Friendly Neighbors ... the end... maybe

I suddenly remembered that one afternoon after a few cocktails by the pool, I had confided to Susie a couple of fantasies of mine. I was pretty drunk - and horny, it had been a couple of years! The first one I told her about was for a couple to "force" me into a threesome and "torture" me with endless orgasms and of course some big dick in there. Oh my god, Susie was below me, not only rubbing and licking my clit, she was also hitting my g-spot I just the right way. And with Ben on top shoving his big cock in and out of my tight asshole, which was getting juicier by the minute, I swear to ch… Read more

Posted by MrsDic 6 years ago 5

Friendly Neighbors part 2

So there I was, bare ass hanging through as Ben prepared the gigantic buttplug for insertion - I didn't get too long of a look at it but right off the bat I could see that it was way fatter than any I had ever used, this one was defintely going to need a lot of lube and it was still gonna hurt but the lube was definitely going to help. At least to get it in - once a guy gets in there and starts pounding, no relief until the blissful pain orgasm... Never being one to shy away from sexual pain, I let Ben stick it all the way in. It's weird how sexual pain is so different from regular pain, b… Read more

Posted by MrsDic 6 years ago 3

Friendly Neighbors

A few months ago a new couple moved in next door, mid-30s, from California. They were always going out of their way to say hello and had been trying to get me to come in for a drink. So one day I said okay and we went to their library to have a libation. After a couple of drinks I was feeling relaxed, but was not ready for what was to happen next. Ben pushed a button and out of nowhere appeared what looked like an ancient torture chamber. I was shocked yet oddly aroused. Sensing my interest in the torture devices, Susie quickly pushed me against the tilted table and locked my ankles and wrists… Read more

Posted by MrsDic 6 years ago 9

Dick Pics

This will be a work in progress since I don't have time right now to get into all the ways you men fail at this daunting task. It's not rocket science guys. First off, never send out a pic of your flaccid penis. Limp dicks don't send out good signals. Unless it is a monster cock, make sure it is rock hard before you put it out there. You can't unsee things like that. Secondly, no blockage. Don't send a pic that has your hand over the better part of it because I have no idea if you have tiny Trump hands or are respawning one like Deadpool, so I need to see the whole thing please. Lik… Read more

Posted by MrsDic 7 years ago 2

My Epiphany

I have recently come to the revelation that the huge disparity between the number of men vs women out here on the online dating/hook-up world is due to the old double standard. The reason I have hordes of cute young guys literally begging me to fuck them is because (most) men are hypocrites when it comes to sex. You shame women for doing the same thing you can't get enough of - ha that's a fitting phrase seeing as how you actually can't get enough of it since you chased all the chicks off with your judgmental bullshit. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! lmao. When a guy ge… Read more

Posted by MrsDic 7 years ago 9


The Viper retired because he ran out of moves. Or women, small town. Both I guess. And because he couldn't stand being beaten at the game by his much older wife. He was the player but I'm the coach and he has been benched indefinitely.... Game over, I win.… Read more

Posted by MrsDic 7 years ago 8