Lost my Master....looking for a new Master.

Looking for a Master in the Hampshire, Dorset, and Wiltshire areas.... Me to be his Playtoy xx… Read more

Posted by minuiteman 8 years ago

Big Lorries and drivers cab - A first for me

Fully dressed in a wiltshire lorry park / laybye on evening. I have always had a thing about Big artic lorries, i have heard of many girlies climbing up into there cabs.... so while i was in this laybye there were two big artics, it was dark, very dark, i was walking around looking for some fun when.. i heard a door slam.... i couldnt see any one, just then some one said hello my lovely... oh....i said, didnt see you there..we chatted for a moment till he said the magic word....would you like to come up into my cab....Would i - for sure i said to myself...he climbed up first, then i follow… Read more

Posted by minuiteman 11 years ago

Stinging nettles

I am a tv for this Dom -- i was fully dressed with wig and make up as filicity we are sat in my car in a New forest car park one late evening............ My Doms says i have a presant for you.....he says to me get out of the car, get into the back seat go doggie style, which i did, he procded to pull my knickers to one side and little did i know had a hand full of stinging nettles which he pushed onto my fanny and then rubbed the nettles up and down and side to side........ he replaced my knickes OVER the nettles and said now go and site back in the car which i did, as soon as we were… Read more

Posted by minuiteman 11 years ago 1