I'm sorry I've not been around very much, but I've been having a wonderful summer. As always, Daddy decided what was best for all of us. He knows how much I love spending time with his son. During the school year, when I'm working I don't get to do it much at all and most of that time it's with the whole family. Daddy, his wife, his son and me. This summer I am his son's nanny from 7 am until 5 pm or later. His wife generally drops him off and then she has her days completely free. A treat that she feels she needs to thank me for every day. She has nothing to thank me for. We both just thank Read more
Re-Introduce Myself - Part 3
The twelve months after my miscarriage were horrible. I think I only made it through because of my husband. He was so patient, and yet so firm. He allowed me to mourn in my own way and at my own pace. He never pressured me. He hired services to take care of the house and prepare all of our meals. I was nearly an invalid. I say nearly, because my husband did insist on one aspect of normalcy. He told me that he had no intention of seeing whores or other women for a while. He was fully expecting that I would provide all the sexual attention that he needed or simply wanted. I had absolutely no re Read more
Re-Introduce Myself - Part 2
I'm so sorry. i've tried so many times over the past three weeks to write about my pregnancy, but I can't. It's just to painful. I have to just limit it to the highlights. I was pregnant for 7 months. It was glorious. Daddy treated me like a queen. My days were filled with massages and sunbathing. Shopping and watching movies. My nights were filled with sex and it was unbelievable. It started out kinky (a threesome in an airplane) and just went on from there. Threesomes, foursomes, gang bangs, orgies. I loved every minute of it. We knew I was pregnant shortly after landing on home soil and f Read more
April 22, 2018 - What a FUN Day!
What a wonderful Sunday. I have no one to talk to about it, so i just have to write. I know I've promised more of my story, and I will get to that but right now I've got to tell you about today. First I need to explain that this week, my ex-husband/master and I had a long talk and he has decided that i will now call him Daddy. Let me be clear. My Daddy is not my father. My father is a 55 year old cuckold. At least it's his name on my birth certificate. In fact, my biological father could be one of two dozen men who attended my mother's breeding party. So Daddy called me this morning at about Read more
Re-Introduce Myself - Part 1
I first started here nearly 7 years ago. At the time my husband was deployed overseas and he didn't want to do any porn searching on military connections. He instead had me surf the net looking for things that he liked. I would download stuff and send them to him a on a zip drive. it was lots of fun and kept my lonely pussy occupied while i waited. From the very first time we met, My husband understood exactly what sorta girl I am and he quickly established his dominance over me. By the time we got married (only a few months after we met) I was calling him Master and Sir as if i'd always done Read more