thinking about honesty a lot lately,no particularly profound reason for that I just happened to watch Liar Liar whilst a little drunk and I'm very easily influenced by tv.Anyway I've come to the conclusion that I'm a bit of a hypocrite, if you asked me to my face "Are you an honest person?" I would look you straight in the eye and proudly say "Of course I am,you can trust me" but here, cloaked in a shroud of interweb anonymity, I will confess I'm not an honest man, I'm a liar and you know what my friend so are you! Now before you get too pissed off and start sending me vicious messa… Read more

Posted by plukey74 14 years ago 1

Show America Some Love

Being a Brit and living in Europe its hard not to notice that over the last couple of years the medias favourite sport has been bashing America and Americans.Now let me say from the start I'm no fan of the current administration,I think they're a bunch of self-serving opportunists who should stop acting like they own the country and remember that they're supposed to serve it.Having said that it seems like a country of 300 million people is getting unfairly judged on the actions of a handful of corporate politicians,that really annoys me its lazy,innacurate and racist. So to do… Read more

Posted by plukey74 14 years ago 2