sleeping with Paul’s mum gain the background for this 100% true story! I had laid in on my day off, as usual, when I had a few days off, (due to time owing from working the holidays.)So as usual by the time I had got up on Monday morning and Paul had gone to work direct from his own mothers bed. I went down into the kitchen and Margret was there, sat at the table with a cup of tea looking out of the window. I said, “good morning” and she replied “Morning,” and then that there was “a fresh brew in the pot just made as I heard you moving about upstairs!” and she got up and said, “did I fan Read more
Meeting Paul’s mum
Meeting Paul’s mum Sue is a lovely Bisexual lady, she at the time this is set lived in her own place, a hard-working girl who was single and had been into the ladies since her teens in collage when one night she got drunk and kissed her roommate. It lead on from there the usual licking pussy’s and sucking nipples and that sort of fun but for her since that first time, she has loved it and it so much she`s had quite a few girlfriends/lovers, but she still loved a nice hard cock now and then. She met our hero, Paul and she fell in love you do, Paul was a young carpenter Read more
My First Time With Mum
My first real time This is a follow on from mums story read this on first if you haven’t I was 16, Since father had died years back mum had brought me up alone, she had shown me her body as part of my sex education and as I had little experience, living remotely as we did, she had let me kiss her lovely pussy now and again just for our own amusement. Mum come into my bedroom one evening she said had I done my homework. I said, “I have just finished it now.” She said, “good lad, now come up to my bedroom in 5 minutes. Ok?” I said. “OK!” Though I didn’t know what she Read more
Mums Writing
9 Yes we are all fine with each other . And it turned out sue had phoned Clare and they had a good chat unbeknown to me . We all had a good chat and I said to them I love you both and I don't want to lose you two and what we have is so special together and you mean the world to me . They both said they love me and I kissed sue and Clare just to She them I still feel and love them both but what shocked me sue kissed Clare on the lips and a full on kiss they both looked and me and laughed . We chatted some more about lots of things . I said to them look I have something to tell you both it's Read more
Wishful Thinking
8 Wishful thinking By now Mary’s mouth had fallen open, but she managed to say “all those years of silence, and we both have been frustrated, we`ve wasted ourselves just because of convention and us being too shy to broach the subject, My god what a waste of our time and life! Oh, you, poor, poor thing, come here,” they melted into one another`s arms, they kissed, misty eyed, and it was not any sisterly kiss, both shedding a tear, as they wrapped their arms round one another, knowing now that perhaps this was the start of more than they had ever hoped, more than they had dreamed and Read more
Three Sisters Part 2
7 Three sisters Part 2 (reality strikes) The weather was good, the sun beaming down and the housework, with two fit women in the house, was done, and with Mark away on a building site somewhere, the two women retreated to one of the three bedrooms in the cottage. They were soon giving one another the pleasure they had come to enjoy, tongues were lapping at soft sexual areas, and orgasms were fast approaching when they became aware of someone stood at the bedroom door. It was Charlotte, they had left the Kitchen door open and she had visited, heard the sounds of sex from above and investigat Read more
Three Sisters part 1
6 Three sisters [pt1] Let`s set the scene; a farm out the back of nowhere near Northallerton, for you folks not of the mother country that’s a town in the English North Yorkshire moors, an area of outstandingly beautiful scenery, rolling massive moorland hills, small s**ttered solidly built family farms of local stone, hard-working places, giving a solid reliable feeling, and the native folks made of that the same, hard-working reliable form, mostly survivors of old Yorkshire families, but reliable friendly, helpful neighbour`s. In this environment a couple living on one of Read more
Clare & Me
5 Clare and me Where to start as you know Clare helped mum bring me up from a young age . And as I grew up with then we started going out walking as I always loved been out in the open and me and Clare bit a lot of waking in the hills . I was 16 and we where walking up around pennhill one summers day you could see for miles . And we spotted to have something to eat and as we where eating Clare asked it I new about sex I said no ( I couldn't tell her about me and mum could I ) she asked if I had ever kissed a girl I said no ( but yes mum ) she lent over and kissed me on the lip Read more
My story Part 2
4 I walked back into the house and mum greeted me with a kiss. She said where have you been. I said mum you need to sit down I have something to tell you. I have meet someone tonight she is called sue she is 48 and lives in the next town. The looks on mum`s face was sad she couldn't take it in. She said son do you not love me and more? Yes, I do love you I love you so very much mum. Mum as all about her and what she did we chatted for a while. Mum said have you had sex with her, yet I said yes. She looked down and said is she any good I only want what's best for my son. Mum do you real Read more
My Story
3 Story I'm all grown up now I am in my forties and my and mum and I still sleep together. I have had a few women over the years but no one special so I went onto a dating site and I started chatting to a woman on there for a month. We got on like a house on fire then one Sunday out of the blue she said about meeting up, so we sorted an evening out that was good mutually and I went round to her house. I was so nervous I struggled to hold my cup of tea lol but she soon put me at ease. I surprising even myself, I made the fir Read more
Mums story
1 Mums story part 1 I am Paul's mum this Is my story. It all started when my ex left me to bring up paul all on my own . I struggled to be a single parent we both became very close and did everything together and paul never went with out anything. As paul was growing up I noticed he was growing up to be a nice young man and when I used to bath him his penis would get bigger when I washed him and it turned me on knowing I made him grow . As paul got older he took a bath buy him self . I missed Bathing him and seeeing his penis grown as I washed it it made me so horny . I wanted to see his Read more