
There are some guys out there who are incredible. In a bad way.... I was messaged by a guy who seemed interesting.... accepted his friends request. Then, because I was using a touchscreen I accidentally unfriended him by touching the wrong area of the screen. Pure accident. By the time I noticed the error he had sent me 7 vile messages about how I led him on and how I must be a guy! It was a bloody mistake. Jesus am sorry. It was literally 2 minutes! I get over 100 requests and dozens of messages a day, I have to filter you lot down. If I don't instantly answer am not being rude am… Read more

Posted by mrs_d 11 years ago 3


Hiya, waiting for my friend on here to get back to me regarding a possible meet. Bit of the nerves are kicking in. Having been enjoying webcamming and cybering through my adultwork profile, link on my profile btw. Guys if you want to cam with me you know where to find me.... xxxx… Read more

Posted by mrs_d 12 years ago 2

New experience

Hi all, I've had to make my profile private as I am getting a rediculous number of requests and messages. I can't keep up!!!! So hope you are all well and surviving the wind. I was off work the other day and got chatting with a guy on my adultwork profile. He was really nice (and ps. he is a friend of mine on here). I promised not to do it but I broke one of my rules and switched my camera on for him. OMG, I havent cum so loudly in years. I am thinking about meeting him (if you are reading this, you read right you naughty boy....). Should I?… Read more

Posted by mrs_d 12 years ago 5

Day 2

Well for some reason day one didn't save, ah well it didnt have much aside a surprise for the amount of interest. Please do not give me your phone numbers, I really wont be just handing out my number to people whose opening gambit is "Hi hot tits, fancy a shag. My number is ....." Well anyway, day 2 and I have far too many invites and messages. I can't keep up!!! Your best bet would be to message me through my adultwork profile as at least it is managable! Best and hugs, kiss to you all. xxx… Read more

Posted by mrs_d 12 years ago