Wife's pleasure again

Last night while lying in bed, my wife told me to unlock. I did and she started by holding and slowly teasing my cock. She played with it for about a half hour. Many times I came close to orgasm but she stopped before I could cum. I was dripping each time. She must have edged me about 10 times. This turned her on and she told me to get the vibrator. I did as told. She placed it on her clit and turned it on high. I asked if she wanted me to play with her nipples and she said I could. She asked me if I wanted to fuck her to which I replied positively. This question was asked purely fo… Read more

Posted by murphy5555 12 years ago 2

Wife's pleasure

Last night went into bed with my wife assuming she was not interested in sex, there were no signs earlier in the day that would have led me to believe otherwise. We shut the tv off and I assumed she was ready to roll over and fall asleep when she told me to get the vibrator. I did as instructed. Getting back into bed with her, I gave her the toy. She proceeded to use it on her herself. I was locked and was not sure if she would tease me at all. After a few minutes I asked if she wanted me to play with her breasts and nipples. Her nipples are very sensitive and she gets very aroused when… Read more

Posted by murphy5555 12 years ago 2

Public Orgasm Controlled by Wife

After being locked without an orgasm for almost two weeks, my wife and I went to the grocery store. I was not locked but wearing a remote control vibrator. As we entered the store, my wife had the controls and turned the vibrator on slow. It was just enough to feel good but not make me cum. She left it at this speed as we shopped for the next 30 minutes. I dont think other shopper could hear it running at that speed but I was not sure. It felt great and after 30 minutes I wanted to cum but did not want to in the store with other people around. She was driving me crazy and I could barely… Read more

Posted by murphy5555 12 years ago 2

Semi-public orgasm

Recently, the wife strapped a remote control vibrator to my cock when it was not in its cage. We went to the store. While she is ordering me around to get stuff for her, she turns it on. She sent me to get somehting far from her. I was reluctant to leave her and the remote control. She ordered me to go. Knowing the vibrator could not be turned off and I was surrounded by strangers was very exciting for me. I ended up having an orgasm in my pants before i could get back to her where she could shut if off.… Read more

Posted by murphy5555 12 years ago 2


While on vacation recently, my wife made me wear the cb6000 to the pool for the day. This was the first time even wearing with only a bathing suit on. There were many people including friends and family all around. I was aroused all day especially when she would brush up against me in the pool. When we got back to the hotel at the end of the day, she led me into the shower where she took the cock cage off and jerked me off all over her tits. It was great.… Read more

Posted by murphy5555 12 years ago 2

Not locked

I have been unlocked for over a week. Enjoying my freedom. Dont know when the wife will put me in my lock again- could be any day.… Read more

Posted by murphy5555 12 years ago 1