If you get off while watching us fuck, tell us!

We love posting our fuck videos and sexually explicit photos here for everyone to enjoy. The more we hear from people who tell us about their experiences getting off to us/with us--either with a partner or solo--the more turned on we get, and the more we want to share. Playing a role in inspiring "happy endings" around the globe is a real thrill for us, so let us know what you're up to! Don't be shy! We want to keep fucking for you, so fill us in on any and all horny details.… Read more

Posted by mrwelles 7 years ago 29

Positives about having a regular sex partner are

Obviously, there's lots to like about having a significant other, some more important than others. One nice one, for me, is that I masturbated to orgasm twice this entire year. It's phenomenal for me to have a girlfriend who is so sexually accommodating and enthusiastic, one who knows her way around a penis, one who is shy about absolutely NOTHING in bed. The only times I got myself off this year were A) when my girlfriend was sick for several days and B) when my girlfriend was away on… Read more

Posted by mrwelles 7 years ago 8

Please help, friends; need 2 contact xHamster ASAP

First of all, thank you for reading this, thank you for being our friend here, and thank you for all of your great comments and support here regarding our self-made video clips and self-shot photos. This is not a life emergency, for sure, but it IS of tremendous importance to us here if we want to continue sharing our original content with you here on xHamster. We've had lots of folks steal our homemade videos and repost them, and that's not at all what I'm talking about here. In those cases, we were at least able to share our stuff with you, and you knew you could find it here. We alway… Read more

Posted by mrwelles 7 years ago 7

What are your thoughts on performing cunnilingus?

I love everything about it. I put tongue-to-vulva the very first time a woman exposed herself to me in so intimate a fashion, and I've been eagerly massaging clitorises and vaginal openings with my lips, tongue, and mouth ever since. We all know the obvious, that licking a woman's private parts gets her all revved up and ready for some seriously intense penis-in-vagina action. It's also a messy, earthy, erotically-charged activity that gets me fired up, too, and draws me that much closer to my partner. Your thoughts? https://xhamster.com/movies/7617382/amateur_cunt_licking_creampieRead more

Posted by mrwelles 7 years ago 31

What are some of your deepest sexual fantasies?

Also, what sexual experiences does your mind drift back to during intimate encounters? I'm really interested in hearing what all of you fantasize about, what sexual thoughts really turn you. As with most everyone else, I've got lots of fantasies, lots of things I'd like to explore. I'm an exhibitionist at heart, and xHamster provides the perfect forum for me in that regard. A big fantasy of mine is to have sex in public with lots of other horny adults around, watching an… Read more

Posted by mrwelles 8 years ago 16

We LOVE Creampies; What are YOUR Thoughts on Cream

My girlfriend and I love, love, love creampies. In fact, it's really the only way I want to cum. She has told me on numerous occasions that she wants to swallow my load, which would've made for an incredibly fortunate situation in my younger days. As it stands now, creaming her pussy is the be-all, end-all for me. I imagine that's a biological thing, but there's nothing more exciting for me than cumming deep within her crotch. What are your thoughts/experiences regarding creampies, oral creampies, and other forms of "happy endings"?… Read more

Posted by mrwelles 10 years ago 36